Item Set, See What You Guys Think About It.

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Item Set, see what you guys think about it.
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-02-04 23:33:53
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My BLM Dream Set

I'm trying to get this set, which I think gives the best nuking ability of anything imo.

I think, however, that the +1 gears (like Demon Helm and Genie Weskit) can stay as the NQ versions, the +1 doesn't really add much damage, and not really worth the price.

I already have 7/8 HQ staffs, the strap, the tathlum, the NQ helm, the pendant, the moldy earring, the NQ weskit, Zenith Mitts (which keeps the MAB as is, but I don't get the nice Magic Acc+), a Snow Ring, and the Yigit.

I'm working on the Sorc Ring, Ixion Cape, and Witch's Sash (cause I can buy them). I will eventually (after semester is over) have to do slavage to do the 2 Morrigan's pieces.

If you think that there is better equips than these, please let me know. I might take your advice, or at least let you know why I think this set is better than your suggestion.

(Disclaimer: This is a nuking set, not enfeeb, dark, MP or otherwise)
Server: Pandemonium
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Posts: 505
By Pandemonium.Luignata 2009-02-04 23:55:00
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I personally would go Valkyrie's Trews for legs, or the NQ version if you can't afford the HQ.

And Omega Ring to replace your Snow Ring.
Server: Diabolos
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user: Ksusno
Posts: 13
By Diabolos.Ksusno 2009-02-05 00:37:55
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Your set is prety good but you may as well go for full Morrigan's set if it's your dream set, with the Coronal having so much magic acc and the full set bonus of the Morrigan giving +5 MAB they'll make up for the lack of MAB on the feet.

Sorc's ring is cool, if you have a gear swap set that'll automatically put you into latent if not and you really don't wanna use up the inventory space go for Tamas/Omega Ring combo

And honestly IMO I wouldn't mess with the Valkyrie's/Shadow Trews the INT+10 will out damage the MAB bonus on the legs

Ugg necklace is situational also, when latent isn't active I'd go for either Prudence/Elemental Torque depending on what you're fighting
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-02-05 00:49:06
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I like this one I made.

Focus on Magic ATK and Magic ACC. Thought about putting in full Morgy. However, I don't do enough Salvage. So I picked out what I thought was the best piece given what I wanted to build as a set. Everything else is semi reasonable... but hey, as with Whopper, my set is just one of many ways that you could go.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-02-05 00:59:34
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I'm going for a good combination of Nuking damage, Magic Accuracy, and INT (which affects both).

The set I have gives INT+41 (with Aquilo's though) and Elemental Magic of at least +6, with Magic Accuracy of +7, giving about an estimated total of +13 accuracy (before merits). Since INT adds a ton of accuracy already, I don't need to really worry about accuracy too much now.

Omega Ring would work instead of Snow Ring. At least that would cut costs (or in this case, increase money) and I still won't lose too much nuking power.

Morrigan's Coronal would also work, for the same reason as above. Thats a lot of slavage though @.@ but since it will benifit myself to really work at it though, and it would also go to my RDM and eventually BLU, thats ok.

Morrigan's Pigaches and Morrigan's Robe wouldn't be worth it in my opinion though. Having both with the other 3 will make the set latent active, but really, it wouldn't add anything (would take away some INT and elemental skill) and the body is very expensive, I would have to farm for a year to be able to get that one piece @.@

Valkyrie's Trews takes away too much accuracy from the INT boosts for it to be worth it. I'm looking for the perfect combination of INT, MAccuracy, and MAB so I can do max damage most of the time as much as possible.

As for the elemental torque against the Ugly pendant, I have to say that Ugly wins in this case because if you are a decent BLM at all, you know you will Manafont in events when both latents are active (on ring and pendant) to maximize your 2hr. Since I love nuking, I usually run out of mp quickly, and as such, the ugly pendant's latent is usally on 60% of the time or so. My LS leader (who usually is the main tank also) doesn't like it when I tank instead of him, but at least I know how to kite (many hours of practicing) and since I'm a coward at heart, I know when to run away!
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 99
By Carbuncle.Shutupanddie 2009-02-05 01:12:42
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Korpg said:
My BLM Dream Set

I'm trying to get this set, which I think gives the best nuking ability of anything imo.

