Connection Issues?

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Connection Issues?
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Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-01-31 00:43:44
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For those of us who are not tech savvy and just want ***to work and don't know what to do when things don't, I say one thing on their behalf and mine: "Someone *** up!"

PS: I managed to connect with no hiccups or issues. Seems to be working now. Hope you all can say the same for yourselves. Happy gaming all!
Server: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: VDubbAz
Posts: 4
By Hades.Jorana 2009-01-31 01:41:43
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Shutupanddie said:
GUYS! Please listen. When your connections are being routed through out America they go through certain providers to do so. These are called "Backbones". They are the major pipe line for our data. Someone has to be that guy ya know? SOOOOOO. If there is a issue w/ a backbone router EVERY single ISP that uses that backbone will have issues. One leaky pipe causes a flood. Get it? I understand cox, clearwire are all having this issue, gotta understand. It's their backbone provider not them. Quit calling your ISP's wait this out.

**Add** This is why you see this problem spread out amongst so many different states and/or ISP's. But localized to a certain area. Call a plumber, your pipe broke. In the mean time while you wait this out, see all them empty soda cans on your desk? "Don't lie".. Good time to clean off your desk ;P I know some of you are in need of a serious shave. You got FFXI beard n ***. Take a break, relax it'll all be fine tomorrow.

I'm glad you did try to help these people but you were pushing the same situation every time and it was the wrong one. I checked board watcher and netweather and none of them reported ANY backbone problems nor did the ratio change for any states. Just a word to the wise I'd check the sites before slamming home its a backbone issue and leaving it at that. Also there are some situations where going static just wont resolve the issue. But once again was good information and I hoped it helped more than just that ONE friend.
Server: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: VDubbAz
Posts: 4
By Hades.Jorana 2009-01-31 01:43:01
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"It's their backbone provider not them. Quit calling your ISP's wait this out"
COX has it's OWN backbone. So COX can directly see if there is damage fiber on the line. Which they didn't.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 99
By Carbuncle.Shutupanddie 2009-01-31 01:56:27
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Shutupanddie said:
worst ISP I've ever had, and I was happy to hear that they are prolly going to be going out of business soon

Aiming to serve businesses with communications needs that cross their service footprints, two cable giants, Cox Business and Charter Business, have created a fiber link between Las Vegas and Reno and one between Orange County, Calif., and the Los Angeles metro area.

One word, LOL

Thank You. I did in fact post that DATA. Please note their "Business Partner". =) And I would also like to point out how these people mainly have COX,charter and I'm sure a few others who run through the same backbone. The second quote is oddly the area of effect too. Hmmm. Likewise this is old DATA. I'm sure their "FiberLink" if you feel is better than calling it a "Backbone" has since expanded. Again, You may check latency to such said "Fiber Lines" by using Tracert command in your Dos console. By doing such, you will find a dead HOP with that "Fiber Line" to Thank You again for posting your findings. I'd really just like to see everyone calm down and relax and learn something from this rather than freaking out at your ISP's. Anywho. Good-Night everyone. See you tomorrow "INGAME!"
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Kahm
Posts: 13
By Gilgamesh.Kahm 2009-01-31 02:03:03
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Shutupanddie said:
Kahm said:
I'm bored, my desk is clean, I don't play all day, I'm a girl so I got no beard. I've been sitting here for hours. Bet ya in the morning the problem will continue. The internet works fine same with Ventrilo only the game won't connect. You have no room to tell pple to suck it up because your probably on the game, not staring at a screen getting the run around by everyone with no results and the same crap.

Um, you really should be more respectful. I've been sitting here on this forum trying to help you guys. Likewise explaining why you shouldn't worry, But you see, I have been nice, I have been respectful towards your guys issues. Now if you're gonna act like that. I'm quite happy you're stuck outside the game. Furthermore jealous whiner. I was watching TV Thank You. Wanna vent on someone, call your ISP back, I was only one offering any type of solutions/help. You're welcome.. *** =) Enjoy your night off from the game. To everyone ELSE. Sorry you witnessed this + are having this issue. I didn't realize some of you were going through withdraws. Sorry next time I'll keep the sarcasm to a minimum k.

