How Far Will This Get Me?

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How far will this get me?
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2010-10-15 04:12:58
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When the 80 cap rolled around, I got rid of the gear for my Melee jobs to focus on BLM/WHM/SMN.

Most of my LS and other friends were American (or JP), so I only really got short amounts of playtime with them due to being up early for work 7 days a week. After getting bored of this, I gave my account to my brother under the condition that he put it to good use (even PL'ing himself was good enough for me >_>). In the past 3 weeks or so, my char has been logged in for like 8hr (and that was afk in Ghelsba Outpost ; ;), so I'll probably be taking the account back.

My question! <3
Recently I've had the burning desire to play my WAR again and I'm wondering how far the following gearset would get me in terms of TP. I never really paid that much attention to DD gear at 80, so I'm not 100% sure what was added, what was made redundant, etc.

That set comes to a total of 3.7M, personally I'm not one to spend money too readily (I rarely have over 200k to my name! /cry), typically I give a large amount of consideration to other things before I buy.

How much use exactly would I get out of this set? Would it last me to 85? Or would I be better just making a different set up (from say Perle gear) and saving the extra gil?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Ashaaman
Posts: 97
By Leviathan.Ashaaman 2010-10-15 04:20:05
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That set would be above average(unfortunately) these days. It's the classic "cookie-cutter" WAR gear. Nothing wrong with it.

Would be good til 85.
By 2010-10-15 04:27:11
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Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2010-10-15 04:27:49
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For one, you'd be better off getting a Blitz Ring. You'll get more use out of it than you will out of 2 more accuracy than an NQ Sniper's. AF3+1 feet completely destroy Dusk Ledelsens +1, so you're probably better off rocking NQ Dusk til 78, then Perle feet til AF3+1 as you may have trouble getting rid of HQ Dusk in the future. AF3+1 legs will eventually replace Byakko's for the most part as well but you already own Byakko's so there's no expenditure there.

PCC will be good for leveling but if you can get your hands on Agasaya's collar that should generally function well as a replacement piece at 85. The extra acc might be of use while you're recapping skills though.

Haubergeon +1 is definitely worth getting, though Hauberk +1 should be slightly cheaper. I've seen a tendency towards TPing in Askar Korazin of late at 85, either for 6-hitting low delay GA's or 5hitting some of the higher delay ones.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2010-10-15 04:53:29
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I was trying to work out whether the STP+11 ToTM GA would be worth getting, it would fit pretty well around the amount I can play (not needing Day/Weather requirements is a big bonus atm) and would give me a 6-hit build without my Rajas (but keeping Brutal).

Would I be better using Rajas/Blitz or Blitz/Acc ring? To make use of Rajas, I could use Sword Strap and tag 1 STP on somewhere else, I'm honestly not too sure where though XD

I've made a few changes to that set, using this + pizza I'd apparently be capping Acc on whatever mob FFXICalc uses to work out Accuracy (at 85 with 276 skill) >_>;

Sumeru is +11STP, with capped skills I could pull off a lot of the accuracy gear in there (I overshoot cap by ~55-60 Acc with 331 skill)
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2010-10-15 05:05:01
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Rajas/Blitz. Always Rajas, usually Blitz. Exception is capped haste without it, starving for accuracy, or if you absolutely have to use hoard ring for a 5hit.

Sword Strap's not a bad idea if you're looking at a 6hit with the STP GAxe, probably looking at Attila's earring for that last point of STP.

Note that capped accuracy is more around ~445 accuracy these days for current EXP/low-tier NM content (read: Abyssea, minus the higher tier NMs), but Cruor buffs give you up to 30 DEX with the proper Abyssites and potentially more depending on your choice in Atmas. Outside Abyssea, you can basically assume you're capping accuracy naked now.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Sheelay
Posts: 2821
By Odin.Sheelay 2010-10-15 06:02:00
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I'd suggest sticking with a NQ gear set.

The final update is not too far ahead and could put yet another dent on old gear's value, meaning you could endup owning some highly devalued items by then.
It's just an advise to save money until you see what new gear comes out in December. Once you see what WAR's AF3 body and hands you can decide what to invest more money on.

If anything, I'd say a fire bomblet and a blitz ring would be your safest improvements. They dropped in price a lot because of other jobs but for WAR makes still a great use of them.

STP Sumeru is a great and easy choice as it will cut down the ammount of Stp you need on other slots greatly ( as of now sumeru +1 grants a 14.8 tp per swing return and will get another trial in December)
Like mentioned by Nightfyre, Rose strap is a nice grip to have on WAR and although Campaign Medals may take a while to obtain (only because you can get 1 every 5 RL days) the process requires minimal effort.

