<Congradulations> U.S.A On Your New President!!

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<Congradulations> U.S.A on your New President!!
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Server: Unicorn
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user: Tomas
Posts: 830
By Unicorn.Tavlov 2009-01-20 18:36:04
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Thank you Stryyker.

I do see what you mean about the anti-christ as well. He does share some of the signs that are talked about in the religious circle. I surely hope he's not, but, we'll just have to see.

As far as that conspiracy thing, i honestly have to say the evidence is there to swing it in that direction. Now I'm no genius engineer, but when a standing object gets hit. Shouldn't it fall, at least somewhat, away from impact. Or even in the direction of the giant hole what was created. It came straight down, well after it was hit. It shouldnt take a rocket scientist to see that it fell like a building that was imploded.
Server: Fairy
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Posts: 263
By Fairy.Lethewaters 2009-01-20 18:40:11
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So we have a new President. Now we can watch the dollar deflate even more as they print up more money to save banks and other companies from their blunders.

As for 9-11 being premeditated, I not only feel angered but insulted. Do some more research. You'll find the Democrats response to Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda ( or Al-Qaida) as being nothing. The US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, the USS Cole and Khobar Towers. A cruise missle or 2 into a terrorist camp just makes them laugh.

We will see how the next 4 years go but pinning everything on a certain president is nonsense. Obama will inherit from Bush what he inherited from Clinton, etc etc.

I wasn't going to even comment on here until I saw Stryyker's post. At least you have the right to say it though. Be glad you aren't in China.

If you believe 9-11 was a conspiracy then keep wondering about Obama's birth certificate.
Server: Unicorn
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user: Stubbie
Posts: 321
By Unicorn.Smurfo 2009-01-20 18:44:16
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Again though, cite some credible sources or it's not valid. I hate to debate this because honestly it's stupid, i've seen all these propaganda videos myself and i can say that i think it's sick that people would use a tragedy to push their own agendas.

I get kind of offended when people push this "truth" as absolute truth, there is speculation that it was an inside job but nothing can pin it on anybody or for that matter, prove that it is factual at all.

They very well could be "truth" to it, but without evidence and credible sources other than propaganda vid's they hold none.

Ever seen the marijuana propaganda movies from the 1930-40's? yah propaganda is such a stupid thing, sad that so many people (i'm looking at you!) are gullible enough to buy into it or i'd be smokin a fat J right now legally.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Soraku
Posts: 14
By Asura.Melisia 2009-01-20 18:46:51
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Lethewaters said:

If you believe 9-11 was a conspiracy then keep wondering about Obama's birth certificate.

It doesn't matter if Obama was born on the moon as long as one of his parents are U.S. citizens, and guess what? One of them is.
Server: Alexander
Game: FFXI
user: sgtdbo
Posts: 21
By Alexander.Sgtdbo 2009-01-20 18:47:36
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Antigod said:
Hello, my name is Antigod.. and I am a biggot. My beautiful white country is being taken over by minorities.. It started back in the seventies, when "their" sitcoms started popping up. Then, in the eighties, "their" music hit the mainstream. In the nineties "they" started crying for political correctness, BET grew on my cable channel listings like a cancerous growth (Oh, but if we had a WET, "they" would flip out.), and English started to seem like it wasn't the main language of the country. Now, in the new century, this "person" has become our president.. Entrances into colleges and universities use a quota system instead of just accepting people by academic merit. Every commercial has a minority in it. Everything you buy has a language other than English printed on it.. we even have television commercials that are entirely in another language. This country is turning against white people.. We can have a history month to promote "their" interests.. but we can't have a white history month.. I don't like the direction that this country is taking. I don't like having a president that isn't white. I know that I do not represent the majority opinion, but there are many that feel the same way that I do.. they just don't have the balls to say it. I'm laying odds that there are enough people who despise this president that he may not serve all four years of his term. (I mean, hell.. they've already stopped two assassination attempts already.. and he wasn't even sworn in yet.)

No one in America believes this. It doesn't take balls to post on a thread like this and still no one has said anything close to this.

Stryyker said:
I'm sorry but when do you protect somethign that you destroyed to put certain policies into place? 9-11 was proven by engineers that it was conspired and that the 9-11 report that was "supposed" to be made public was offically closed with "no evidence of so and so." Using logic and physics, those attacks were all done on the inside. Anyone that has a decent amount of working brain cells can see through that "patriotic ***."

