By Sylph.Shinobu 2011-08-09 12:31:17
Tryn isnt actually op. Did you notice they gave him that renekton like buff? It is because in high tier games he gets pushed around like a ***. Now he can heal pretty well, but its still easy to just deny him hard. He is a carry, but unlike most other carries, if he gets slapped early game, he doesnt usually come back in time. Also, his ult lets him be cc'ed and I main teemo, so they tend to not get away. id say 6/7 times that a tryn tries to mess with me and uses his ulti, he either gets nothing or dies. Just make sure to not over extend and don't chase him to hard. Also, make sure to have at least one good ranged against him in lane. It is about countering him. People who call mid before even seeing the other team don't actually know what they are doing, so be scared of them. I don't care who you are, there is a counter. As teemo, I shouldnt mid against a malz, but vayne can face roll a malz, then in turn teemo face rolls malz.
Basically, that was one big rant, when I meant to say like two lines, about countering tryn. The only thing tryn really is, is annoying.