Ok so you say I should be respectful but I'm not the one calling someone a name here. Furthermore you've only helped one person, your solution hasn't done a thing for anyone else here. Another thing a little while ago some of the pple in our linkshell had a mass DC in salvage after they came back the network was back to normal, so I'm sure it was a problem on the other end. Not all these different service providers problem. Also I apologized earlier for being agitated. I don't play the game that often so the one time I feel like playing, this get's to be a little frustrating. I work a full time job, night is my only time to play. So the only time I have to do in game events is at night. Oh and you weren't the only one offering solutions or help. My service provider went through a lot of solutions and tried to help me. He did everything that he could on his end to fix it. Anyways my connection is back up finally. Everyone else have a great night ^^
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 99
By Carbuncle.Shutupanddie 2009-01-31 02:11:56
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Kahm said:
Shutupanddie said:
Kahm said:
I'm bored, my desk is clean, I don't play all day, I'm a girl so I got no beard. I've been sitting here for hours. Bet ya in the morning the problem will continue. The internet works fine same with Ventrilo only the game won't connect. You have no room to tell pple to suck it up because your probably on the game, not staring at a screen getting the run around by everyone with no results and the same crap.

Um, you really should be more respectful. I've been sitting here on this forum trying to help you guys. Likewise explaining why you shouldn't worry, But you see, I have been nice, I have been respectful towards your guys issues. Now if you're gonna act like that. I'm quite happy you're stuck outside the game. Furthermore jealous whiner. I was watching TV Thank You. Wanna vent on someone, call your ISP back, I was only one offering any type of solutions/help. You're welcome.. *** =) Enjoy your night off from the game. To everyone ELSE. Sorry you witnessed this + are having this issue. I didn't realize some of you were going through withdraws. Sorry next time I'll keep the sarcasm to a minimum k.

Ok so you say I should be respectful but I'm not the one calling someone a name here. Furthermore you've only helped one person, your solution hasn't done a thing for anyone else here. Another thing a little while ago some of the pple in our linkshell had a mass DC in salvage after they came back the network was back to normal, so I'm sure it was a problem on the other end. Not all these different service providers problem. Also I apologized earlier for being agitated. I don't play the game that often so the one time I feel like playing, this get's to be a little frustrating. I work a full time job, night is my only time to play. So the only time I have to do in game events is at night. Oh and you weren't the only one offering solutions or help. My service provider went through a lot of solutions and tried to help me. He did everything that he could on his end to fix it. Anyways my connection is back up finally. Everyone else have a great night ^^

Actually, Since this was pinned down as a Provider issue, I've helped no one but my friend from CT. You've all been enlightened thought and hopefully enough that your tensions eased up. I do feel empathy, but not when someone wants to bash someone else for why? I joked. I simply tried to make a laugh from something you all felt so tragic. Again, I apologized. Seriously, I see no one else here not your cable providers or anyone else making sense for you people. Maybe next time. No one will because this is the thanks we get for even feeling empathy for you enough to sit here and explain EVERY possible variable. WOW. Look up the word "Moral". I have it, do you? Jesus lady. How long did cox sit on the phone? Thirty-Minutes? Well guess what, I've been going over ever single possibility with you guys ALL day long thank you. To those of you that would like to know. 12 years IT experience, MCSE (Microsoft Certified System Engineer) "Please no jokes" Yea yea you CCNA's laugh it up =). A+ Certified, Microsoft Office 2k Certified. Network + Certified. Thought just maybe, MAYBE I could give some of my education to those who need it. Next time.. I don't know. If I'm gonna be bashed. Why bother? Makes sense right. Nanight everyone. Enjoy being ingame. TOLDYA wouldn't take long =)
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-01-31 02:16:12
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Sorry to rain on your parade but, screw the details! It works now! /cheer
Thank you all for your awesome insight, information, opinions and otherwise. See you all in game, hopefully minus the hiccups this time ^^
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 99
By Carbuncle.Shutupanddie 2009-01-31 02:20:13
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Artemicion said:
Sorry to rain on your parade but, screw the details! It works now! /cheer
Thank you all for your awesome insight, information, opinions and otherwise. See you all in game, hopefully minus the hiccups this time ^^

