New Gear Sets

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New Gear Sets
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Kyamiiux
Posts: 126
By Ramuh.Kyamiiux 2010-11-19 14:16:07
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Was planning on coming back to XI with THF in mind and wanted to be ready for what I'm going to need. Did some research and came up with this for TP so far. Might go into WS and SA/TA sets later.

Is this the right direction? Mirke is Acc+10 and Dual Wield. Ignore the amemet, too poor for cuch.

Also I can't seem to get Twashtar in main hand.
By 2010-11-19 15:55:38
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Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Curty
Posts: 587
By Fenrir.Curty 2010-11-19 16:29:53
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Well this is my current set... any advice would be nice

(joke this set is perfect and i don't have it)
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Curty
Posts: 587
By Fenrir.Curty 2010-11-19 16:38:20
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WS set something like this

Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1292
By Asura.Yunalaysca 2010-11-19 16:40:16
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Fenrir.Curty said:
Well this is my current set... any advice would be nice

(joke this set is perfect and i don't have it)

wouldn't loki be a better fit for that set? it has more STP and it doesnt look like you are suffering from any acc issues.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: nignog
Posts: 802
By Ramuh.Yarly 2010-11-19 16:42:33
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You'd hit faster and more accurate with a Rapidus Sax, but you lose the base damage from Auric Dagger. It's really a toss up.

Ballerines for feet (4% haste)

Raider's Boomerang is overrated, 3% DW at the loss of being able to debuff with bolts and possible stats on crossbow.

Assuming you're using DW+3 mirke, Auric Dagger, Suppanomimi, Rajas and /nin... You'd still be hitting for <5% tp per dagger. You'd be better off with lava/kusha for TP.

If you were thf/notnin with the above gear and a balenos' mantle, you'd hit exactly 5% per hit and you wouldn't run into that gay 99% problem.

Suppa+brutal is like the only earring combination you should be using for any dualwield job tp phase.

Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Lorzy
Posts: 1356
By Ramuh.Lorzy 2010-11-19 16:48:49
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Fenrir.Curty said:
WS set something like this


too bad you have no tp :(
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Bogamoga
Posts: 1161
By Fenrir.Mtmoogle 2010-11-19 17:14:32
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Fenrir.Curty said:
Well this is my current set... any advice would be nice (joke this set is perfect and i don't have it)
i was about to call bs on this lol
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2010-11-19 17:38:40
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Offhand Vajra made me chuckle.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Kyamiiux
Posts: 126
By Ramuh.Kyamiiux 2010-11-19 17:55:50
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Fenrir.Nightfyre said:
Offhand Vajra made me chuckle.

That's why I said I couldn't figure out how to change it to main hand.

Cerberus.Arcsol said:
Suppa and Rajas (If they aren't already something different that you won't let go of), Belenos' Mantle, Bullwhip Belt, and Rapidus Sax instead of Auric. Should put you at 25% haste and you'd just need Dusk Gloves +1 once you get the gil to cap haste. I'd say it's a good start though.

How hard is Bullwhip to get? I assume it's high priorty and difficult to get.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2010-11-19 17:57:12
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Ramuh.Kyamiiux said:
Fenrir.Nightfyre said:
Offhand Vajra made me chuckle.

That's why I said I couldn't figure out how to change it to main hand.
Mainhand Vajra would make me chuckle too.

How hard is Bullwhip to get? I assume it's high priorty and difficult to get.
Not hard, easily lowmanned and droprate is decent with blue !!.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Kyamiiux
Posts: 126
By Ramuh.Kyamiiux 2010-11-19 17:59:54
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Fenrir.Nightfyre said:
Ramuh.Kyamiiux said:
Fenrir.Nightfyre said:
Offhand Vajra made me chuckle.

That's why I said I couldn't figure out how to change it to main hand.
Mainhand Vajra would make me chuckle too.

SorryI was selective reading "twashtar" not vajra. XD

How hard is Bullwhip to get? I assume it's high priorty and difficult to get.
Not hard, easily lowmanned and droprate is decent with blue !!.

Thanks for the info!~ Also wondering if using ocelot gloves is that big of a difference compared to homam. Just wondering since all I see is an agility boost...
By 2010-11-19 18:07:40
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Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2010-11-19 18:14:05
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Critrate+4% is a pretty big deal, especially given Razed Ruins. Not sure about Loki's but I'd imagine it's better too, at least inside Abyssea.
By 2010-11-19 18:17:13
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Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2010-11-19 18:18:13
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Crits raise your pDIF, devaluing the attack. When more than half your hits crit, attack doesn't mean as much.
By 2010-11-19 18:19:10
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shamaya
Posts: 337
By Asura.Shamaya 2010-11-25 02:53:56
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I haven't been playing but I hear Twashtar may > Mandau. Apart from that though, Mandau/Twashy or Mandau/Auric, at least post-90. Mandau/Auric and Mandau/RapidusSAX are pretty close tho at 85.