Seriously dude?
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Stryyker
Posts: 46
By Ramuh.Stryyker 2009-01-20 18:50:47
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Lethewaters said:
So we have a new President. Now we can watch the dollar deflate even more as they print up more money to save banks and other companies from their blunders. As for 9-11 being premeditated, I not only feel angered but insulted. Do some more research. You'll find the Democrats response to Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda ( or Al-Qaida) as being nothing. The US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, the USS Cole and Khobar Towers. A cruise missle or 2 into a terrorist camp just makes them laugh. We will see how the next 4 years go but pinning everything on a certain president is nonsense. Obama will inherit from Bush what he inherited from Clinton, etc etc. I wasn't going to even comment on here until I saw Stryyker's post. At least you have the right to say it though. Be glad you aren't in China. If you believe 9-11 was a conspiracy then keep wondering about Obama's birth certificate.

Fortunately for you my friend i am looking for the "truth." I know about the whole thing with Obama's certificate. Like I said I am not taking sides because the whole thign about political parties is crap. It's jsut another way to divide people. Just liek this whole topic. Blown out fo proportion because someone said "congrats on your new president."
Anyone ever hear of the saying "Divide and conquer."
If the people of this world and United States were to set aside all the *** and accept everyone for whoever they are, and put up with each other and actually be virtuous towards each other the world would be a better place. In actuality many people rather make/have problems and not live peaceful lives hence politics.
and to support you again my friend i'll even put the link up for you. my friend i work with sent an email to me about it and like the poster above said there's no way to prove it unless you were there or have some factual documentation. Even then you can't really "prove" most of these documents anymore (or possibly never before.) You have to understand that since HUMANS are in charge there will always be falsehoods etc. (aka buying college degrees, getting ahead of someone else due to favoritism or "knowing" someone in the business.)

EDIT: I can't find the actual link but here's a start.
For those of you who do not know, the whole skirmish is about Obama not being an actual citizen. Why? Because they are saying that Obama's mom was at the airport in Africa and they were not going to let her on because of her time in pregnancy. He had his birth in Africa and then when they arrived in Hawaii prepared birth documentation that he was (i think naturalized - i cant rememember the details) but that he wasn't a true citizen. That's it in a nutshell.
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Stubbie
Posts: 321
By Unicorn.Smurfo 2009-01-20 18:52:43
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Stryyker said:
Lethewaters said:
So we have a new President. Now we can watch the dollar deflate even more as they print up more money to save banks and other companies from their blunders. As for 9-11 being premeditated, I not only feel angered but insulted. Do some more research. You'll find the Democrats response to Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda ( or Al-Qaida) as being nothing. The US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, the USS Cole and Khobar Towers. A cruise missle or 2 into a terrorist camp just makes them laugh. We will see how the next 4 years go but pinning everything on a certain president is nonsense. Obama will inherit from Bush what he inherited from Clinton, etc etc. I wasn't going to even comment on here until I saw Stryyker's post. At least you have the right to say it though. Be glad you aren't in China. If you believe 9-11 was a conspiracy then keep wondering about Obama's birth certificate.

Fortunately for you my friend i am looking for the "truth." I know about the whole thing with Obama's certificate.

You hit propaganda highway and think you're going to find truth in one of the lanes?

Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Soraku
Posts: 14
By Asura.Melisia 2009-01-20 18:52:45
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Engineers proved it. It must be true. . .

and by engineers proved it I mean they made it up on the spot to make my point sound stronger<
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Soraku
Posts: 14
By Asura.Melisia 2009-01-20 19:00:26
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Stryyker said:

EDIT: I can't find the actual link but here's a start.
For those of you who do not know, the whole skirmish is about Obama not being an actual citizen. Why? Because they are saying that Obama's mom was at the airport in Africa and they were not going to let her on because of her time in pregnancy. He had his birth in Africa and then when they arrived in Hawaii prepared birth documentation that he was (i think naturalized - i cant rememember the details) but that he wasn't a true citizen. That's it in a nutshell.

It doesn't matter where he was born you. It only matters that he has ONE parent who is a legal citizen.
Server: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: Sect
Posts: 3723
By Midgardsormr.Sectumsempra 2009-01-20 19:02:42
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I'd love for anyone who says that 9/11 was set up to come to NYC and shout that out where the Towers once stood.

That's all I'll say on that, my personal feelings as a NYer who was directly affected by it will interfere with me making a good argument.


