League Of Legends

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League of Legends
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By volkom 2016-01-18 01:02:03
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Some friends wanted to play League and I was like sure and I was asked to stream :S


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By Luminohelix 2016-01-18 01:07:15
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Wolfy :3 you're never on when I'm on >.> for some reason...
By volkom 2016-01-18 01:13:25
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cuz~ i'm always playing h1z1 or something else xD
By Luminohelix 2016-01-18 01:21:47
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You ready for s6 ranked? Get dat plat again?
By volkom 2016-01-18 01:24:16
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iono we'll see. Not a fan of how the borders look this season or the icons/avatars. but yeah...probably hit plat/gold on the accounts. maybe diamond if i quit my job
By Luminohelix 2016-01-18 03:27:34
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By volkom 2016-01-23 14:40:55
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By volkom 2016-01-25 11:24:04
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this was pretty entertaining~ (to me anyways)

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By Luminohelix 2016-01-25 11:26:49
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volkom said: »
this was pretty entertaining~ (to me anyways)

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Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: alyria
Posts: 1615
By Bismarck.Alyora 2016-01-27 11:44:58
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Just passing some info :)

League of Legends Starter Pack - NA Server Only [Instant Access]

League of Legends Starter Pack - NA Server Only [Instant Access]
by Riot Games

Platform : Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks, Windows 10, Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite, Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, Mac OS X 10.7 Lion
|Rated: Teen
3.9 out of 5 stars 61 customer reviews
List Price: $0.01
Price: $0.00
You Save: $0.01 (100%)

Note: After purchase, you can access the item in Your Games Library.

Send your purchase instantly to your account. How Account Linking Works

Sold by Amazon Digital Services LLC. Additional taxes may apply. By placing your order, you agree to our Terms of Use. Game and software downloads are non-returnable and non-refundable after purchase.

Note: Currently, this item is available only to customers located in the United States and who have a U.S. billing address.

Limited time, Amazon-exclusive offer:
Receive a free Starter Pack including these 8 free Champions starting January 22, 2016 through 11:59 PM, February 4, 2016 when you link your Amazon and League of Legends accounts. Starter Pack champions will be automatically applied to your League of Legends account, and appear in your Champions library. On the top right-hand side of your League of Legends account, you will find your IP boosts and XP boosts.

By volkom 2016-02-22 13:26:58
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Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: daNpwr
Posts: 2
By Odin.Stanislav 2016-02-22 15:25:45
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that sword is sickkkk
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [35 days between previous and next post]
By volkom 2016-03-28 23:51:06
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may be old info for some people but nonetheless quite interesting info

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Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Schutz
Posts: 3122
By Fenrir.Schutz 2016-04-01 00:38:12
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I like the new Champion Rotation they're featuring this week. :p
By volkom 2016-04-03 21:52:28
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gg ganzo <3 gl in soloqueue!
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Hev
Posts: 15273
By Ragnarok.Hevans 2016-04-26 14:07:08
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looking for someone who plays top, mid, or adc and is available late evenings to give my group a consistent 5 for possible 5 man ranked. message me here or add me ign Vajra.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [49 days between previous and next post]
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Lordgrim
Posts: 2020
By Siren.Lordgrim 2016-06-15 01:45:43
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Ragnarok.Hevans said: »
looking for someone who plays top, mid, or adc and is available late evenings to give my group a consistent 5 for possible 5 man ranked. message me here or add me ign Vajra.

I'm normally on weekends and early morning weekdays , I main support and can definitely fill mid or jungle or adc and top currently silver 2 the climb is real lol add me up as well always down for 5man teams or 3s or duo I got Skype , Curse , Discord talk service as well

In game name is C9 Lordgrim
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Hev
Posts: 15273
By Ragnarok.Hevans 2016-06-15 02:00:00
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neither jesus nor alex jones love me very much. i'm concerned it may negatively impact our team chemistry.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Lordgrim
Posts: 2020
By Siren.Lordgrim 2016-06-15 02:42:54
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Ragnarok.Hevans said: »
neither jesus nor alex jones love me very much. i'm concerned it may negatively impact our team chemistry.

I focus on the game not politics and religion i keep that separate when i relax and get competitive .
No worries see you on the fields of justice and good luck and most importantly have fun.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Lordgrim
Posts: 2020
By Siren.Lordgrim 2016-06-25 12:15:40
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SHOCKING interview with Riot Employee
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this was hilarious
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [61 days between previous and next post]
By volkom 2016-08-25 17:20:31
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game is pretty much dead to me for various reason~ but anywho decided to update it today.

