Dekar said:
my computer specs are
Windows Xp home edition
Dell diminsion 2400
itel celeron cup 2.40 ghz
run Ati x1550 graphics card
i've talked to alot of my friends about my computer the problem they say is i run on Pci the dead pci not express any other information you'd like you'd have to ask directly far as i know this is what your looking for
From the specs you've given, you should be able to run FFXI just fine...I first started playing on a 1.3 GHz AMD with 512 Mb of RAM and a 128 Mb ATI Card and it ran fine. My card was AGP 4x...but I couldn't see how AGP and PCI could make that much of a difference at the basic settings, and it could probably even be tweaked up a bit via the registry edits.
What type of internet connection are you running? Are you running through a router or straight in? If you're lagging out like you describe something can't be right...are your video card drivers up to date? Defragged? Background programs shut down? Firewall/Antivirus? All that good stuff? Because from what you describe you should be getting a decent 29 fps with the extra stuff turned off
most of the time (big events with lots of people are going to lag no matter what platform you play on, it must be a network thing...)
Anyways, if you just want to get a 360 that's cool, but if you've already got the PC client you might as well try and get that working first to see if it's necessary.