I think, however, that the +1 gears (like Demon Helm and Genie Weskit) can stay as the NQ versions, the +1 doesn't really add much damage, and not really worth the price.

I already have 7/8 HQ staffs, the strap, the tathlum, the NQ helm, the pendant, the moldy earring, the NQ weskit, Zenith Mitts (which keeps the MAB as is, but I don't get the nice Magic Acc+), a Snow Ring, and the Yigit.

I'm working on the Sorc Ring, Ixion Cape, and Witch's Sash (cause I can buy them). I will eventually (after semester is over) have to do slavage to do the 2 Morrigan's pieces.

If you think that there is better equips than these, please let me know. I might take your advice, or at least let you know why I think this set is better than your suggestion.

(Disclaimer: This is a nuking set, not enfeeb, dark, MP or otherwise)

You're definitely on the right track w/ your WL Korp. Few things I'd like to add for consideration. As 6 int on head is nice, AF+1 offer 5 and -5 emnity 30mp and few small others. 30 MP translates into 1 Blizzard 1 = Your dmg here or >> 1 int = 5ish dmg per nuke overtime on Demons helm no MP no negative emnity. Also take into obvious considerations, more MP doesn't just mean more nukes, it also means more opportunity to process a conserve MP. 30 mp is also a sleep 2 when you just nuked yourself down to the bottom of the barrel, /Saved by AF+1. Overtime 2-300 dmg Tier 1 spell for 30 mp lack of 1 int but -5 emnity, you may find more enjoyable. Disclaimer: Try them for yourself, I'm only giving personal experiences.

To the Genie comment. It's only 1, buddy, that 1 is a make or break ya stat though. When I had Genie over NQ my fights ended w/out that extra drain or tier 1 to finish the mob. Reverting back to NQ to purchase Morrigan's robe, the difference to me my own experience was noticeable. HQ all the way.

To the M. hands. Again this one is a tough choice. You're looking at Zenith VS. M hands. Zenith, 50mp 5 mab, M hands, 25mp 5 mab 5 magic acc (I will only list stats we care about). Now to decide. Do you resist alot? Do you have anything to use in hands for Dark,Enfeebling skill? Can this be a dual purpose hands for you like that or just nuking? The 5 Acc is brilliant to the fact it can also mod every other skill you got (Not limited to elemental skill only). You lose no mab while nuking but you do lose 25mp. IMO. M.Hands as again they can mod dark or enfeeble IF you got nothing else to put there. If you're not a super resister when nuking and need a little more mp to push your DOT.. Zenith+1 (If you can find it) To end. M.Hands considering the only true loss is 25mp. Dual purpose gloves >> BLM >>> =).

Last. Do not focus yourself in MAB MAB MAB. This I will explain is NOT accurate and is a old memory that I have taken base idea behind to this day. BLM tries to acquire INT tiers. (Fictitious numbers) 80int, 100int, 120int,140int would be each "Tier". This is said to increase overall dmg as well to maintain magic acc. NOT tested, but I do follow such guidelines as other jobs also try to maintain stat tiers. It only makes sense?

I may have missed it but, everything looks proper with the exception of Sorcerer's Tonban and a set of Elemental Obi's to compliment AF. Must have for any serious BLM.

Good Luck landing all your gears man =)) It was a long road for myself. But it was WELL worth my efforts.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-02-05 01:25:39
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Ah, I forgot to mention that I have 2 obis, both ice and thunder. Since I only really do MBs in events, I have max potency on both thunder and ice, and both obis for them. I'm also in the middle of doing v5 Burst and Freeze IIs, not really interested in any of the other 4 spells (they really are for certain NMs, and most of them I'm a different job for those events anyway) so I'm really focused on Burst and Freeze damage, plus usual Blizzard IV and Thunder IVs.

Again, I'm trying to find the right equipments that add the most INT, MAccuracy, and MAB as I possibly can. Since Zenith only has MAB+5 and M.Hands have MAB+5 and MAcc+5, there is no doubt that I would go M.Hands > Zenith Hands anyday. I'll keep Zenith hands for basically latent breaking equipment for Sorc. Ring.

