Paladin DD Set Up

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Paladin DD set up
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Server: Garuda
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Posts: 212
By Garuda.Bravefencer 2009-01-20 20:32:54
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suggestions <can i have it?>
Server: Garuda
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user: Wooooodum
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By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-01-20 20:37:45
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Server: Ifrit
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By Ifrit.Haseyo 2009-01-20 20:40:22
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Wooooodum said:

Best suggestion ever.
I see Pld/Nins in campaign battle with Haub.
Server: Unicorn
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user: Stubbie
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By Unicorn.Smurfo 2009-01-20 20:50:05
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Level war, mnk drg, drk, thf, rng, sam, blu, whm hell, almost anything will outparse pld..
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Anye
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By Ragnarok.Anye 2009-01-21 04:38:57
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/sigh, PLD isn't THE BEST DD, but it CAN DD.

Many recommendations I've heard (and am currently working on) is skilling up Staff (Full Swing @ 300TP [5.00 dmg; 50% STR modifier]), leveling /SAM and /NIN. Also, if you're able to get Joyeuse and Dual Wield that with Company Sword or--even better--Justice Sword, that helps a lot.

STR build gear is nice; PLDs can equip Haubergeon, or even Sipahi Jawshan set. The usual DD build gear goes for the rest of the slots: O.Hat, Chiv. Chain, Brutal/Assault/(maybe)Fowling Earrings, Pallas's Bracelets (or Alkyoneus's Bracelets if you can afford) STR rings/Acc rings, Amemet Mantle +1 (Cerb. Mantle = DO WANT!), Potent Belt.

For TP build, I was considering Byrnie (a lot of people lol at it, though = / ), Tarasque Mitts, Wivre/Valkyrie's Mask, along with the rest of the gear mentioned above.

GL Bravefencer, hope this helped. I'd recommend going to the Paladin forums, they've got a lot of knowledgegable Paladins there who respond in a timely manner^^ /salute
Server: Fairy
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user: Blackmist
Posts: 525
By Fairy.Blackmist 2009-01-21 04:52:59
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DD PLD is Fun. if you wana solo or CB ^^ I tank/DD in Cb alot. <3 love lasting like 5 mins on the NM of the battle. dieing, then Next PLD up falling in like 5 seconds <3 thank you Jung forest_S

as for me when i wana "dd" i just put on w/e i have
[Head] Wally Turban, O-hat,and the IR head pice when ***hits the fan, Working on Genbu's helm ^^

[Body] i carry around a hauby, SH, and some times. if i have the space. my af pice, (extra Eva is nice when you get a nasty link)

[hands] Dusk. that simple =3
[Legs] the 4th division pants (str & eva), IR pants, not shure atm if i have any others i use
[feet] LL boots (lol) Asker feet and now ^^ Crimson Greaves
(ring"s") Rajas, Flame, hurkules,unyealding,woodsmen x2, depending on what i need
(earrings) flowing and bushimimi [DM] wish i had the sword one now...
(Back) amment mantel+1
(waist) warwolf belt for the vit/str, Swift for the haste and acc (lol+3)
(neck) Chiv. chain and parade gorget,
(Ammo) biki shell
(weapon: joyues and if im /nin. i off hand joyus w/ brave blade "breaking lantent i know theres better like the coral sword"
(shield) IR shild attack & eva ;3

This allthou is just what i use over all, swap in pices when needed. i listed them if you wana use it as a template ( saw anye did the same thing :P )

GL on DD PLD -Dont let ppl bash you on it ^_^ I mean There are DD WHM.. even if they DO get hexa strike >.o
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Cedeking
Posts: 13
By Fairy.Cedeking 2009-01-21 04:58:30
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pld can use hecatomb on ws...homam for tp...organics+joytoy or organics+merkris or excalibur+joytoy...
alky, cerb mantle or cuchulain mantle, velocious or swift belt + warwolf, ring what u want, earring what u want...just search...a lot of drk or war item can be equippable by pld...this is if u want to use dual wield. Or pld/war or pld/sam with great sword like algol or gold algol+1 or any other good GS...if u want to be dd pld u can, just need gil and hnmls.
tbh... dd pld for nothing serious like hnm fight...XD
but nyzul isle, merit, mission, campaign, yes you can.
Server: Garuda
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user: fullen
Posts: 134
By Garuda.Fullen 2009-01-21 04:59:42
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I've done some crazy damage messing around PLD/SAM with an Algol, TPing in Ares and Homam with 21% haste, WSing in full Heca, lol
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Anye
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By Ragnarok.Anye 2009-01-21 05:09:31
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Heh, yeah I'd forgotten about SH and GSword. Also, Haste build helps a lot with DD as well as /NIN.^^
Server: Asura
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user: Korpg
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By Asura.Korpg 2009-01-21 06:16:55
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PLD DDs are like one of the best at staying alive!