You are very welcome ^^ Good Luck with your future endeavors.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Anye
Posts: 5449
By Ragnarok.Anye 2009-01-31 02:55:25
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^^ Enjoyable thread to read, kudos and many internetz to Shutupanddie for his help! Not many people would stick around in a thread with people freaking about their connections! Awesome job dealing with it all \(^^)/ and grats to all whose connections have been fixed~
Server: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: VDubbAz
Posts: 4
By Hades.Jorana 2009-01-31 04:58:22
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I love it when people post their resume online. I'm CEO of pepsi and coke oh and I run SUN Microsystem. Once again this was NOT a provider issue. This was an issue with POL networks. But hey you can believe what you want. Its the net, I've seen two headed chickens playing the guitar online. Oh I forgot Oracle Certified (I really am no, really I am). COX doesn't share a backbone with ATMNet anymore they have their own. I had several other people send me a tracert log and they aren't even hitting the same loops. Then again to get A+ certified you buy the book and take the test, huh. Cheaper than my CIS masters degree. I'll do it!
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 99
By Carbuncle.Shutupanddie 2009-01-31 07:16:36
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Jorana said:
I love it when people post their resume online. I'm CEO of pepsi and coke oh and I run SUN Microsystem. Once again this was NOT a provider issue. This was an issue with POL networks. But hey you can believe what you want. Its the net, I've seen two headed chickens playing the guitar online. Oh I forgot Oracle Certified (I really am no, really I am). COX doesn't share a backbone with ATMNet anymore they have their own. I had several other people send me a tracert log and they aren't even hitting the same loops. Then again to get A+ certified you buy the book and take the test, huh. Cheaper than my CIS masters degree. I'll do it!

I love it when people read one post and know the whole story and talk crap like they've been here the whole time and they pretend to understand network infrastructure cause their wired up their very own WIFI. See the problem with that? It won't take but the average idiot to figure it out. Anyhow, I'm glad for you and your friends, I'm also glad you can rant with the rest of them. What I'm disgusted about, you probably didn't read but the top two posts and HAD to open your rat trap right? K Smart guy, You would take notice that I did provide Cox information to their backbone, I did provide Charter information on their backbone. I did provide a correlation between the posted DATA and the problem area. What now? Got anything else to piss about except the fact that I didn't want someone thinking I'm you and just throwing piss in the wind hoping someone opens their mouth and catches a taste. I bet someone wondered WTF does this guy know this ***. Once again, I'm left to apologize for something I've said. Nah, suck it up this time. I don't care what the *** you think about me or my education, read up and see for yourself. What you just pointed out, I already did smart guy. What now?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 99
By Carbuncle.Shutupanddie 2009-01-31 07:20:26
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Shutupanddie said:
Shutupanddie said:
worst ISP I've ever had, and I was happy to hear that they are prolly going to be going out of business soon

Aiming to serve businesses with communications needs that cross their service footprints, two cable giants, Cox Business and Charter Business, have created a fiber link between Las Vegas and Reno and one between Orange County, Calif., and the Los Angeles metro area.

One word, LOL

Thank You. I did in fact post that DATA. Please note their "Business Partner". =) And I would also like to point out how these people mainly have COX,charter and I'm sure a few others who run through the same backbone. The second quote is oddly the area of effect too. Hmmm. Likewise this is old DATA. I'm sure their "FiberLink" if you feel is better than calling it a "Backbone" has since expanded. Again, You may check latency to such said "Fiber Lines" by using Tracert command in your Dos console. By doing such, you will find a dead HOP with that "Fiber Line" to Thank You again for posting your findings. I'd really just like to see everyone calm down and relax and learn something from this rather than freaking out at your ISP's. Anywho. Good-Night everyone. See you tomorrow "INGAME!"

And one more time for the idiot. I know reading the whole conversation sometimes make ignorant people get slight migraines. I do have empathy for you and your needs. But I ain't your mommy, so if you require a *** to suck on. I can't help ya there. Isn't that where that kinda stuff happens. Oh well, this is Maybe you're lost or something?

