I've been switching off and on from more VIT to more STR. The numbers of damage bounces back and forth making me unsure which is better. The only thing i switch are the 2 rings and the neck. I have both STR +4 on them and VIT +4 on them. So whichever it will always be +12 to that 1 stat, BUT using VIT has a 22 difference of being higher over STR BUT the STR modifier is higher than VIT.
The attribute difference in my WS set:
The one that has higher STR stat:
STR total of 109.
VIT total of 107. (3 difference)
The one that has higher VIT stat:
STR total of 97.
VIT total of 119. (22 difference)
This is probably easy to tell for some of you out there that knows which is better.
Is going VIT better for me since I can pull it higher than STR. Even despite the (Fact?) that STR is 30.7% while VIT is 30%.
All the items had +Attributes to them excluding the earrings and wep. (Used Ursine Claws)
The damage numbers are jumpy going back and forth. I used the same mob.
Basically I just want one that will do me good in the long run of a fight.
Which one should I use?