I'm not kidding, they can A) Cure themselves, B) Tank WHILE DDing!, C) Switch straight to tanking gear in a flash!, D) DD WHILE Tanking!

You take a DRK and a PLD, both have them do as much damage as possible.

The PLD will do the most damage because they are able to stay alive a whole hell of a lot longer than the DRK. DRK will do 2k+ damage for sure, but die in 10 seconds (Souleater + WS FTW!!!) while the PLD can do some subpar damage, but stay alive long enough to pass the DRKs predeath damage (although overtime, DRKs still outparse PLDs if the DRKs can stay alive as long as the PLD)

So let the PLDs DD! Let the DRKs tank for once lol...
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 148
By Cerberus.Cecilharvey 2009-01-21 06:43:10
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PLD DD "hmmm." Its possible but you will need to spend a huge number of money (see the list of gears posted in past posts lol) & a long time if you really want something workable, but anyway, this wont be better than the mains DDs in the game, i feel you, bcs PLD in older FFs were DDs "FF4 imo", also, don't forget the PLD/DNC with a Mercucial sword setup, PLD is 3rd in line for the Great sword, you wont do as munch DMG but it could be interesting, otherwise yes, PLD can use the heca set of gears for WS.

About what Korpg said "Souleater + WS for the win!" i wouldn't agree with you, a DRK need to be smart when using this for WS, i don't personaly if i'm not zerging , i don't need that to deal more than 1.4k on WS, most of the time a DRK use Souleater guillotine he end up dieing because 1 Souleater make a huge hate, 2 the WS with souleater kind of double the hate already made, & 3 the DRK will end up dieing if the healer have not enough MP when the DRK does it or the healer will die because of the hate back from the cures, if he does not stay alive with no MP left ? i think souleater best staying a Zerg tool or a way to end fast a fight, but in any use it will cost MP to the healer lol.

Just my personal opinion about what you said, don't see any offense in this, & for the PLD DD, well good luck on that :)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-01-21 06:52:10
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Cecilharvey said:
About what Korpg said "Souleater + WS for the win!" i wouldn't agree with you, a DRK need to be smart when using this for WS, i don't personaly if i'm not zerging , i don't need that to deal more than 1.4k on WS, most of the time a DRK use Souleater guillotine he end up dieing because 1 Souleater make a huge hate, 2 the WS with souleater kind of double the hate already made, &amp; 3 the DRK will end up dieing if the healer have not enough MP when the DRK does it or the healer will die because of the hate back from the cure, if he does not stay alive with no MP left ? i think souleater best staying a Zerg tool or a way to end fast a fight, but in any use it will cost MP to the healer lol.

If there were no healers, just seeing who would survive the longest without one, and both were trying to do as much damage as possible with the best gear they have, all access to their spells and abilities, then yes, DRK will die a lot sooner than PLD. Just because there ARE healers doesn't mean you can RELY on them at ALL times. People still get killed from lack of healing/mp.

Now, using the said sitation from above, the PLD can do more damage than the DRK because the PLD can heal him/herself, go invincible if needed (don't forget, 2hrs are still a JA) and stay alive a lot longer than the DRK. Damage over time will always side with the one that can stay alive the longest. Zerg Damage always sides with the one who can do spike damage the fastest.
Server: Cerberus
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user: Saiya
Posts: 372
By Cerberus.Saiya 2009-01-21 06:52:44
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Blackmist said:
Working on Genbu's helm ^^

