For what it's worth $1 unlocks the slot, not the character... you can delete that character 100 times and make 200m for $1
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Multiple mules is the biggest p2w you can do if you actually use them
I never thought I'd EVER EVER EVER have 999,999,999 gil and now I have it 20x over and it is all thanks to taking all 16 characters to 99. Did I get burnt out halfway through? Sure. Was it worth it? Hell yeah:
Well, there was a LOT more work done than just taking them to 99 with all the dailies and the monthlies. Oh god. PTSD flashbacks of the work I put in. I just realized I repressed it all.
Actually the entire getting-them-to-99 thing wasn't as bad as me wanting to take them all to Reisinjima for dark matter augments, but I got them all there as well. At the end, it felt really good to have them all set up. I had lots of fun doing lockstyles with them.
Oh, and SAVE SAVE SAVE. I rarely ever bought anything expensive other than Dynamis clears (was never gonna group up for them anyway), K-Club (back when it was still under 100m; forget how much.), and my Aeonic clear (which I paid an embarrassing amount for). Yes. Save money. It'll do ya good.