Okay so here's the situation. My younger brother started leveling monk and I've been helping him out, but I am at a loss on how to gear monk really. I get the basic idea of haste acc and att. But im looking for something a tad more specific
I know his mnk isnt the best or anywhere near it... I dont want this to turn into a flame gimp mnk thing. All I want is some help on gearing him up
(cat's claws are dmg +15 delay -5 DEX+2 acc+3)
I'm atleast happy i can help him work on trial of the magians, we have been powering through it for 2~3 days
obvious upgrades would be mnk af3, replace the ecphoria and get rid of the beetle earring >.>
He probably will never have CoP done and ToAU is out as well. So he is limited to notorious monster stuff and AH stuff
{Help me out!}
Thank you for your time and thank you in advance for anyone who posts helpful info
Edit: he also has little to no merits in anything x.x