Visual map for everyone's very own eyes VIA Cox's very own website. Now you go head and read up people. Note everyone's state and service providers. Can you see it correlate? Did I ever say it isn't SE? Nope. Could SE be sending bunk data through this backbone only. Yup. If it's not localized to this backbone only, then why isn't FL,NE,OK,VA,AR,GA,CT,OH, and RI all having this problem? As stated, I never once claimed it wasn't SE. I said, this backbone localized to these states has a issue. Don't put word in my mouth. Now I'm done. I've lowered myself to your level, I'll have to puke myself to sleep. That's ok. FFXI players can do that to you in game and out. =(
Server: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: VDubbAz
Posts: 4
By Hades.Jorana 2009-01-31 09:54:53
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I love it. He's got all the "Do It Yourself" certifications and Im getting my masters degree and I'm the idiot who doesn't understand. Oh and by the way, I had friends in New York, New Jersey, and Mass. who WERE having the same problem. So that blows your theory way out of the water. Also in relation so your bad hop theory a standard tracert wont hit you have to resolve the IP or use a third party tool to resolve it and do the trace. Which is why some of the lay people were not even able to hit the server. I did compliment you on helping and providing good information. I was stating that it wasn't a provider issue and that people should understand this so next time it happens instead of sitting around, as you suggested, and let the problem go sight unseen. I seriously hope thats not how you treat other departments at work. I NEVER in all my years of experience had someone knowledgeable say, Oh just sit and wait around they'll get to it. But since you think your pathetic DIY certifications make you a networking god, you come on here posting how everyone else is wrong and we should all stop freaking out. I wasnt SLAMMING you, but your highness had to go off on a rant because he thinks he's better than anyone else posting. You assumed it was region based on users who post here, well not everyone out there posts on here. As a DBA I deal with guys like you all day. Think they know it all and act as if everyone owes them because they are DIY certified. I'm sure you even went to ITT Tech or Devry. Anyway, it wasn't regional, as you assumed. There were more issues at hand, and I wanted to make everyone aware of this so instead of freaking out on your ISP next time you also notify POL/SE of the problem as well. Now go clean the "god sweat" off your forehead and find another way to save humanity by posting on forums.
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Kahm
Posts: 13
By Gilgamesh.Kahm 2009-01-31 11:51:40
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Shutupanddie said:
Kahm said:
Shutupanddie said:
Kahm said:
I'm bored, my desk is clean, I don't play all day, I'm a girl so I got no beard. I've been sitting here for hours. Bet ya in the morning the problem will continue. The internet works fine same with Ventrilo only the game won't connect. You have no room to tell pple to suck it up because your probably on the game, not staring at a screen getting the run around by everyone with no results and the same crap.

Um, you really should be more respectful. I've been sitting here on this forum trying to help you guys. Likewise explaining why you shouldn't worry, But you see, I have been nice, I have been respectful towards your guys issues. Now if you're gonna act like that. I'm quite happy you're stuck outside the game. Furthermore jealous whiner. I was watching TV Thank You. Wanna vent on someone, call your ISP back, I was only one offering any type of solutions/help. You're welcome.. *** =) Enjoy your night off from the game. To everyone ELSE. Sorry you witnessed this + are having this issue. I didn't realize some of you were going through withdraws. Sorry next time I'll keep the sarcasm to a minimum k.

Ok so you say I should be respectful but I'm not the one calling someone a name here. Furthermore you've only helped one person, your solution hasn't done a thing for anyone else here. Another thing a little while ago some of the pple in our linkshell had a mass DC in salvage after they came back the network was back to normal, so I'm sure it was a problem on the other end. Not all these different service providers problem. Also I apologized earlier for being agitated. I don't play the game that often so the one time I feel like playing, this get's to be a little frustrating. I work a full time job, night is my only time to play. So the only time I have to do in game events is at night. Oh and you weren't the only one offering solutions or help. My service provider went through a lot of solutions and tried to help me. He did everything that he could on his end to fix it. Anyways my connection is back up finally. Everyone else have a great night ^^