Sorry to break it to you Blackmist, but PLD can't wear Genbu's Kabuto ; ; (So unfair).
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 148
By Cerberus.Cecilharvey 2009-01-21 07:01:38
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Sorry, but in this case its totaly logic that a DRK will die fast, the DRK will pull the hate at his 1st WS comparated to the lack of power from the PLD, no point arguing on this lol, if you want to do so then go test on any IT or VT mob with a duo PLD & DRK, and check out the dmg, parse it if you like, ok the DRK could die faster, but if the PLD get to fight solo his VT or IT mob, you will notice that he wont try to DD more but he will try to survive, when we talk about PLD 1st thing ppl see is the A+ of their sword skill, what is totaly wrong, don't forget a shield is maybe 50% of the PLD, give a PLD (lets say /WAR) a great sword & ask him to go DD on any VT or IT he/she will be on the same ground as any DD with /WAR (DRG/WAR DRK/WAR), not for the power of his attacks but about how he will get wounded by the ennemi , whatever if he has the possibility to cure him/herself, the cast of Spells like Cure III/IV are quit long & might be interupted, which don't happen often when using a shield, a shield block is a big difference because even if you take damage if you are casting a spell it wont be interupted, its where what you say about DoT PLD sound wrong.

Now i don't get your point that where come my com about what you said with souleater, you were talking about DoT, well i don't see the point using souleater there & about WSing with souleater up.

Thats why PLD is not a DD, need to keep in mind, PLD is counting a lot on its shield to survive & to do his job, with /SAM it would get seigan/3rd eye & could stay alive a bit longer (assuming he/she is using a two handed weapon) & so would not be interupted if he/she is casting a spell like Cure IV under 3rd eye effect & there /NIN utsusemi but again for this a shield is better because the cast would not be interupted if the attk is blocked by it so.

Now for the case of merit PT, the PLD would not have this problem considering there could be a good WAR/NIN with his 30 maybe 35% of double attack proc ? or a good DRG/SAM spamming Penta-T & who is being assisted by his pet (lets say on the colibris camps) or again a good SAM/WAR, /NIN spamming Gekko ? ppl would rather replace the PLD/wathevertoDD by another DD "a real DD job" to fil more in their TP burn.

Edit: Also, i seen a thread about PLD complaining to not having Nyzule assault as only 75 job, well think about it maybe? ^^;
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 568
By Leviathan.Celestinia 2009-01-21 07:14:21
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Hows this? As if most people will even have half of it lol

Oh btw Anye I used Brynie for maat fight, it's a nice piece but prob better of with a hauby... saying that being different is never a bad thing =D congrats on 75 too!
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 148
By Cerberus.Cecilharvey 2009-01-21 07:29:25
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Well if you were going to gear your PLD as a DD you would need to do somes corrections =P for WS at least i'd use Hecatomb cap for head (STR+11 DEX+5), Hecatomb hand(STR+7 DEX+4)/or the Lv70 Bracelets (STR+11) Hecatomb Feet (STR+6 DEX+3) assuming you'd use a Great sword "Spinning slash" 1 hited WS does not need DEX as much as multi hit WS does. what you list is good but for me it look like half TP half WS gears set.

With what i listed there you get more STR & DEX than with the Maat cap, you lose all other (+7 Stats) like INT which is a modifier for Spinning slash or Ground strike as well as STR, or you lose DEX if you use the Giant Bracelets Lv70 but you will see that a lot of SAM or DRK use it for their "one Hit" WS.
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 568
By Leviathan.Celestinia 2009-01-21 07:34:02
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Cecilharvey said:
Well if you were going to gear your PLD as a DD you would need to do somes corrections =P for WS at least i'd use Hecatomb cap for head (STR+11 DEX+5), Hecatomb hand(STR+7 DEX+4)/or the Lv70 Bracelets (STR+11) Hecatomb Feet (STR+6 DEX+3) assuming you'd use a Great sword "Spinning slash" 1 hited WS does not need DEX as much as multi hit WS does. what you list is good but for me it look like half TP half WS gears set.

Lol thanks i'll keep that in mind, i'm still learning on the melee DD front...
Server: Kujata
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user: Malicfayt
Posts: 156
By Kujata.Malicfayt 2009-01-21 08:45:17
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Id use pld/nin with swords A+ Skill is nice. Ive seen a sword / K-club (club A- skill) Pld, beat the living snot out of many DD's. TP feeding isn't an issue as your on the recieving end. This would be the only job i would recommend/accept in my exp party to be using a K-club. That is IF you had the potential/gear to pull it off.

Most likely K-club is out of the question. So, sword/sword with TP / WS macro gear to your liking. Anyways i believe it to be fully possible. Give it your all
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 60
By Bahamut.Lyle 2009-01-21 08:55:11
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Paladin can be a surperb DD in situations excluding mobs with High defense.
Dynamis and Einherjar are prime examples.