AF+1 is a pipe dream. Too many people in my LS are going after BLM AF mats for limbus, so it will be a very long time before I get AF+1 hat.

I was looking at Malekith's gears, and I think I might go Oracle's Robe over Weskit in the long run (lots of fun ZNMs to add to this list now @.@). Still don't know why he would choose Jet over Morgy legs though.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-02-05 01:33:31
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V2 Dream Set

Tell me whatcha think about it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-02-05 01:42:42
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I was picking things I know I have a reasonable expectation of being able to get. I do a ton of ZNM... so the Zeni items are not a worry for me... It's just a matter of time and perseverance...
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 99
By Carbuncle.Shutupanddie 2009-02-05 01:44:40
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Korpg said:

I was looking at Malekith's gears, and I think I might go Oracle's Robe over Weskit in the long run (lots of fun ZNMs to add to this list now @.@). Still don't know why he would choose Jet over Morgy legs though.

Nuuuuu! Never ever give up straight skill for ACC. Magic Acc isn't as potent as using straight elemental skill. If you're trying to do this VIA cost and what easiest obtained. I can see that substitution working out ok. Overall though, this isn't solidified via Wiki or anywhere else I've checked. Wiki states Acc as being debilitating after 300 skill. I.E. 1 Acc = .9. I've heard player statements of 200 skill is the .9 and 300 skill is a .4 gain. That's something left to be tested so don't gear based on that statement. I think with recent releases of Magic Acc gears (Which we got a flood of now opposed to skill gear) Magic Acc theories will come to rest.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 99
By Carbuncle.Shutupanddie 2009-02-05 01:49:37
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Korpg said:
V2 Dream Set

Tell me whatcha think about it.

Same theory as above, Only thing I'd do, I'd use Bugard Leather +1 strap. Again considering factors. 3/100 nukes will land with a extra 10 mab. These are not limited to AM2 or high end spells. You can benefit a lot more from 10mp 1int 1mnd than you would from say Wise Strap processing your 3%'s only when you casted tier 1 - DOH!. Also 3/100 is so rare even combo'd with the sash to make a 5%. 5/100. Odds of it landing during a big nuke? Only if that's all you're casting anyways. Sounds like you are though, use BLM as endgame job only. So that may suite you a little more.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-02-05 01:52:53
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It's just 5 elemental magic skill on the Weskit, Shutupandie.

Really I want the Oracle's Robe because 1) I don't forsee a huge drop off in performance PLUS 2) I get the added bonus of getting out of wearing that hideous Weskit. I'm sick of tattoos.

I know... I know... I could change dat files HOWEVER I'm a console player so that's not an option.

I realize for higher tear Zeni/ HNM fights Elemental skill is placed at more of a premium. I'll always have AF+1 hands and elemental torque.

However, my set was chosen on the basis of both utility given how I play my BLM and for looks. Again, IF I wanted the most ridiculous nuke gears, i'd have put in every piece of Morrigan's.

One last thought... every BLM worth their weight has a elemental magic gear set, dark set, enfeeble set, HMP set, INT set, and then lastly raw nuke set. What you just saw me post was a nuke set, nothing more...
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 99
By Carbuncle.Shutupanddie 2009-02-05 01:53:28
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BTW. Wise Strap is only 1k on Carbuncle. If you want one I'll be back on Asura in March. LOL save your money ;P
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-02-05 01:55:16
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Too late I already got one, definitely get in touch with me before you leave. And I'll put together a shopping list. Lord knows I can farm gil easily...
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 99
By Carbuncle.Shutupanddie 2009-02-05 02:03:12
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Malekith said:

However, my set was chosen on the basis of both utility given how I play my BLM and for looks. Again, IF I wanted the most ridiculous nuke gears, i'd have put in every piece of Morrigan's.

