Leveling Another Job.

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Leveling another job.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Radaghast
Posts: 215
By Cerberus.Radaghast 2009-02-09 01:17:14
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5. I nearly forgot, you can solo all your own AF. :P
Server: Gilgamesh
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user: alyria
Posts: 13080
By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-02-09 09:31:44
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I say level Sam or Monk since you have the basic subs already leveled for it.

If you do bard you may need to level whm sub for a little while then at higher switch to /nin which you have it.

Cor would be good too.
Server: Garuda
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user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-02-09 09:42:04
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Kindle said:
Woooooodum do you ever think u comment on stuff just to much. =P lol

What can I say, Corsair is a fantastic job.
Server: Midgardsormr
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user: frobeus
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By Midgardsormr.Frobeus 2009-02-09 10:16:30
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If your not really a mage person then Sam and Cor
If you don't mind being a mage person then Blm

Outside of KC drk (situational), Sam is easily the most useful melee job in endgame. Extremely potent against HNM/Gods due to the nature of its WS's and also if geared correctly can tank/salvage it up also.

Cor is the godsend job to people (like myself) that want a viable option in manaburn situations but don't want to really lvl a mage job. Strong DD options, strong support options, and QD to boot. It might be on the expensive side, but heck, every job is if you do it right.

Blm is one of the kings of endgame. Level this if you want to be needed in nearly every event, and don't mind that your other jobs might never see the light of day again.
Server: Gilgamesh
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user: alyria
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By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-02-09 10:24:04
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Well I would say a mage job but he doesn't have any of the sub jobs for it so he would have to lvl /whm & /rdm also to 37 for blm.

Dunno if he just wants to level a job with the subs he has already or wants to really put it in for leveling all the subs first then the job itself.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Cyr
Posts: 148
By Bahamut.Cyr 2009-02-09 10:49:16
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Artemicion said:
Cyr said:

BRD or COR. Pick one, level it. Then level the other one. Everyone loves support jobs, get one/both for meriting and events. Sidenote: Never equip any staff on cor, ever.

Vulcan's Staff, kthxbye.

Squid + Joyeuse + Mkris + Martial Gun onry.
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-02-09 10:50:39
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Artemicion said:
Vulcan's Staff, kthxbye.

The Cat lover speaks the truth again!

Vulcan's Staff is brilliant for Corsair's, especially if you're /RNG and have accuracy bonus traits to make up for the lost accuracy. +8 STR for weapon skills and +10 ranged attack makes a heck of a noticeable difference.

If you are intent on not using Vulcan's Staff, don't use Joyeuse and Mercurial Kris at the same time. They're slower TP gain than using just the one because dual-wielding them adds a significant amount to their delay.


But in absolution, Corsair is the job I would seriously recommend for you to level. In fact, I'd recommend anyone who doesn't have it levelled to level it. What a lot of people don't realise is just how much Corsair is capable of and how Corsair is actually a really fun job to play!

If the requested situation is to cover some damage to kill monsters quicker, Corsairs can step in with their reasonably good ranged attacks and contribute, sometimes taking the lion's share of, excellent damage. With a reasonable accuracy build and Hunter's Roll, Corsairs will not struggle with accuracy in experience situations. The damage they can throw around with Slug Shot is excellent as well and Agility is fairly cheap to come by for weapon skills (2x Drone Earrings for +6 AGI for around 40k, on any other attribute this would cost nearly 1mil.)

If the requested situation is to support the mages and melees with buffs to enhance their performance, Corsairs can step in with their powerful party support rolls and fill this position right away. Chaos Roll will provide more attack then two Minuets if you're lucky enough to land a 4 (lucky number) or 11. The same goes for Hunter's Roll, but Hunter's Roll has the added bonus of providing melee and ranged accuracy in one buff.

If the requested situation is to support heal and buff, Corsairs can also do this fine. They have access to some good MP gear at later levels (Crimson Scale Mail is like a mini-Dalmatica for Corsair's subbing White Mage, minus the Auto-Refresh). On Corsair at 75 subbing /WHM with MP gear on, I have 679 MP. As a support healer you should never use all of this, but if it's needed, the MP's there. A common argument for COR's not being ample support is that "They can't Cure well enough", but nobody says this about BRD. BRD's don't have a natural MP pool either, the only distinct advantage is that BRD's can equip better MP gear and have access to Auto-Refresh gear.

The main reason Corsair is a good job is because it's exceptionally fun to play! I have levelled five jobs to 75 now and played all of them for awhile when reaching 75, and Corsair still remains my favourite job. A lot of people complain about the unreliability of rolls, but I consider the varying outcomes a nice variation on standing around on Bard casting the same bloody buffs over and over.

Corsair also has one thing no other job has: Quick Draw, the ability to enhance other people's enfeebles, and the ability to deal out nearly 3-400 damage every minute (or 50 seconds if merrited). I take COR to HNMs sometimes and all I literally do is spam Earth Shots. With about +40 AGI, it usually always hits for the top-end, dealing 324 damage (with my current build) every 50 seconds.