All you need is a good DD and WS setup to go along with your tanking set.

Using Joyuse as my sword and /war I parsed in the following Dynamises.

Dynamis – Bastok 1
Player Total Dmg Damage % Melee Dmg Range Dmg Abil. Dmg WSkill Dmg
Lacigam 76031 8.27 % 48349 0 0 27563
Lisey 56173 6.11 % 39786 0 0 16330
Luavani 93372 10.16 % 43164 0 0 50208
Lumpsta 103345 11.24 % 71824 0 0 30485
Lyle 85432 9.29 % 56511 0 473 27202
Thallis 96711 10.52 % 49219 0 0 47475
Thecrow 43887 4.77 % 22534 6291 0 14953
Zorander 41820 4.55 % 26700 0 0 14928

Dynamis – Bastok 2
Player Total Dmg Damage % Melee Dmg Range Dmg Abil. Dmg WSkill Dmg
Brenton 74217 8.71 % 37124 0 0 37029
Chev 20488 2.40 % 20291 0 17 180
Conker 19235 2.26 % 13013 0 0 5225
Dhehen 48117 5.65 % 28643 0 0 19474
Drake 45090 5.29 % 35574 0 599 8911
Kiwiberry 5732 0.67 % 3435 0 925 1365
Legendarybroly 63716 7.48 % 43263 0 0 20453
Littletitan 22568 2.65 % 17247 0 0 5321
Lyle 91338 10.72 % 56688 0 317 33175
Monkmiroku 48080 5.64 % 27894 111 0 20075
Sweetness 4414 0.52 % 4142 0 0 129
Traystar 47754 5.60 % 18723 0 0 4723
Xab 59277 6.96 % 29874 0 0 29350
Zhoutai 26850 3.15 % 17098 0 85 9667
Carbuncle 183 0.02 % 102 0 81 0
Garuda 3497 0.41 % 520 0 2977 0
Muffin 1646 0.19 % 1419 0 225 0
Sparky 27516 3.23 % 4595 12666 0 10254

Dynamis – Jeuno 1
Player Total Dmg Damage % Melee Dmg Range Dmg Abil. Dmg WSkill Dmg
Lacigam 27641 4.46 % 17710 0 0 9865
Lisey 36891 5.96 % 26316 0 0 10575
Luavani 29655 4.79 % 15945 0 0 13691
Lumpsta 49097 7.93 % 33712 0 0 15160
Lyle 56707 9.16 % 37423 0 158 18469
Malicai 1648 0.27 % 1448 0 85 115
Panoramix 16315 2.64 % 12749 0 0 3566
Thallis 50003 8.08 % 27167 0 0 22761
Thecrow 23076 3.73 % 12684 2405 0 7898
Xzero 55082 8.90 % 39649 0 0 15167
Zorander 20199 3.26 % 15786 0 0 4127

You can see what I was using here.

When backup tanks are needed this is a wonderful solution when they are not needed to be in an alliance to fight.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: zanno
Posts: 2849
By Carbuncle.Zanno 2009-01-21 09:03:37
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just wondering, why would you wanna DD on PLD? If you wanna DD and make good dmg, why not lv a job that are made for DD'ing? If you just wanna fool around in CB and make dmg, i can understand that, but would you really put down all the time, effort and gil it takes to set up a real good DD PLD just so you can DD in CB?
Server: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: frobeus
Posts: 1498
By Midgardsormr.Frobeus 2009-01-21 09:04:17
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First of all, having a DD setup on your pld is actually a very good idea. There are several events where having such a build would be extremly helpful (esp if pld is your only 75). Things like Nyzul, Limbus, Ein, Meripo, and Dynamis (most likely if your the main assist) the mobs die so quickly that even the best pld's have no prayer at keeping any kind of hate, so the best thing you can do is just help speed up the kills as well.

One thing that should be kept in mind when DD on pld is that you have A+ skill in sword. This should def be considered when choosing which weapon to build your DD set around.