Excellent statement. I can't agree more. As I became a BLM I tried taking advice. I'm not a Taru, I'm not EV, I'm not galka. See where I'm going with this? Ideally as Korp has done you can WL yourself into some really nice setups. How he's choosing to obtain the "Type" of BLM he is, again I couldn't agree more. That is the idea of the job. How serious are you? Where/why do you use it. Korp's overall idea is to simply use the job and effectively DD w/ min resists. That set will provide such. Very well built for a part-timer ;P. Again the serious BLM
Genie Weskit
[Body] All Races
DEF: 36 Elemental Magic Skill +6
"Magic Attack Bonus" +7
"Conserve MP" +2
Physical Damage: "Curse" Effect On Opponent
Lv. 73 BLM VS Oracle's. I personally would have taken HQ. LOL well I did ;P

For what you guys are trying to do on your BLM's. Couldn't be doing a better job creating your gear sets imo. When it comes to BLM gear, Ive owned almost everything you can imagine, I've worn it, tried it on MY character and made decisions upon "What's best for ME". As per me went. Well Korp's "Dream BLM". I'm trying to be that HUME on all servers >=]. Someday I will own every single piece of worthy gear. But you are both right. Korp on his gear set, Kith gearing towards "Style of play" and "Needs to be such style". Whatever you do. Don't do like I've seen lately. Wear Zenith Slacks when you nuke, or tell me "Omega Ring is such trash, Why do you change staffs to enfeeble, I only use Dark Staff". Laugh, both are true =)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-02-05 02:04:58
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You are forgeting merits though. Having 8/8 merits on Elemental Magic makes Elemental Magic at 292. With the +10 from the Ice staff (and HQ) that brings it up to 302. I doubt that the over 200 skill, 1 skill = .9 accuracy will stay after 300, like you said needs to be proven. But really, if 1 skill = .9 accuracy, wouldn't it be smarter to go +5 accuracy than +5 Elemental Magic anyway?

Also on the Wise Strap vs Bugard Leather +1, they equal about as much damage over time, you just might get lucky on one nuke over the other (and I rather have +5% Magic Crit+ than only +2% anyway). That one nuke might make/break the fight but then again, might not. And I believe that SE gimps any skill over 100 anyway (not as potent each +1 skill over 100) so that +1 skill on the strap won't add too much to it.

Basically, my magic accuracy bonus with this set = +26.

MAB = +25 with +18 more MAB with latents, +10 more with Crit

INT = +37 (or +42 with merits)

Skill still is at 302. (for ice spells at least)

MP is ok (with merits also)

I think I hit the best situation I was hoping for. Now to go get it @.@
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 99
By Carbuncle.Shutupanddie 2009-02-05 02:07:06
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Malekith said:
Too late I already got one, definitely get in touch with me before you leave. And I'll put together a shopping list. Lord knows I can farm gil easily...

You know I'll be making a shopping list too. Things are cheap here in some regards to Asura. That one though, cracks me up. 1k here, 80k there. LOL Does Asura know something other servers don't? I R from there. I know what yall know. What gives. 80k lol. But yea, I'll take advantage of it and bring a stack of wise straps with me back =). When it comes to FFXI, I don't care what you know, how long you have played, face it. Somethings just don't make sense..
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-02-05 02:11:31
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BTW Shutupandie you know I'm a good BLM, my only drawback is that I'm Elvaan. Then again I don't think you'll see very many Elvaan BLM that are 5/5 INT merits...

One other point... From data I've collected. The main appeal to gearing with an emphasis on Elemental Magic Skill is that you set yourself up for a higher cap on your nukes. Yes yes, I know MAB does the same. But there's a difference between calculating extra dmg as is done with MAB vs. highest that you can nuke.

Whereas with what I try to do with MACC, I'm trying to be consistent. I know I can't outnuke a taru, especially if we're geared the same, however what I can do and what I have been able to do is nuke right in the middle. Maybe that makes me average but I don't see huge spikes on the big NM's whereas I see other players go feast or famine with their damage.

Just wanted to throw some insight into how I was proceeding.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 99
By Carbuncle.Shutupanddie 2009-02-05 02:12:30
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Agree'd, now work on it. To Acc before skill. No. If acc does in fact debilitate. Raw skill does not. So we calculate 300 skill BLM w/ 26 Magic Acc of a .9 (We'll go w/ that) is actually 24.(idk) Magic acc. Not 26. Again, its all hocus pocus that no one really knows for sure. And again I'm gonna say, try it for your character or just go for it. Either way you can't go too wrong with what you're aiming towards. If not ultimate BLM gear, GREAT substitutions to be that "Style" of BLM you wanna be.