It's really down to personal preference on your part. Whilst combined with a joke, my comment earlier was a serious one; level all of them a little, try them all out, and see which one is your favourite. As WAR is your current 75, I would suggest trying something other than SAM. SAM and WAR are very similar in play style, and it's only the technique, gear and damage output that really seperates the two jobs in EXP PT's. BLM is also a very enjoyable job, but nowadays a complete drag to level.

If you end up levelling Corsair and love the DD aspect, I'd definitely recommend Ranger as well. I'm currently levelling it and it's fantastic fun!
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Cyr
Posts: 148
By Bahamut.Cyr 2009-02-09 10:53:04
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nou, come to bahamut. We have something to show you ;o
Server: Asura
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user: Yotevol
Posts: 1169
By Asura.Yotevol 2009-02-09 12:18:54
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Hi, my name is Yotevol and I support this advertisement:

Level all of them through the dunes.
Once you get through the dunes and you still like the job, take it as far as you want.
I look at the Dunes as a "trial" period for people.
Kind of tough to judge a job until you level it to 20, at least.

Personally, I hated RDM for a while and swore I would never level it.
Now, at 68RDM, I'm at no loss for parties and I have a lot of fun.

If you look at my jobs, most of them are past the Dunes.
The only ones that aren't are: BST (boring), SAM (I really need to level this next) and MNK (again, boring).

Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-02-09 12:29:48
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Cyr said:
Artemicion said:
Cyr said:

BRD or COR. Pick one, level it. Then level the other one. Everyone loves support jobs, get one/both for meriting and events. Sidenote: Never equip any staff on cor, ever.

Vulcan's Staff, kthxbye.

Squid + Joyeuse + Mkris + Martial Gun onry.

Not everything you fight can afford to have TP shoveled into it's mouth via snow plow. Especially in endgame situations you will -not- be able to hit things physically nor is it worth granting all that mob TP putting tanks in serious danger from overuse of particular attacks or being stuck in AOE range and thus being another MP sponge. For the most part you're safer and more efficent just standing back to shoot, QD and buff.

Edit: If you're just meriting on birds then sure, go nuts with whatever weapons you want, but as wood said: don't use joy/merc kris together, dual wield will actually make em slower together than with only one equiped. If you sub nin i'd recommend a joyeuse and trailer's kukri so you keep a ranged bonus and have balanced out TP gain with decent dps.

Anyways, I apologize for derailing the thread once again, but my advice if you're still indecisive is to take em all to subjob level and see which one is most fitting for you. You never truly get a "feel" for your job until post 30. In my opinion jobs are not developed enough to really know or experience it's finer points and details of purpose. I find valkurm and qufim to be like cavemen playgrounds; you beat something with a stick enough times til it dies and repeat the process.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Cyr
Posts: 148
By Bahamut.Cyr 2009-02-09 13:33:00
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Artemicion said:
but as wood said: don't use joy/merc kris together, dual wield will actually make em slower together than with only one equiped. If you sub nin i'd recommend a joyeuse and trailer's kukri so you keep a ranged bonus and have balanced out TP gain with decent dps.

Trailer's kukri would make that TPgain even worse ;; And yes, I neglected to mention this was meriting purposes only. Staves are fine for ele shots on HNM, etc.

Also, /nin with dualwield is perfectly fine with merc and joyeuse. Use a suppa in your ear slot. Also, cap your sword and dagger merits.
Server: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Caligo
Posts: 12
By Remora.Caligo 2009-02-09 14:19:19
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Heh, wow, what a great response from everyone. :)

Did take me a while to erad through them all.

Decided on COR to start :D Took it to lv5 atm but had to leave for a zeni farm & now dyna-beauc.

Is /blm for COR only with Quickdraw solo? And for merting etc would a COR be expected to Joyeuse/M.Kris or something TP, or TP with RA?

And to whoever mentioned the AF, it looks awesome too lol.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Cyr
Posts: 148
By Bahamut.Cyr 2009-02-09 14:31:17
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Caligo said:
Heh, wow, what a great response from everyone. :)

Did take me a while to erad through them all.

Decided on COR to start :D Took it to lv5 atm but had to leave for a zeni farm & now dyna-beauc.

Is /blm for COR only with Quickdraw solo? And for merting etc would a COR be expected to Joyeuse/M.Kris or something TP, or TP with RA?

And to whoever mentioned the AF, it looks awesome too lol.

Nobody expects cors to use merc/joy. Most people who build PTs don't know what a DD cor is, and are content with them using a light staff and douching their *** for the duration of the PT.

However, the good corsairs will use multi-hit weapons to TPgain, with sushi on fulltime.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-02-09 14:34:28
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From my experiences as corsair there's 3 ways to play it.

