I know laws are different in the UK, but i get ID'd for stuff that is 15/16, even though i'm 17, makes my friends laugh, but rather annoys me constantly :O
well we both failed o.o idr when i posted my pic but no one commented on it that's cause you don't mess with people who have dreads >:3 and no my dreads do not smell bad they smell like lime...
I hate guessing age of people past say 20. Way too dependent on past life style and/or work conditions...
Indeed, although I've never been carded and I'm only 18. Guess I look like a geezer.
I'm 27 and I get carded at the movie theatre :/ People think I'm 18 or 19. Guess that's a good thing
hehe its ok to be 25+ and look 19 when your a girl. beeing a man that looks like a boy is way worse ; ;
Sometimes, my friends mother is dating some guy that looks younger than me and is 17 years older I believe, *** weird if ya ask me. Some women like 'em to look young D:
i look like cousin it does that count for anything? o.o
Is your cousin hot?
meant cousin it from adam's family you know the giant hair thing that kinda scuddles around with a bow tie and top hat and mummbles o.o lol i know i'm not the only one that remembers adam's family. . .
i look like cousin it does that count for anything? o.o
Is your cousin hot?
meant cousin it from adam's family you know the giant hair thing that kinda scuddles around with a bow tie and top hat and mummbles o.o lol i know i'm not the only one that remembers adam's family. . .
lol...wtf is wrong with you people? <.< you arent allowed to start hurting untill min of 30.
called soccer o.o i was ten and already running 5 miles a day and running up and down a very large hill with an army rucksack filled with sand bags lol wasn't fun. . .
nor i but i did disown my parents lol yay, but i remember playing soccer with my friend john. . .good times that was even though his gf broke her collar bone on our last game of the year o.o
Thought someone was bound to start this! Though most of us dont play on same servers, can still be nice to see who you talkin with on these forums! I'll start us off I guess. Pimpin my suit http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w315/bleach59/Mememememee001copy2-1.jpg This one more recent, few weeks ago. http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w315/bleach59/PA150548.jpg