Over-accuracy is too common of a possibility now to have only one set.

Raider's Boomerang is great (3%), but if we're talking Abyssea with Razed Ruins, one might be better off using Qirmiz Tathlum for a speculated 5% increased crit damage and 3 attack, along with Loki's Kaftan to further increase crit dmg, assuming accuracy is not a problem.

For zerging there's the possibility of using Rapparee Harness and the 5% Dual Wield belt (can't remember what it's called) or 3% dual-wield Mirke Wardecors with a 26% haste build if going for the fractional haste above 25%. Or you could substitute Dusk Gloves+1 or Bullwhip Belt for some other options if sticking with 25%. All assuming no rapidus.

I wouldn't melee in things like Ocelot hands or Cuchy Mantle or the 6dex + acc ring from Yilbegan (can't remember what it's called atm; Zilant?), unless going for a crit build. But then again crit builds are becoming increasingly viable.

If going for a full accuracy build (that you can actually use without going over the cap) you'd be better off going w/ the 12 acc cape as opposed to Bullseye. If in no need of accuracy you'll be even better off with a Cerberus+1.

Cavaros' Mantle for increased crit dmg is an interesting idea, even if just meleeing with Razed Ruins, but from what I heard the buff on it was really small; but I don't have any links to any tests, so I might have heard false information.

For Evisceration I'd replace brutal with another Jupiter's Earring though it ought to be a little close. Replace Ais' w/ a Heca+1 hat. Jupiter with Zilant. Belt with Cuchulain's.

This is just assuming 'best gear' attempts.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1292
By Asura.Yunalaysca 2010-11-25 03:56:04
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Asura.Shamaya said:
5% Dual Wield belt (can't remember what it's called)
Nusku's sash
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: hagino
Posts: 217
By Phoenix.Hagino 2010-12-02 09:17:57
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cant get torque to drop QQ mikre body is 3% crit hit rate + 3% dw


I am currently trying go get some +1 heca crafted but so far no such luck ;; NQ NQ NQ NQ also trying to get an Aias Bonnet but so far i have not been able to catch him up.

Evasion/tank set

For fun my True Strike build

For DD im currently on glavoid stage for twashtar, i plan to off hand auric but i will finalize offhand weapon once i get twashtar ( i have dex kila +1 auric and oat daggers to play with)

Evasion/tank i have two kila +1 with evasion

Please don't think poorly of me (/.\) im just a taru that likes to be silly. If anyone would like to discuss my theories on gear choices or would like to have a fun discussion about a more optimized setup please be my guest ^^

By 2010-12-02 17:58:17
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Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: hagino
Posts: 217
By Phoenix.Hagino 2010-12-02 18:26:19
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to be honest i dont like sacking the acc for the evasion, i thought about the alert ring and even have one but havent tried it, for dd daggers im currently on the glavoid stage for twashtar and hope to have it done in the next 2-3 weeks, atleast up to the wamura stage finished since im sure the update will bring it a new trial.

i offhand auric at the moment to max out dual wield and currently mainhand a dex kila +1. I use unstacked evis pretty often since i solo alot. on dnc with my evasion setup i can solo Lamphrey lord and most of the T2 VNMs haha
By 2010-12-02 21:47:57
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Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Trebold
Posts: 3341
By Caitsith.Mahayaya 2010-12-02 21:51:35
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Cerberus.Arcsol said:
I highly doubt -3 acc will make a difference.

Can make a 1.5% hitrate difference if you aren't already capped/floored!
By 2010-12-02 23:05:57
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Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: hagino
Posts: 217
By Phoenix.Hagino 2010-12-03 03:20:01
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with that same viewpoint if you're in abyssea is the 6 evasion really needed? im attempting to solo fafnir for shits and giggles, and at the same time also do stuff like solo t2-3 VNMs.... so i mean its really how you want to swing things and nitpick at that point isnt it?

also not wearing any acc gear in evasion gear for the most will you really be capped?
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2010-12-03 03:24:12
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More importantly than ~5 accuracy over Alert, Rajas has Subtle Blow. Your eva should be more than high enough for standard swings, Subtle Blow will reduce the number of TP moves you eat.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2912
By Sylph.Kimble 2010-12-03 03:32:50
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Rajas ring. Lava/Kusha is pretty crappy esp since acc isnt needed as much.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: hagino
Posts: 217
By Phoenix.Hagino 2010-12-03 04:01:35
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That is correct, i have a decent amount of subtle blow as well, that is why i really like the heed/raja setup
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shamaya
Posts: 337
By Asura.Shamaya 2010-12-07 02:31:29
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Fenrir.Nightfyre said:
More importantly than ~5 accuracy over Alert, Rajas has Subtle Blow. Your eva should be more than high enough for standard swings, Subtle Blow will reduce the number of TP moves you eat.
Correct thinking. But much better is to have a max evasion set separate from any subtle blow sets.