Like all things, Obama will usher in good and bad. Every President, so far as my so far whopping half a year in a high school junior year US history class has taught me, has done that. They bring some good and some bad. No one is truly and fully evil. Some are mediocre, but no one's quite terrible.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Stryyker
Posts: 46
By Ramuh.Stryyker 2009-01-20 19:06:51
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Smurfo said:
Again though, cite some credible sources or it's not valid. I hate to debate this because honestly it's stupid, i've seen all these propaganda videos myself and i can say that i think it's sick that people would use a tragedy to push their own agendas. I get kind of offended when people push this "truth" as absolute truth, there is speculation that it was an inside job but nothing can pin it on anybody or for that matter, prove that it is factual at all. They very well could be "truth" to it, but without evidence and credible sources other than propaganda vid's they hold none. Ever seen the marijuana propaganda movies from the 1930-40's? yah propaganda is such a stupid thing, sad that so many people (i'm looking at you!) are gullible enough to buy into it or i'd be smokin a fat J right now legally.

i'm sorry you're right i can't prove it. i wasn't at the crash site's, i wasn't one of the engineers that conducted the investigation of 9-11 but ask yourself these simple questions ask yourself why or why not?
WHY did the buildings implode? Why didn't they have any arc or arch to their collapse with the rate of the plane hitting the buildings? not even a slight tilt...
WHY was the investigation closed and not pubicly revealed the details of the investigation? WHy the secrecy??? It's not like a secret weapon that the US came up with so that it can't be talked about on the TV (so possibly other nations can see it)
WHY haven't they released (and hide the tapes) of the plane "crashing" into the Pentagon?
WHY was Bush so nonchalant about the whole ordeal (aka in the kindergarten class reading books despite the fact he was told the information of the airplanes crashing?)
WHY were these men flying the airplanes?
DO you seriously think airplane 3-5 hi-jackers can hold up a plane with box cutters? Seriously???
WHY did Saddam Hussein (even though he was vile and corrupt himself, another way to use the public emotion to justify their actions) burn the oil fields when he knew Bush the administration was coming.
Where the hell are the weapons of mass destruction that the Bush administration was so ADAMANT about. Showing "proven" photos of the missiles?
I mean seriously these are just a FEW questions that's so god damn obvious. You can believe what you want but that's how we are in human nature. My friends and family tell me im hooked to video games and i deny that ***to this day but i know i am but iw ill deny it. um do you see where im going with this? my purpose in this world is to seek the REAL truth. no watered down media ***, no lies from the higher ups, no political *** or symantics. you can figure this out for yourself. and half the ***WE AMERICANS don't knwo is going on in other parts of the world. why the hell do you think the whoel damn world hates us? seriously....you can't pull that much *** out of your *** and still tell me that simple questons like that and others dont cross your mind for one second...
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Stryyker
Posts: 46
By Ramuh.Stryyker 2009-01-20 19:10:12
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I'd love for anyone who says that 9/11 was set up to come to NYC and shout that out where the Towers once stood.

That's all I'll say on that, my personal feelings as a NYer who was directly affected by it will interfere with me making a good argument.


Like all things, Obama will usher in good and bad. Every President, so far as my so far whopping half a year in a high school junior year US history class has taught me, has done that. They bring some good and some bad. No one is truly and fully evil. Some are mediocre, but no one's quite terrible.

that's the point, using emotions defeats the purpose toward what im even saying. you're trying to deter the argument to what im truly saying. do you know what happened in those planes? i sure as hell don't but given the information, and what ive learned so far in college, high school, middle, interviews etc.
bottom line if the government was hiding anythign and just came out with the true reasons why and what happened to 9-11 then there would be no questions, no arguments about this whole ordeal. again and simply put....why all the secrecy???
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Tomas
Posts: 830
By Unicorn.Tavlov 2009-01-20 19:11:59
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oh! propaganda. A favorite word of mine. I love it when people use the "you cant prove it" line, like it somehow pseudo proves their own point. No, no one can prove that it was a conspiracy, just like no one can prove that terrorist took the building down. So honestly how can you believe either side? I remember watching the whole thing live,(if it was live) the day it happened and I thought to myself, "how is that building gonna start crumbling now? and straight down?" Hell! why did the damned building completely disintegrate to the ground? Physically the top half of the building could fall. bah... like i said nothing can be proven. Actual events don't lean~ towards terrorist though. Let's not forget our government "protects" us from those types of things.

EDIT spelling~
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Tomas
Posts: 830
By Unicorn.Tavlov 2009-01-20 19:15:10
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lol I wasn't even gonna open up the whole can.