Edit: Accidently deleted the setup's I just made lol, too lazy to redo them.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 148
By Cerberus.Cecilharvey 2009-01-21 09:09:57
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Zanno said:
just wondering, why would you wanna DD on PLD? If you wanna DD and make good dmg, why not lv a job that are made for DD'ing? If you just wanna fool around in CB and make dmg, i can understand that, but would you really put down all the time, effort and gil it takes to set up a real good DD PLD just so you can DD in CB?

this. ^

only thing i could see very workable for PLD DD with sword is the new Nyzule WS, dealing up to constant 700+ dmg on any mob with which you have max hate is good & it help you to keep hate so ^^; otherwise yeah... Trying to PLD DD is a weird idea, because you wont be asked to DD often in a lot of events.
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 568
By Leviathan.Celestinia 2009-01-21 09:11:42
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Yeah your only real hope of getting into nyzul static if pld is your only 75 is to show the leader of the static that your pld has a decent DD build, else chances are you won't get in >.< i've found this a lot. I'd rather just lvl a DD though, time investment is worth it. Messing around with Pld as DD would be cool though.
Server: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: frobeus
Posts: 1498
By Midgardsormr.Frobeus 2009-01-21 09:14:15
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Zanno said:
just wondering, why would you wanna DD on PLD? If you wanna DD and make good dmg, why not lv a job that are made for DD'ing? If you just wanna fool around in CB and make dmg, i can understand that, but would you really put down all the time, effort and gil it takes to set up a real good DD PLD just so you can DD in CB?

I used to feel the same way, but after playing the game for a long time, personally I find it fun to try to different things on jobs that aren't really the norm. Yes, we all know the most efficent way to get things done, but sometimes its fun to try other things, just to see if you can. Lately I've been tanking quite a bit on Sam. I have ninja level'd and could easily lvl pld but its fun to try out new things if you can pull it off with out ruining everyones else's time. Currently working on a magic build for sam, to tank Ultima with.
Server: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Malicfayt
Posts: 156
By Kujata.Malicfayt 2009-01-21 09:24:35
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Why do i want to tank on Thief? Why did i level /sam for my summoner?
Firstly, because i can. Secondly because I want to. Thirdly because your not my mommy!

It's kind of obvious. When you like something you want to do stuff with the thing you like more and more. why? because you like it! you enjoy it. Why do i use retribution over Spirit Taker? CUZ YOU SHOOT YOUR STAFF WITH YOUR MIND!!!!! (how friggin cool is that 0_0;!) its not because i'm dumb. what other reason does one need? Why do you play FFxi if not to have fun?

Some people just love a certain job(s) that much.
Look at Lyle's Web space.
Lyle's PLD = Pure devotion with the mojo to back it up.
Server: Garuda
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user: Crayne
Posts: 60
By Garuda.Crayne 2009-01-21 09:54:23
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fwiw, while leveling thru Aht Urghan, I *deliberately* forewent the AF body for a Haubergeon, wore a life belt, and some other DD-ish stuff. While you take a little more damage (mobs after 50 laugh at that curve ANYWAYS), you're probably gaining more enmity from melee swings and overall than enmity+2 on AF. Endgame, I use AF, exp/campaign I use Hauby.

Some of this stuff I don't have, but this is my suggestion (with substitutes):

Main: Joyeuse (Company sword)
sub: Justice Sword (Joyeuse or another Company)
range: empty
ammo: Tiphia Sting
Head: O.Hat or Walmart Turban, depending on how much haste gear you have.
neck: PCC or Chiv chain
Body: Haubergeon(+1)/Byrnie
Hands: Homam Manopolas or Dusk Gloves (Some atk mitts if not)
Ears: Brutal and Suppanomimi (or Assault, Ethereal also work)
Rings: Woodsman/Sniper's + Rajas (or the ToAU one works too)
Back: Cerberus Mantle/Forager's/Amemet +1 (Psilo's or NQ functions)
waist: Swift belt/Potent Belt
Legs: Homam (or Feral Trousers)
Feet: Homam/Dusk/Feral feet

WS swaps should try to keep some acc+ and STR (Vorpal Blade's prolly your best bet), for which I suggest Heca feet/hands/body, warwolf belt, among others. Pick and chose.

