@Skyshadow, STILL love it. 9/10. @Soupbowl, 0/10 because it looks like my old bus driver. D: @Korpg, I'll give you a...8/10, for sticking with the same avatar after all the criticism.
Come on all burger king commercials with the king are funny, and yes a lil creepy sometimes... but in a good way no? Amael 10/10 Burger King>Ronald McDonald
btw yes thats me
Haseyo now can you see why most ppl dont think im mexican?
4/10 because it looks like it was taken with a disposable camera. I gave 1 bonus point because i sense something epic that i just cant make out do to poor quality.
4/10 because it looks like it was taken with a disposable camera. I gave 1 bonus point because i sense something epic that i just cant make out do to poor quality.
awwwwwwwww thats mean ; ; haseyo took the pic so blame his fugly cam
Ok I have seen many forums do this and since we don't have signatures lets do avatars. And plus I'm bored here at work soooo I need something to at least have fun with. ^^
Rate with 1 as worst - 10 best
(Yes I know avatars can be changed but doesnt mean you can't change it for better than the rate you got before or funnier)