Still waiting on some opinions that I was "owned" on...
Server: Alexander
Game: FFXI
user: sgtdbo
Posts: 21
By Alexander.Sgtdbo 2009-01-20 19:15:23
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Stryyker said:
My friends and family tell me im hooked to video games and i deny that ***to this day but i know i am but iw ill deny it. um do you see where im going with this? my purpose in this world is to seek the REAL truth

Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Gilgamesh.Xarchangel 2009-01-20 19:17:11
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IMO, Obama was the best choice for the middle working class in america, with a failing economy, even if he does spend more money, it will only produce more jobs for those that need them. You can debate it all day long, but statisticly, democrats in office create more jobs/money for the working america.

I am sure my views are not shared by everyone... but they are my views

I am happy that Bush is out of office now :)
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-01-20 19:18:35
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On a lighter side, I would like to say that cheesecake is *** delicious. :)
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 859
By Garuda.Littledarc 2009-01-20 19:18:48
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I am surprised this topic hasn't been locked yet.

No matter what your opinion is he is the new president. Lets stop the Democrat vs Republican and do what is best to help the country. Arguing doesn't fix anything. Working together we can do great things.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Stryyker
Posts: 46
By Ramuh.Stryyker 2009-01-20 19:19:40
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Smurfo said:
Stryyker said:
Lethewaters said:
So we have a new President. Now we can watch the dollar deflate even more as they print up more money to save banks and other companies from their blunders. As for 9-11 being premeditated, I not only feel angered but insulted. Do some more research. You'll find the Democrats response to Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda ( or Al-Qaida) as being nothing. The US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, the USS Cole and Khobar Towers. A cruise missle or 2 into a terrorist camp just makes them laugh. We will see how the next 4 years go but pinning everything on a certain president is nonsense. Obama will inherit from Bush what he inherited from Clinton, etc etc. I wasn't going to even comment on here until I saw Stryyker's post. At least you have the right to say it though. Be glad you aren't in China. If you believe 9-11 was a conspiracy then keep wondering about Obama's birth certificate.
Fortunately for you my friend i am looking for the "truth." I know about the whole thing with Obama's certificate.
You hit propaganda highway and think you're going to find truth in one of the lanes? K

k let me clarify myself further about the truth. no one knows the "truth."
truth is YOUR perception of a given instance or situation that happened that also factors in your belifs, upbringing, personality, and religious affiliation.
if you and i get robbed by the same person in the same bank your "truth" while telling to the cops is going to be different from mine. i can't fully explain this because my thoughts are going faster than my fingers but let me put it this way: there are false truths = (aka fallacies), the real truths = that can't be denied for example 1=1 (until someone proves this otherwise) and then there's a third truth that borders against using peoples own perception so that they can perceive wha they want but not know if its a real truth for example saying to someone "i had sex with your spouse/girlfriend/guyfriend." how will you ever know its true? how do you not know if the other person lying?? telling the truth?? why the hell would they tell you somethign like that? do you understand now?
Server: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: Sect
Posts: 3723
By Midgardsormr.Sectumsempra 2009-01-20 19:19:59
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Gonna take what you say as best I can one piece at a time, whatever comes to mind first.

--WHY was Bush so nonchalant about the whole ordeal (aka in the kindergarten class reading books despite the fact he was told the information of the airplanes crashing?)
>>You don't want to create panic, especially amongst children. Why shatter their childhood by being the president who tells the little class of children that you have to go, the terrorists are attacking? That's the role of the parents.

--WHY was the investigation closed and not pubicly revealed the details of the investigation? WHy the secrecy??? It's not like a secret weapon that the US came up with so that it can't be talked about on the TV (so possibly other nations can see it)
>> Perhaps they finally learned to stop giving information where it's not needed. From what I hear, Clinton was the one who explained that to take down the towers you'd need to go by air, not by basement bombings.

--WHY haven't they released (and hide the tapes) of the plane "crashing" into the Pentagon?
>>See above.

--WHY were these men flying the airplanes?
>>As a country, we weren't fully "awake", I suppose, to the terrorist problem. We seemed to be at a lack of security then because we never knew the world could be so evil.

--WHY were these men flying the airplanes?
DO you seriously think airplane 3-5 hi-jackers can hold up a plane with box cutters? Seriously???
>>As I recall, there was no evidence of box cutters at all. The planes, being burned up and all at extremely high temperatures, had burned up mostly anything that COULD have been a weapon. They could have had scimitars or AK-47's for all we know.