Trust me, I was in a party ~69 with 2 SAM WAR BRD RDM and me PLD...I couldin't hold hate off them if I tried since it was nothing but WS at the start (so annoying), so I changed to /NIN and kept up pretty least I wasn't leeching.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: zanno
Posts: 2849
By Carbuncle.Zanno 2009-01-21 10:26:17
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Malicfayt said:
Why do i want to tank on Thief? Why did i level /sam for my summoner? Firstly, because i can. Secondly because I want to. Thirdly because your not my mommy! It's kind of obvious. When you like something you want to do stuff with the thing you like more and more. why? because you like it! you enjoy it. Why do i use retribution over Spirit Taker? CUZ YOU SHOOT YOUR STAFF WITH YOUR MIND!!!!! (how friggin cool is that 0_0;!) its not because i'm dumb. what other reason does one need? Why do you play FFxi if not to have fun? Some people just love a certain job(s) that much. Look at Lyle's Web space. Lyle's PLD = Pure devotion with the mojo to back it up. /praise

I see the fun part, but if you wanna go SMN/SAM, where's the "fun" in never getting any pt coz no1 understand wtf you're up to? lol
Server: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: frobeus
Posts: 1498
By Midgardsormr.Frobeus 2009-01-21 10:50:00
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Zanno said:
Malicfayt said:
Why do i want to tank on Thief? Why did i level /sam for my summoner? Firstly, because i can. Secondly because I want to. Thirdly because your not my mommy! It's kind of obvious. When you like something you want to do stuff with the thing you like more and more. why? because you like it! you enjoy it. Why do i use retribution over Spirit Taker? CUZ YOU SHOOT YOUR STAFF WITH YOUR MIND!!!!! (how friggin cool is that 0_0;!) its not because i'm dumb. what other reason does one need? Why do you play FFxi if not to have fun? Some people just love a certain job(s) that much. Look at Lyle's Web space. Lyle's PLD = Pure devotion with the mojo to back it up. /praise
I see the fun part, but if you wanna go SMN/SAM, where's the "fun" in never getting any pt coz no1 understand wtf you're up to? lol

Actually this probably isn't as big of a problem as you might think. With the addition of campaign and FOV soloing is much much easier than it used to be. Throw in besieged and anything you do just with friends who dont' care what you go as, and you have plenty of changes to use w/e crazy combo you like. I don't think he meant that he used smn/sam in actually xp pts or serious events, but just for goofing around. Although smn/sam could actually work @ khimira IF your group was heavy on healing and you had plenty of support so you didn't have to rest mp back often. Pred Claws and toss in some 30 damage retribution for fun!!
Server: Fairy
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Posts: 263
By Fairy.Lethewaters 2009-01-21 11:07:50
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Anye said:
/sigh, PLD isn't THE BEST DD, but it CAN DD. For TP build, I was considering Byrnie (a lot of people lol at it, though = / ), Tarasque Mitts, Wivre/Valkyrie's Mask, along with the rest of the gear mentioned above. GL Bravefencer, hope this helped. I'd recommend going to the Paladin forums, they've got a lot of knowledgegable Paladins there who respond in a timely manner^^ /salute

Actually I agree with this. I solo Colibri as a PLD/RDM with my AF but replace the body with the Byrnie. Yes it's orange but its done so well that I tried it on other DD jobs. And caused me to laugh at the DMG I was doing (The SAM tanks now?)PLD/NIN can do well but remember your delay on swords.

Before I really start to put another cent in though, What lvl is the OP looking at?
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Stubbie
Posts: 321
By Unicorn.Smurfo 2009-01-21 12:15:25
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Well, the reason behind what i stated is:

I leveled RDM and WHM to heal.

I leveled bard and RDM to a lesser degree to buff parties.

I leveled paladin and working on ninja to tank, if either of these two jobs is more fit to DD, it'd be ninja hands down.

I leveled BLM, WAR and MNK to do damage.

So to me i just find it odd people asking exclusively about paladin doing dmg since it's not it's job aside from a burn party where you won't have much hate and therefore you're a wasted party slot since your dmg is dwarfed by melee jobs anyway (if you can even get an invite)

It's like if a blm set out asking about how to make the best healer mage builds, it's not it's job but yah it can work in a certain setup.. you'd be redesigning your entire build for one occassion though and carrying tons of excess gears.

Honestly i have a pretty damn good melee build for my paladin, inherited from my war but i never use it ever and this is why:

I could deal the slightly better dmg numbers that this build gives. On HNM's or anything else endgame related where i should be focused on tanking.. it's pretty worthless though and an enmity build is definitely smarter.

In exp sure it may be feasible to an extent... but i would rather not attempt to play this job in any merit party and subject myself as well as everyone else to slower exp just so i can 'have fun' to me doing dmg is alot more fun on a job that atually does dmg... also when i have a bunch of other more fit for exping lvl 75 jobs, why would i?
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