Posted before, but here's one of me taking our game dev studio out for surf lessons last summer. (Me on the far right.) Terrible pic, as freezing cold and sopping wet is not exactly the greatest conditions for looking your best, but I'm fond of it for how much everyone genuinely seemed to be having fun. Living in San Diego, it seemed somehow... wrong... to me, that I was the only one in the office that surfed.
Posted before, but here's one of me taking our game dev studio out for surf lessons last summer. (Me on the far right.) Terrible pic, as freezing cold and sopping wet is not exactly the greatest conditions for looking your best, but I'm fond of it for how much everyone genuinely seemed to be having fun. Living in San Diego, it seemed somehow... wrong... to me, that I was the only one in the office that surfed.
WOW! cute ^.~
we know youre the guy in the middle
NOOO!!!! don't burst my bubble, he's the one on the far right =)
Posting your number on a public forum might not be the most absolutely brilliant thing you could do, I hope you are just goofing and that's a fake number. >.>
Thought someone was bound to start this! Though most of us dont play on same servers, can still be nice to see who you talkin with on these forums! I'll start us off I guess. Pimpin my suit This one more recent, few weeks ago.