1) NIN sub which would may or may not involve you pulling, but the theory behind this is to melee with ranged stat enhancing and or TP gain based weapons with an accuracy/haste build, and once you gain enough TP back off a few steps (as to hit the marksmanship based "sweet spot" in distance) and blast away with with a WS. This method functions best for exp/merit parties and any other activity where meleeing is feasible. I however would not recommend this for HNM or endgame situations where support, not giving the mob tons of TP and focused damage are more vital. Not to mention it's a really busy task to focus on pulling, buffing both melee and mages, meleeing for TP, backing off to WS, and sleeping links and throwing off mob buffs with quick draw all at once.

2) RNG sub where you will be strictly in the back doing ranged attacks. This is what I would consider to be the safest, most powerful and consistent method for doing overall damage while keeping your freedom and time to support your group with minimal hassle. Assuming you got full marksmanship merits, a faith torque and a gun belt to match your rng sub, COR can get away with 278 marksmanship skill which goes beyond A+. The though of being able to shoot with the skill of an unmerited ranger makes me smile.

3) WHM sub, which focuses on situations where there would be virtually no benefit to shooting or meleeing the mob and giving healing/status removal and buffs is of most importance. This isn't exactly the most fun way to play but it's something worth looking into for situations that demand it. Also it's a significantly cheaper way to exp if you get invited into a manaburn pt.

All in all, COR is very versital, has incredible utility and is really fun to play. No matter how you play it, you're bound to have a good time. Some say the luck based buffs is a disadvantage but I find it to be exciting. What fun is getting the same given results every single time? Let the chips fall where they may, take a gamble and have fun. Otherwise you may as well play bard xD

Edit: Cyr, considering you haven't even UNLOCKED corsair, I'd appreciate it if you'd leave your negativity and elitest attitude out of the picture. If you yourself have experience playing the job in various methods, I'd love to hear it, but don't shun other players or playstyles you yourself have never even tried.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Cyr
Posts: 148
By Bahamut.Cyr 2009-02-09 15:03:32
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Artemicion said:

Edit: Cyr, considering you haven't even UNLOCKED corsair, I'd appreciate it if you'd leave your negativity and elitest attitude out of the picture. If you yourself have experience playing the job in various methods, I'd love to hear it, but don't shun other players or playstyles you yourself have never even tried.

I have the AF2 hat and body, does that count? ;;

Also, in my last post, I was giving my opinion of the variety of corsairs I have seen. Additionally, I alluded to the type of corsairs that I find most useful.

Simply because I do not have the job leveled does not mean that I have not partied with a wide variety of corsairs and parsed their performance. I can tell you for a fact that cor/nin with suppa, martial, merc, and joy will outperform every other corsair build in merit camps, along with nearly every other pure DD job. This setup was also capable of pushing a basic party up to the 35k/hr mark ;o

The best I've done was with: brd, brd, cor, cor, rdm, drk. Both of the cors used the above-stated setup. We broke 39k/hr over time, and almost hit 40k when we got a lucky streak of 11's and were able to steal wivres from the other floor.

But I digress. Just because I do not have the job leveled does not mean that I lack an understanding of its functionality and how it performs in a variety of situations.

Enjoy your nq light staff in merit pts.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-02-09 15:24:51
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S'fine to give your opinions but don't single out others and their methods simply because you disagree. You give your opinion on what's best and leave it at that. Otherwise you come off as a douchebag which I mistakingly took you for. Anyways, I'm sure the OP has finally made his decision on COR and I hope he has a great time with it.

PS: I'd prefer a Pluto Staff for Leaden Salute >:3
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Cyr
Posts: 148
By Bahamut.Cyr 2009-02-09 15:48:46
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Artemicion said:

PS: I'd prefer a Pluto Staff for Leaden Salute

Don't even get me started, lol. <3
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 60
By Bahamut.Lyle 2009-02-09 16:50:57
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Cyr said:
Artemicion said:
Cyr said:

BRD or COR. Pick one, level it. Then level the other one. Everyone loves support jobs, get one/both for meriting and events. Sidenote: Never equip any staff on cor, ever.

Vulcan's Staff, kthxbye.

Squid + Joyeuse + Mkris + Martial Gun onry.

Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-02-09 16:52:01
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Lyle said:


Sorry, it had to be done.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 60
By Bahamut.Lyle 2009-02-09 16:53:35
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silly cat
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Itazura
Posts: 134
By Ifrit.Itazura 2009-02-11 01:29:38
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Caligo said:
Had WAR 75 for ages now but it's not exactly a useful job.

Hmmm. In the past few months, I've witnessed or heard acquaintances using WAR for:
- Nyzul Isle (tank/DD)
- Salvage (tank/DD)
- Tier 10 Assault (co-tank/DD)
- Dynamis (DD, emergency tank, NM holding.)
- Sky gods (pop item arming + shijin + Kirin; DD)
- Sea NMs (DD)
- Limbus (DD)
- Merit party (DD and/or tank)

I'm thinking of leveling WAR for its usefulness. ._.