I may continue, I may not.
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Tomas
Posts: 830
By Unicorn.Tavlov 2009-01-20 19:20:27
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This is way beyond dem v rep. and lmao Artemicion.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Stryyker
Posts: 46
By Ramuh.Stryyker 2009-01-20 19:22:03
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Littledarc said:
I am surprised this topic hasn't been locked yet. No matter what your opinion is he is the new president. Lets stop the Democrat vs Republican and do what is best to help the country. Arguing doesn't fix anything. Working together we can do great things.

totally agree with this and i said this earlier littledarc. i can't agree anymore...utopia ftw??? it's possible it is but EVERYONE has to stop the petty fighting for no reason.
Server: Remora
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user: Narrubia
Posts: 129
By Remora.Narrubia 2009-01-20 19:24:36
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Neonracer said:
Narrubia said:
The only logical outcome of starting a thread like this is creating a flame war.

Ok Here is the "Canuckian" who officially started this as the OP.

I just came on here to Start by saying that I'm extremly happy for the US, I didn't come here to make this become a " Flame War".. as stated, I came here to merely Show a sign of good international relations ( Being Thy Neighbors from the north..) b/c I too, am what you say a democrat b/c up in Canada, the Democrats are our equals to our "Liberals" as the Conservatives are equal to your Republicans. I am a Liberal/Democrat supporter, and Obama being the First "African- American President" &lt;--- see I was being Racially Correct here.. this is a huge matter. This event has made a significant and monumental hurdles in all of NA and alot of people see that there is hope at the end of the tunnel, and Barack seems to be "this Light".

This thread is no flame war.. it is not to mean to start one in any way whatsoever. This was just an Epic event that one person&lt;---- me the Maple Syrup "Canuckian" who isn't even an American, to honestly put My own .02 cents in this thread to congradulate all of the US of A that everyone who lives in the USA, now has a New President, and that hopefully, change does come out of all of this.

Out with the old, in with the new.

I have faith in Obama, and I'm sure that the majority of Canada is in on this too. Can I honestly say, did any of you care when Stephen Harper Came in as our Prime Minister???


Do you guys want to end this thread? The Canuckian Has spoken! LOL....

Well, I certainly didn't mean that was your intent, but, of course, it was bound to become a thread that screams "OH DEAR LORD, LOCK ME, PLEASE!!"
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Tomas
Posts: 830
By Unicorn.Tavlov 2009-01-20 19:24:39
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I agree with not wanting to create panic, but those were kindergartners. If anything, they are gonna grow up and wonder why the hell the man in charge of this country was reading short story while his country was getting attacked. If they remember anything at all.
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Stubbie
Posts: 321
By Unicorn.Smurfo 2009-01-20 19:24:59
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Tavlov said:
oh! propaganda. A favorite word of mine. I love it when people use the "you cant prove it" line, like it somehow pseudo proves their own point. No, no one can prove that it was a conspiracy, just like no one can prove that terrorist took the building down. So honestly how can you believe either side? I remember watching the whole thing live,(if it was live) the day it happened and I thought to myself, "how is that building gonna start crumbling now? and straight down?" Hell! why did the damned building completely disintegrate to the ground? Physically the top half of the building could fall. bah... like i said nothing can be proven. Actual events don't lean~ towards terrorist though. Let's not forget our government "protects" us from those types of things.

EDIT spelling~

No, you see when you come along with an idea that is not the generally accepted explanation of something, you need facts, not propaganda videos that have no credible sources cited. it's just how the world works, anyone with even little education could tell you that.

You can't just come along spouting things to be absolute truth if there is no way to prove it. I have watched all those videos and i noticed one thing, they are very very biased, opinionated and they are trying to get people to believe something while giving no credible sources. That is propaganda by definition.
Server: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: Sect
Posts: 3723
By Midgardsormr.Sectumsempra 2009-01-20 19:27:01
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Tavlov said:
I agree with not wanting to create panic, but those were kindergartners. If anything, they are gonna grow up and wonder why the hell the man in charge of this country was reading short story while his country was getting attacked. If they remember anything at all.