Edit** WTF happened, I didn't quote all that. Sorry if you seen that crap. Had to edit out like 3 repeats of quotes I didn't quote. lol
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Rikhu
Posts: 62
By Fairy.Rikhu 2009-02-05 02:14:53
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i want herald's gaiters for my blm ><
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-02-05 02:22:33
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Shutupanddie said:
Agree'd, now work on it. To Acc before skill. No. If acc does in fact debilitate. Raw skill does not. So we calculate 300 skill BLM w/ 26 Magic Acc of a .9 (We'll go w/ that) is actually 24.(idk) Magic acc. Not 26. Again, its all hocus pocus that no one really knows for sure. And again I'm gonna say, try it for your character or just go for it. Either way you can't go too wrong with what you're aiming towards. If not ultimate BLM gear, GREAT substitutions to be that "Style" of BLM you wanna be. Edit** WTF happened, I didn't quote all that. Sorry if you seen that crap. Had to edit out like 3 repeats of quotes I didn't quote. lol

Problem is, this is one set of gears for my BLM. I'm not going to drain/aspir with this gear on. I'm not going to enfeeble with this gear on. This is my "do as much damage as possible with a very low chance of resists" gear set.

And I thought the idea of skill converted to accuracy was that skill = .9 accuracy. Please correct me if I'm wrong, with proof if you have it too. I hate generalizations. You can use wiki if you feel like it though.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 99
By Carbuncle.Shutupanddie 2009-02-05 02:22:54
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Malekith said:

One other point... From data I've collected. The main appeal to gearing with an emphasis on Elemental Magic Skill is that you set yourself up for a higher cap on your nukes. Yes yes, I know MAB does the same. But there's a difference between calculating extra dmg as is done with MAB vs. highest that you can nuke.

How do you mean a higher cap? Elemental Magic skill works like such. You attack a flan, its Skill is 290, your skill is 280, odds are you'll resist more often than you would like. This skill does not effect damage output that I'm aware of. If you delve into the "Check theories" These are peoples posted theories I call them of what happens and when. Theory 1 (I agree it only makes sense) First check is Fast Cast/Haste. How else will it know to haste a spell unless it does a check first and foremost? Makes sense. Check 2, Dint. I never did understand this check or what it does. Check 3 Elemental Magic skill/Magic Acc. Check 4. I forgot what happens here. Check 5. Mab/Int for dmg calculation. Last check Conserve MP. On that you could see where/how Magic Acc/Ele skill would not effect damage output. They should only effect resistance. Which is important by all means. Resistance falls into fractions. Wiki statement

Resisting magic damage causes the target to take 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, or 1/16 of normal damage.

You can see where people would confuse Skill as DMG. If you resist at a given fraction and quite often, you would assume by adding skill and not resisting so often that you added DMG.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 99
By Carbuncle.Shutupanddie 2009-02-05 02:26:19
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Korpg said:
Shutupanddie said:
Agree'd, now work on it. To Acc before skill. No. If acc does in fact debilitate. Raw skill does not. So we calculate 300 skill BLM w/ 26 Magic Acc of a .9 (We'll go w/ that) is actually 24.(idk) Magic acc. Not 26. Again, its all hocus pocus that no one really knows for sure. And again I'm gonna say, try it for your character or just go for it. Either way you can't go too wrong with what you're aiming towards. If not ultimate BLM gear, GREAT substitutions to be that "Style" of BLM you wanna be. Edit** WTF happened, I didn't quote all that. Sorry if you seen that crap. Had to edit out like 3 repeats of quotes I didn't quote. lol

Problem is, this is one set of gears for my BLM. I'm not going to drain/aspir with this gear on. I'm not going to enfeeble with this gear on. This is my "do as much damage as possible with a very low chance of resists" gear set.

And I thought the idea of skill converted to accuracy was that skill = .9 accuracy. Please correct me if I'm wrong, with proof if you have it too. I hate generalizations. You can use wiki if you feel like it though.