Actually, Since this was pinned down as a Provider issue, I've helped no one but my friend from CT. You've all been enlightened thought and hopefully enough that your tensions eased up. I do feel empathy, but not when someone wants to bash someone else for why? I joked. I simply tried to make a laugh from something you all felt so tragic. Again, I apologized. Seriously, I see no one else here not your cable providers or anyone else making sense for you people. Maybe next time. No one will because this is the thanks we get for even feeling empathy for you enough to sit here and explain EVERY possible variable. WOW. Look up the word "Moral". I have it, do you? Jesus lady. How long did cox sit on the phone? Thirty-Minutes? Well guess what, I've been going over ever single possibility with you guys ALL day long thank you. To those of you that would like to know. 12 years IT experience, MCSE (Microsoft Certified System Engineer) "Please no jokes" Yea yea you CCNA's laugh it up =). A+ Certified, Microsoft Office 2k Certified. Network + Certified. Thought just maybe, MAYBE I could give some of my education to those who need it. Next time.. I don't know. If I'm gonna be bashed. Why bother? Makes sense right. Nanight everyone. Enjoy being ingame. TOLDYA wouldn't take long =)

Again for the record and 3rd time I'm in ID and not with Cox. I have CableOne. Again you really don't read much of the posts do you? And no, I sat on the phone with them for a hour or more. And they did more than give me one solution to try. And thank you Jorana for seeing it the way I see it. ^^
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Neonracer
Posts: 2748
By Caitsith.Neonracer 2009-01-31 12:02:03
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whoa.. this is heavy......0.0
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-01-31 12:04:38
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Umm... Seriously. The problem is resolved, leave your egos at home please. Thank you.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 99
By Carbuncle.Shutupanddie 2009-01-31 17:32:55
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lol you people don't read for ***. Seriously, don't post anymore like Art said. For the record, I DID MENTION@! Other providers beyond just cox/charter WILL run through this backbone. It's called "Leasing". Ever heard of it? You own a car? Same idea. But to end it all. This will be last damn time I post ***here. Second *** time people act ignorant and flame on one sentence w/out regarding the rest of the post. Again, you people bring up the points of being so inclined, yet I've already stated your inclination. WTF wrong you people. Just looking to fight? Just like before, all I did was post my previous experience, dude latched and started attacking. I'ma say something I did to him. Live by a forum, die by a forum. If you truly wanna know, get *** educated yourselves, quit posting your complaints here. like love it and don't come back here again. I won't. This has became more drama and *** that I ever expected out of simply offering consolation to a bunch of *** FFXI addicts that can't hang tight for what was it? Four hours. You guys are truly SICK. FYI = TRUE. They now have rehab for FFXI users. If you seriously are gonna sit here all day and do this over a god damn game and cry this much over a lost connection. Rehab is for you. Next time you got problems. Ask jeeves. He might know, better yet, WIKI is not limited to FFXI. Please check it.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 99
By Carbuncle.Shutupanddie 2009-01-31 17:36:21
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Jorana said:
I love it. He's got all the "Do It Yourself" certifications and Im getting my masters degree and I'm the idiot who doesn't understand. Oh and by the way, I had friends in New York, New Jersey, and Mass. who WERE having the same problem. So that blows your theory way out of the water. Also in relation so your bad hop theory a standard tracert wont hit you have to resolve the IP or use a third party tool to resolve it and do the trace. Which is why some of the lay people were not even able to hit the server. I did compliment you on helping and providing good information. I was stating that it wasn't a provider issue and that people should understand this so next time it happens instead of sitting around, as you suggested, and let the problem go sight unseen. I seriously hope thats not how you treat other departments at work. I NEVER in all my years of experience had someone knowledgeable say, Oh just sit and wait around they'll get to it. But since you think your pathetic DIY certifications make you a networking god, you come on here posting how everyone else is wrong and we should all stop freaking out. I wasnt SLAMMING you, but your highness had to go off on a rant because he thinks he's better than anyone else posting. You assumed it was region based on users who post here, well not everyone out there posts on here. As a DBA I deal with guys like you all day. Think they know it all and act as if everyone owes them because they are DIY certified. I'm sure you even went to ITT Tech or Devry. Anyway, it wasn't regional, as you assumed. There were more issues at hand, and I wanted to make everyone aware of this so instead of freaking out on your ISP next time you also notify POL/SE of the problem as well. Now go clean the "god sweat" off your forehead and find another way to save humanity by posting on forums.