Save some money for now and wait to see what SE pulls out of the hat with the final update

Also, past lvl 80 work on some AF3 armor to further improve your set. If your playtime doesn't allow you to join an Abyssea Ls you can always wotk on the AF3+1 trials through some quests and hope you get lucky with rewards.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2010-10-15 12:34:06
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Odin.Sheelay said:
I'd suggest sticking with a NQ gear set.

The final update is not too far ahead and could put yet another dent on old gear's value, meaning you could endup owning some highly devalued items by then.
It's just an advise to save money until you see what new gear comes out in December.

I completely forgot the next update was coming up fairly soon, guess that gives me something else to think about!

Thanks for the help guys <3
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2010-10-17 12:53:26
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Another question!

How well does Fell Cleave do on single target mobs for damage? Is it comparable to Kings Justice? I never unlocked KJ, but as long as Fell Cleave is respectable, I'll probably be tempted to give it a miss for now and keep spamming Raging Rush. >_>;
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2010-10-17 13:11:53
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Raging Rush is generally better than King's Justice anyway. Not sure how Fell Cleave stacks up post-update, I know it's good in Fell Cleave burns but other than that I'd assume RR wins again. KJ is more for ultra-buffed situations or skillchains.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Sheelay
Posts: 2821
By Odin.Sheelay 2010-10-17 13:12:31
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Fell Cleave is pretty sweet, but it's best exploited when you use it on multiple mobs.
It wouldn't prove as efficient as KJ on a single mob, especially considering the fact its' TP modifier does not affect dmg but AoE range.
However the WS mods are pretty high, with 50%STR and I believe 50% INT it's basically an AoE Steel Cyclone.

On average in Aby exp pties I was hitting from 900 to 1.3-1.6k. That's a big gap and I think it's heavily dependant on the INT mod.
Raging Rush is still a fine WS, especially now that we get the Crit dmg job trait.

I don't know your progress in Nyzul, but considering how much easier it is now to defeat mobs in there I'd suggest grabbing a few friends and either try climb to 100 or simply get a GA to drop.
Back when I unlocked my KJ I was on floor 10 or 15 and ended up unlocking it before I hit FL 20 XD
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2010-10-17 13:29:54
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I'm on Floor 5 XD Doing 16,000 WS's or whatever isn't on my list of "fun things to do!", so I'll prolly pick it up when I get furthur in Nyz.

Looks like I'll just make a RR and FC build XD
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Sheelay
Posts: 2821
By Odin.Sheelay 2010-10-17 13:39:56
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I don't know your current WS sets. All I can say is Kirin Osode and Spiral ring are a great start for FC. Also Askar legs might be worth testing.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Morier
Posts: 898
By Phoenix.Morier 2010-10-17 13:46:42
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Final update? I don't see the cap going past 90 with heroes.It gives se at least 2 more chances next year to push out 2 more add ons with each cap, but thats my business sense talking.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Sheelay
Posts: 2821
By Odin.Sheelay 2010-10-17 13:54:55
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Phoenix.Morier said:
Final update? I don't see the cap going past 90 with heroes.It gives se at least 2 more chances next year to push out 2 more add ons with each cap, but thats my business sense talking.

O I would definitely not be surprised if that was exactly what SE is planning on doing. But as of now Heroes is the final update that was announced.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2010-10-22 05:23:21
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It's me again! I bet you're all sick of me now >_>; Sorry!

I got a great abyssea PT yesterday and managed to hit 85 /yay! I was playing with fell cleave and noticed some respectable numbers (400~600 mostly without any gear specifically tailored for it), so I was wondering if people could pick apart my WS set for it!

This is the setup I have in mind currently (using gear I already own pretty much XD)

This is the setup I'm aiming to use (or something similar at least)

Some things I'd upgrade when I can (say AF3+1 head, Hecatomb gear, etc)
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Sheelay
Posts: 2821
By Odin.Sheelay 2010-10-22 06:54:49
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You should definitely get a spiral ring ( which is also good for Steel Cyclone ) and a breeze gorget ( good for Steel Cyclone and King's Justice also ).
heafoc mitts beat Alki's and are a fairly common free drop.
sentry belt ( for SC and KJ as well ) would also be a good addition since you're aiming at several -acc items.

This is my FC build so far

I'm guessing you miss a Rajas because of your other jobs?

Also, seeing how Ravager feet are a TP piece I'd say Heca leggings are still a great choice for all WS on WAR.
I already have the NQ but seeing how the price on HQs dropped I might consider saving some money and get them again IF nothing better comes out on December.
clout boots come to mind, but since they can easily mess up X-hit builds I wouldn't bother getting them.

hachiryu haidate are still the ultimate WS legs, but of course they come with quite a price tag..
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2010-10-22 07:46:04
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I was sure I'd seen Fell Cleave on one of the Sea gorgets XD Thanks! <3

I'll have Rajas within the next couple of weeks (I tossed it for lolTamas when I gave up my melee jobs >< then misread wiki about getting it back ; ;)