Bro I can't give you anything solid. Tests aren't out yet to say .9 is correct or .4 or Magic Acc is god. Ideally at current we try to skill Elemental before Magic Acc until tests prove otherwise. If you or anyone else can find some good solid posts on Magic Acc. Please provide it here. I would too like to see some hard evidence. Magic Acc is still young to a BLM. Look at what he had prior to TOAU? Now since that release we've gotten. Witch Sash, Omega Ring, Balhran's Ring, Alkalaroups(Mispelled) etc. Now Red Mage has been in the Magic Acc for sometime. You'd think for them having like 330 Enfeebling Skill and a ton of Acc there would be more solid info on Acc. If you guys find it, please pass it on.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-02-05 02:34:34
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wikipedia said:
Magical Accuracy:

Magic Accuracy denotes the likelihood of a spell casting on a target not getting Resisted. Similar to a physical attack, status effect magic attacks can miss and result in a full resist of the spell. Elemental magic attacks are different as the target would still take damage but the damage dealt will be, at highest level of resistance, substantially smaller than normal. See the Resistance page for more information.

Raising Magic Accuracy directly increases the chance of a spell will land on the target without resist. However, the potency of the spell (e.g. the potency of paralyze or duration of another status effect spell) is not affected by simply raising Magic Accuracy. Attributes such as INT and MND raise the potency of their corresponding spells. It is assumed that one point of skill in the appropriate magic skill (e.g. Elemental Magic, Enfeebling Magic, ...) corresponds to one point of Magic Accuracy, perhaps 0.9 Magic Accuracy after 200 skill.

As per release of the Weapon Skill Death Blossom, some of the underlying workings of Magic Accuracy come to light. If the effect of Death Blossom afflicts the enemy, they will receive Magic Evasion Down for 60 55 seconds. This basically allows us to see that Magic Accuracy works in the same sense of melee Accuracy versus enemy Evasion. Skill is the most beneficial factor in landing a spell without resists. This means even a body with 5 Enfeebling Magic Skill would still perform slightly better than the Chasuble (5 Magic Accuracy.)

Taken from this site.

As you can see, raising just one of the 3 stats that I want to increase in this set wouldn't help much to keep as high damage as possible. You need a balance of all 3 stats to get the most "bang" out of your buck.

As you can see, there isn't much to go on. Unless SE gives its players full access to stats and how they work, this is the best we got.

Even if I increase Elemental Magic skill, it wouldn't go up as much as just increasing MAcc. Going MAcc, MAB, and INT set instead of Elemental, MAB, and INT would help keep things in line with each other (since most gears with MAcc also has a nice INT boost and/or MAB boost also). Elemental magic gear mostly just increase that stat, not really increasing anything else.

I still say my 2nd version set is the best I can hope for.
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Rikhu
Posts: 62
By Fairy.Rikhu 2009-02-05 02:37:34
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The 320/120 Build

This is the popular Blm Build, but i just want to let you know if you never heard about this build.
For those that don't really understand the meaning behind the 320/120 build

320 mean Skill + Magic Accuracy
120 mean INT

- 310 Elemental Magic Skill ( With Equip and Merit )
- 12 additional Magic Accuracy (0.9 * 12 --> 10.8 Elemental Skill Magic)
- 113 INT

Given that MAcc is equivalent to Elemental Magic Skill for nukes,
this comes to 320.8 Elemental Skill and 113 INT. Adding Cream Puff (+7 INT) will bring this to 320/120.With this build you are already a Good Blm in my opinion with little resist.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 99
By Carbuncle.Shutupanddie 2009-02-05 02:37:51
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Korpg said:

I'm not going to drain/aspir with this gear on. I'm not going to enfeeble with this gear on.

