I liked Sonic the Hedgehog for 360, if only Silver's story wasn't so complicated...always have to throw something with telekenisisiswhatever powers. Not sure about that new one where he's like half warewolf...
I can't remember that stance Haseyo and I've played every Sonic game through dozens of times, lol. Therefore it's obviously fictional!
I remember it because that part on Carnival where you have to do that fancy jump to make the pole thing go down in order to slip through the next part, I was stuck on that for days. I'd just stand on it...tap tap tap - stop. tap tap tap - stop.
Ok I have seen many forums do this and since we don't have signatures lets do avatars. And plus I'm bored here at work soooo I need something to at least have fun with. ^^
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(Yes I know avatars can be changed but doesnt mean you can't change it for better than the rate you got before or funnier)