And noticed there was an article about Championship Riven: here

Worlds is a special time of year, and with the introduction of Championship Zed who rounds out a full Championship team comp, we wanted to look back to Season 2 where the championship line began. We felt this was a great opportunity to bring back the original Championship skin: Championship Riven for a new generation of players. And we damn well wanted to make sure she felt awesome for original owners. So we spent some time giving her texture some love and bringing it up to our current art standards.

so anyways ~ thought it was neat that they retroactively changed a skin and included something special for original owners.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [40 days between previous and next post]
Posts: 38
By Chicio 2016-10-04 10:08:22
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If anyone wants to still play hit me up on NA. Flyingostriches
Posts: 2521
By eliroo 2016-10-04 10:11:08
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How about dem worlds.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Lordgrim
Posts: 2020
By Siren.Lordgrim 2016-10-10 05:42:21
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eliroo said: »
How about dem worlds.

I am still screaming with excitement my team made it to quarter finals GO Cloud 9 !!!!! Once again two years in a row North America's last hope. We go up against Samsung Galaxy which will be a slug fest. Both teams have played very well in the world's tournament. So here's to C9 to break the curse from getting knocked out by Korea.

As for TSM they choked at worlds. I don't know what it is with their organization. They CAN make it to world's they just lack improvising on the fly or get locked into playing META picks which majority of teams at world's have fine tuned counter playing against. They need to go more with comfort picking wombo combos. I seen a few instances where they hovered over a few Champs they were extremely good with only to switch off to a META pick.

TSM needs to focus and perform better in international tournaments ether that or Reginald needs to grow his eye brows back.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [102 days between previous and next post]
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1901
By Odin.Hitoseijuro 2017-01-19 22:11:23
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Siren.Lordgrim said: »
eliroo said: »
How about dem worlds.

I am still screaming with excitement my team made it to quarter finals GO Cloud 9 !!!!! Once again two years in a row North America's last hope. We go up against Samsung Galaxy which will be a slug fest. Both teams have played very well in the world's tournament. So here's to C9 to break the curse from getting knocked out by Korea.

As for TSM they choked at worlds. I don't know what it is with their organization. They CAN make it to world's they just lack improvising on the fly or get locked into playing META picks which majority of teams at world's have fine tuned counter playing against. They need to go more with comfort picking wombo combos. I seen a few instances where they hovered over a few Champs they were extremely good with only to switch off to a META pick.

TSM needs to focus and perform better in international tournaments ether that or Reginald needs to grow his eye brows back.

Responding to an old post I know, but TSM's problem isnt entirely within themselves. The biggest factor is in the region it self. When 2-3 organizations can consistently dominate the region but can never show up at worlds their is a problem in that region entirely.

And the problem is, is that there is not enough competitive play from all the teams. Unless it goes full China clown fiesta , generally its the top 4 teams fighting with each other and the bottom 6 teams fighting to not get relegated and seeing how many games they can take off the top 4.

TSM worked really hard for season 6, and it showed for the summer split. However none of the other teams worked as hard as TSM so the ceiling wasnt raised for the region, so the only that came of that is just TSM reaching a better performance(ceiling) and showing up against all the other teams in that region. When they came to worlds,it was an entirely different and higher ceiling that they just werent prepared for outside of scrims.

Which is another point, TSM is said to "try-hard" during scrims meaning they play to win. So teams know most of their strats and can base their own strats against them rather than TSM finding weaknesses or strengths of the other team. In other words, they reveal too much. At least that was some of the talk from Korean camps, that Monte also mentioned hearing.

Im all for picking good champs or champs good against meta picks, but if you ask pros, coaches, analysts , they will all tell you, if you dont pick the meta champs, "you're bad" or you wont be able to play at a competitive level. Which I find and ironic, and if you pick champs that arent meta but do really well, its either a "new" meta or "cheese" pick, so go figure.

Better international performances requires more international experience which requires more international games which is on Riot's side of the table.

Improving one team wont make us look good at worlds, only through all the teams(the region as a whole)improving together can we produce a good showing at worlds.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [1104 days between previous and next post]
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Endoq
Posts: 6906
By Valefor.Endoq 2020-01-28 16:36:46
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This video and soundtrack are amazing, and there is a Netflix series starting soon (finally!!)
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(I've never played this game)
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