Bismarck.Rharmony said:
»Building health on a champ is a bad idea if you have no resist, unless your a champion that gets extra from having bonus health (I.E Cho, Mundo ) Or your a champion that uses atmas.
Sure, You'll have 3k HP but if you have only 30 Armor/MR you are still as squishy.
Edit: Honestly, after going through 2 accounts, I'd say buy ONE hero then save all your ip for tier 3 runes.
a warmog can make up for it depending on the team you're facing and what champion you're using
and why would you build straight health? i would never want to lose things like my Thornmail or my Banshee's Veil
I can see a warmog being a nice addition to any tanks build
health can be a powerful thing early on and its nice to have a little extra health later in the game