By Sylph.Shinobu 2011-09-23 13:51:42
Dominion almost requires everyone to be tanky dps. Squishies are just food but mid game.
But, since I can't really find anyone to tell about my victories (losses most of them) in real life, I'll say them here. Last night, as teemo in normal games, the first game I went like 21-3-3 (we had about 25 kills total) We had a pretty bamf soraka, so I straight took on like 4 people, even though I straight went after there tank first, just because I could. That game, I got nashtars tooth at 14:30, If I am doing good, I shoot for having it by 22min.
Next 2 games, all resulted in me keeping there mid below lvl 6 before I hit lvl 9, twich v teemo mid, teemo ALWAYS wins. Unfortunately, we didnt have any good support, and the rest of my team was feeding pretty bad also, so even thought i was about 31 and 3, it wasnt enough. By late game it turned into 35-9 or something (im not using exact numbers). Anyway... I bloody love teemo.