I did nslookup the IP. I did resolve DNS. WAAA WAAA. What now? If you had *** read the whole thread you'd of seen that, back off one post and read the whole thing before you squawk off your ***. k thanks.

Also pal. If you notice, people with god sweat throw their education as a way of "Trust in me, I know what I'm saying" Like you're doing here. NOTICE. NOT until someone said "I'm logged in now, it's over" Yea, it wasn't until then, the ending, that I posted my education. You on the other hand. Yea. Arrogant much?
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-01-31 17:43:29
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Shutupanddie said:
Seriously, don't post anymore like Art said

I think it was aimed at you as well :x
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 99
By Carbuncle.Shutupanddie 2009-01-31 17:55:35
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It is, like I said, I'll stop. I'm old enough to know when to get mad and when to walk away. BUT! I got one last thing, "Have to say this". To ME, this is funny. Guy mentioned his "God Sweat" Statement of : I'm a DBA (Database Admin) this is what made me chuckle. I know temp employees that do DBA. People that aren't educated at ALL. They can point and click and send data to proper form or field and make a nice output of it all. If that's your god sweat LOL@@@!! Serious, no lie. I know a handful of uneducated people who work for places like Teksystems, New Era and other IT recruiting companies. Basically, if you can point and click, you can do data entry.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Radaghast
Posts: 215
By Cerberus.Radaghast 2009-01-31 19:47:38
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Pretty lulzy thread.

It'd be more lulzy if it was a topic worth a ***.

SRSLY.... who gives a ***?


Honestly, of all the things to argue about on the internets, this is probalby the most HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE of them all.

...good for lulz though.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 130
By Shiva.Ethereal 2009-01-31 19:50:13
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Radaghast said:
Pretty lulzy thread.

It'd be more lulzy if it was a topic worth a ***.

SRSLY.... who gives a ***?


Honestly, of all the things to argue about on the internets, this is probalby the most HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE of them all.

...good for lulz though.

Then you're posting here why? Make an *** of yourself often? If so you're pretty damn good at it!
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Radaghast
Posts: 215
By Cerberus.Radaghast 2009-01-31 19:51:43
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Ethereal said:
Woot, managed to log in fine on my mule! Gonna call a GM and see what (little) they have to say about this. I bet you're all as irritated as I am.

Great idea... bug GM's about your ISP issues.... Jesus, Harold, tap-dancing, Christ.

Read a book... knit a sweater... get laid... get drunk.. ***.. do something.

I find incredibly amusing that people whine, and *** the second they can't log into their FFXI stuff, and start nonsense threads like this.

Can't log in for an hour or so? ... wait... I promise.. the world WILL still turn..........

Whiny babies.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 130
By Shiva.Ethereal 2009-01-31 19:52:54
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Hmmm so you waste your time to post your bitching about it here? Man... And I thought some of the things I did were counter productive. I think you beat me there.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Radaghast
Posts: 215
By Cerberus.Radaghast 2009-01-31 19:53:20
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I did it for the lulz.

Why else?

Don't you have some crying to do?
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Radaghast
Posts: 215
By Cerberus.Radaghast 2009-01-31 19:53:41
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lol@ the furry telling me to go to 4chan.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 130
By Shiva.Ethereal 2009-01-31 19:55:49
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Radaghast here has performed the epitome of epic failure. Case closed. Goodnight all!
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Radaghast
Posts: 215
By Cerberus.Radaghast 2009-01-31 19:55:53
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Ethereal said:
Hmmm so you waste your time to post your bitching about it here? Man... And I thought some of the things I did were counter productive. I think you beat me there.

Who said anything about being productive? Whiney little kids like you are all the same.

I'm not posting to change the world. I saw this absurd thread, and thought: Hey, this might be funny... and I was right.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Radaghast
Posts: 215
By Cerberus.Radaghast 2009-01-31 19:56:43
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lol get back to your yiffing.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 130
By Shiva.Ethereal 2009-01-31 19:57:15
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PS: Gogo page 4!