Or they may remember a man who kept calm in the middle of a crises and was possibly making plans in the back of his mind as he read to them "The Little Engine That Could" or whatnot. The world may never know.
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Tomas
Posts: 830
By Unicorn.Tavlov 2009-01-20 19:30:38
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I'm sorry smurfo, but I'm not spouting anything, and I don't know what videos' everyone is referring to, I saw it happen the day of. I'm not out hunting on the internet for videos' that anyone can edit. I'd be an idiot to believe any video i saw online. Kobe jumping over a speeding car... Just b/c its a generally accepted truth, doesn't make it true. That's the only point I'm making, you can't prove it either way, so it's pointless to defend one over the other. I didn't even bring that topic up for that reason.
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 859
By Garuda.Littledarc 2009-01-20 19:31:00
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To change the subject:

I am hoping that Ted Kennedy is feeling better.
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Tomas
Posts: 830
By Unicorn.Tavlov 2009-01-20 19:32:02
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Sectumsempra said:
Tavlov said:
I agree with not wanting to create panic, but those were kindergartners. If anything, they are gonna grow up and wonder why the hell the man in charge of this country was reading short story while his country was getting attacked. If they remember anything at all.

Or they may remember a man who kept calm in the middle of a crises and was possibly making plans in the back of his mind as he read to them "The Little Engine That Could" or whatnot. The world may never know.

Possible, but I seriously doubt he could *** any situation while reading a children's book.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Soraku
Posts: 14
By Asura.Melisia 2009-01-20 19:32:19
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Stryyker said:

i'm sorry you're right i can't prove it. i wasn't at the crash site's, i wasn't one of the engineers that conducted the investigation of 9-11 but ask yourself these simple questions ask yourself why or why not?
1. a.WHY did the buildings implode? b.Why didn't they have any arc or arch to their collapse with the rate of the plane hitting the buildings? not even a slight tilt...
2.WHY was the investigation closed and not pubicly revealed the details of the investigation? WHy the secrecy??? It's not like a secret weapon that the US came up with so that it can't be talked about on the TV (so possibly other nations can see it)
3.WHY haven't they released (and hide the tapes) of the plane "crashing" into the Pentagon?
4.WHY was Bush so nonchalant about the whole ordeal (aka in the kindergarten class reading books despite the fact he was told the information of the airplanes crashing?)
5. WHY were these men flying the airplanes?
6.DO you seriously think airplane 3-5 hi-jackers can hold up a plane with box cutters? Seriously???
7.WHY did Saddam Hussein (even though he was vile and corrupt himself, another way to use the public emotion to justify their actions) burn the oil fields when he knew Bush the administration was coming.
9.Where the hell are the weapons of mass destruction that the Bush administration was so ADAMANT about. Showing "proven" photos of the missiles?
I mean seriously these are just a FEW questions that's so god damn obvious. You can believe what you want but that's how we are in human nature. My friends and family tell me im hooked to video games and i deny that ***to this day but i know i am but iw ill deny it. um do you see where im going with this? my purpose in this world is to seek the REAL truth. no watered down media ***, no lies from the higher ups, no political *** or symantics. you can figure this out for yourself. and half the ***WE AMERICANS don't knwo is going on in other parts of the world. why the hell do you think the whoel damn world hates us? seriously....you can't pull that much *** out of your *** and still tell me that simple questons like that and others dont cross your mind for one second...

All your questions will be revealed.
1. a. When the tower was struck by the plane it was able to absorb the majority of the force due to the regulations of the State of New York on the construction of sky scrapers ensuring all Sky scraper class building have the ability to withstand gusts of up to 95 knots or roughly 110 MPH and the ability to withstand systemic activity reaching 5.5 on the richter scale. This flexibility allowed for the bulk of the force to be absorbed throughout the building. Now while this did not initially tumble the building the heat of the burning engine fuel was able to destroy the additional support beams of the building. This caused the higher floors to fall down onto the lower floors one by one causing the entire building to crumble inside itself.
b. As stated before they did tilt. It just wasn't noticeable enough to you. The building was able to distribute the force well enough so it did not tumble to the side.
2. America has enough to deal with why demoralize them any more?
3. Why would they, see #2.
4. He was afraid. He didn't know what to do. Hell I'd be afraid too. I'm sure there was a large amount of confusion on 9/11 and fear.
5. Huh? To crash them into buildings? or if you mean the pilots I'd assume they were doing their job.
6. Well, United Flight 93 they didn't let this happen. They managed to take the plane back over. In many cases though all previous airplane hi-jackings always lead to the terrorists landing the plane in cuba and the civilians being ransomed. With one exception of a batched hijacking which landed in the Atlantic. So general consensus and standard operating procedure was to sit down shut up and go home.
7. To slow and weaken the US war machine.
8. To fix the problem Bush felt obligated to fix, in no way I am justifying it this is my reasoning.
9. If we found WOMD it would not be publicized at all. They could have been sold to another country. They may have never existed but the problem was they had the capabilities of making them so we may never know.