Why not? Do you own Oracles Gloves already? Do you own Genie Tiara? I'd Drain/aspir in Omega ring, I do actually, Balhran's as secondary. If you can't find Raw skill, then mod Acc, if you can't find acc, then MOD int >> Int is "Said" to increase dark potency. As I was saying before. Dual purpose gears. I think once you feel the effect of a Sorcs Ring and what it does to you inventory. You'll get what I'm saying. At current 62/70 in gear"s". Consider I carry 1 stack of food, 1 stack of echos, 1 stack of imp silver. 59/70 is all used at some point or another. However! If I dumped sorcs setup. I could farm all day long with out warping to town to dump things off.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 99
By Carbuncle.Shutupanddie 2009-02-05 02:41:38
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Rikhu said:
The 320/120 Build

This is the popular Blm Build, but i just want to let you know if you never heard about this build.
For those that don't really understand the meaning behind the 320/120 build

320 mean Skill + Magic Accuracy
120 mean INT

- 310 Elemental Magic Skill ( With Equip and Merit )
- 12 additional Magic Accuracy (0.9 * 12 --&gt; 10.8 Elemental Skill Magic)
- 113 INT

Given that MAcc is equivalent to Elemental Magic Skill for nukes,
this comes to 320.8 Elemental Skill and 113 INT. Adding Cream Puff (+7 INT) will bring this to 320/120.With this build you are already a Good Blm in my opinion with little resist.

Awesome post, Thank you =)) I think what you see is the "Assumed" 120 INT tier w/ a 320 skill. This puts you in sky nuking for decent averages against Gods or mobs that will likely resist.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 99
By Carbuncle.Shutupanddie 2009-02-05 02:52:27
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There's a example on my screenshots of "Skill". Notice I ga'd 5 bugs. GA has whats called "Spread" adjustments. If your skill isn't high enough resists will happen throughout the spread. You can see my average dmg per mob than you can see where the spread wanted to start resisting. That's due to both ele skill and GA spread. You get to see where ele skill would "look" like it's adding dmg.
Server: Asura
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user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-02-05 02:53:13
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Rikhu said:
The 320/120 Build This is the popular Blm Build, but i just want to let you know if you never heard about this build. For those that don't really understand the meaning behind the 320/120 build 320 mean Skill + Magic Accuracy 120 mean INT example: - 310 Elemental Magic Skill ( With Equip and Merit ) - 12 additional Magic Accuracy (0.9 * 12 = 10.8 Elemental Skill Magic) - 113 INT Given that MAcc is equivalent to Elemental Magic Skill for nukes, this comes to 320.8 Elemental Skill and 113 INT. Adding Cream Puff (+7 INT) will bring this to 320/120.With this build you are already a Good Blm in my opinion with little resist.

I think you got your numbers mixed up. According to wiki, its Skill = .9 accuracy. So, you would want to say that the 12 additional Magic Accuracy (1.1 * 12 = 13.2 Elemental Magic Skill)

Since my BLM already has 72 INT from RDM sub, with my second version, that would mean my INT would be at about 114 already. Magic Accuracy would be at the following (302 base skill, +26 Magic Accuracy (1.1 * 26 = 28.6 elemental skill) so that would = 330.6 base skill)

That means that I achieved a 330/121 (given food for +7 skill). Which isn't bad, you never mentioned where MAB comes in, so I'm really at 330/121/43 with a 1/20 chance of doing 330/121/53.

Still need to get all that though @.@ I need to get on to get that.

Shutupanddie said:
Why not? Do you own Oracles Gloves already? Do you own Genie Tiara? I'd Drain/aspir in Omega ring, I do actually, Balhran's as secondary. If you can't find Raw skill, then mod Acc, if you can't find acc, then MOD int >> Int is "Said" to increase dark potency. As I was saying before. Dual purpose gears. I think once you feel the effect of a Sorcs Ring and what it does to you inventory. You'll get what I'm saying. At current 62/70 in gear"s". Consider I carry 1 stack of food, 1 stack of echos, 1 stack of imp silver. 59/70 is all used at some point or another. However! If I dumped sorcs setup. I could farm all day long with out warping to town to dump things off.

I don't own those Gloves yet. I own the non-HQ tiara already, also I use AF legs for dark magic (I can usually get 300-400 drains, I have done an 800 drain once before on a pudding, 300 mp aspir on another pudding once) and AF body for enfeebs. I do need to update my gear setup for those, but imo, nuking gear > all other gears because my enfeebs rarely get resisted as is.
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Rikhu
Posts: 62
By Fairy.Rikhu 2009-02-05 02:57:12
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yes, i usually use nashira feet and blm af hand for nuking hnm's, you can add magic atk gear if your equip already reach that build. else you will likely having resist age.
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