Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-06-18 11:24:12
ok guys point me in the right link, whats this AFB forum thing being talked about in other thread?
Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 982
By Pandemonium.Machiaveli 2010-06-18 11:25:19
I never get my own threads :( . I guess I'm not popular and cool enough ;_;
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10387
By Siren.Enternius 2010-06-18 11:25:37
Phoenix.Darki said: ok guys point me in the right link, whats this AFB forum thing being talked about in other thread? http://www.ffxiah.com/forum/?topic_id=10971
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10387
By Siren.Enternius 2010-06-18 11:26:46
Siren.Eagleeyes said: flow chart time?
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 295
By Siren.Krystale 2010-06-18 11:30:15
Pandemonium.Machiaveli said: I never get my own threads :( . I guess I'm not popular and cool enough ;_; /comfort
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-06-18 11:30:23
hey guys look at what I found!
Hades.Stefanos said: Fenrir.Luarania said: Not in the slightest =p having a good time watching you make an *** of yourself.
Anyone got docs on the fools main account? Would be nice to know who the fool really is.
Incoming Wall of Text:
Quote: TL;DR: Drunknmunky is Angeleus from Bismarck Server. He has been happily shitting up Ifrit server for God knows how long and has been kicked out of his former Linkshell, “Knights of the Round” for being nuttier than a shithouse rat.
The long (but good) part:
JuggernautBlack (a small, somewhat unknown but reasonably happy LS) formerly of Bismarck server recruited Angeleus (WHM /WAR) on Bismarck along with an in-game friend of his, Brenan (PLD), a few years ago. This was probably in 2006 ~ 2007. I can’t remember exactly when off hand. It quickly became apparent that Angeleus was not a stable individual.
The two of them would join non-linkshell xp/merit parties in which, he would publicly berate and verbally abuse her. It came to my attention that whatever issues they had were spilling into the linkshell and causing problems with several of the members. Angeleus was removed from the linkshell and Brenan chose to stay with us.
What followed was about a year of stalker retardation. Angeleus posted ludicrously silly “poetry” in his search and/or bazaar comments.
“You’ll never know the darkness in my soul…” or some other emo-*** variation on that theme.
Some of it was just plain e-thuggery.
”You’re all not safe. I know where you live.”
He was GM called several times for this ***by several of our members. It wasn’t until he posted Brenan’s POL ID number in his search comment that he got a vacation.
Eventually, he toned it down a bit and joined a Sky linkshell. I don’t remember what they were called but if I recall correctly, they were led by Elotelo’s mule. (I think Elotelo got banned or something and bought a new character. Not really sure, but that’s the general consensus as to who the leader was.) They ninja popped a Kirin on us and since one good turn deserves another, we claimed their Kirin adds (Genbu, Suzaku and Byakko, as I remember) and warped out, leaving them to die. Damn, that was fun.
At one point, he tried to make his own Linkshell called Solaris Knights(?). Since I love a party, I openly trolled his LS forums for kicks. I posted a *** application on his site and he posted a *** background check on Bluegartr, which (naturally) was met with derision. The few Solaris Knights members that were sane seemed to leave once they realized he was nuts. One nasty douchebag in particular, Terregenesis, defended Angeleus, insinuating that Brenan deserved to be sexually assaulted, beaten, abused, etc… pretty nasty ***really.
Needless to say, Solaris Knights didn’t last too long.
I don’t recall what got his *** banned but I remember that he did or said something to Brenan. She claimed to be all kinds of freaked out and GMd him. I will not state for a fact that Brenan was blameless in whatever relationship they had, however his behavior was wholly inexcusable.
I guess he either made a new toon or bought an existing one, cut his losses (in FFXI) and moved to Ifrit server. During this time, he had a few names on Bluegartr, all of which were banned as he (unwittingly?) trolled damn near everyone.
Kingangeleus, Crazylobo, Angeleus and Elroy. "Drunknmunky" is his current Bluegartr account name.
I believe that he is originally from Brazil or another South or Central American country though he has lived in the United States as well. He is probably fluent in Portuguese and/or Spanish. English is clearly his second language. When writing, he attempts to come across as intelligent and well-spoken but when he becomes agitated or flustered, he types poorly structured sentences, misspelling many of his words and uses laughably childish retorts.
He is easy to spot when he writes.
Angeleus is the type of person who imagines himself to be very clever though in reality he's not very bright. He attempts to manipulate people into what he thinks are clever ploys to garner some set(s) of information that he thinks could be used to his advantage.
He is a highly narcissistic person. He is also extremely self-centered and when he does not get what he wants, he becomes extremely aggressive. He has very poor social skills and treats women with open disdain and contempt. He demonstrates highly unstable behaviors that are often displayed in people that have a "stalker" mentality.
He tends to attract unhinged, sycophantic personalities.
What prompted all of this is that I recently received a PM on Bluegartr from a now anonymous source, a member of The Knights of the Round. I’ve edited his PM to correct any grammatical errors. The context is still the same.
Originally Posted by KOTR Member
My FFXI name is (edited by request) from Ifrit Server, LS The Knights of the Round. Angeleus has been kicked from our LS for sexually harassing/stalking a female player also. Since he joined the shell he caused nothing but drama. Now that he has been kicked out, he has started doing shouts, talking ***about us and posting here on BG about us also. That is why I’m trying to get some background info on him. We also think his account was bought because he talks about having a Tarutaru account with an Excalibur and an Aegis along with a bunch other ***. He also claimed to have a 75 BLM but I still had to explain to him what the elemental staves did... He claims his ex-wife deleted and threw away all his items from his Tarutaru account.
His BG forum name is Drunknmunky and his game names are both Angeleus and Munkeys. Both toons are on Ifrit server.
Angeleus is a HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE *** that needs to be on meds. I can't stand the freaking guy and I’m glad as hell he is gone. Track his characters through FFXIAH.com and make sure you let others know if you see him apply to other LSs.
The majority of what Angeleus told KOTR is most likely total horseshit. Angeleus can barely spell “relic”, much less own two of them.
Originally Posted by KOTR Member
Can you have them do an IP check on Drunknmunky, so he can get banned and could you tell me who I contact to get a post taken down? He posted that our LS was recruiting cross-server but then he used it for nothing more than to bash us.
I can't post the URL because I don't use BG forums and need at least 10 posts but you can check it out here.
(Magnakai: I can post it.)
[Ifrit] The Knghts of The Round - We are looking for Motivated players
Scroll to the bottom to see the 2 last posts.
I want that ***taken down. For one, it’s complete BS. Our leader is not going anywhere. Secondly, if any person was looking to join our shell and saw his posts that our shell was breaking, they wouldn’t join. [/quote
Server: Siren
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Posts: 2191
By Siren.Eagleeyes 2010-06-18 11:30:29
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2010-06-18 11:30:43
Siren.Enternius said: Siren.Eagleeyes said: flow chart time?  i love flowcharts like that, easy firestarter you have there good sir.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2191
By Siren.Eagleeyes 2010-06-18 11:30:59
Pandemonium.Machiaveli said: I never get my own threads :( . I guess I'm not popular and cool enough ;_;
or just not hated enough
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2010-06-18 11:32:03
Siren.Eagleeyes said: Pandemonium.Machiaveli said: I never get my own threads :( . I guess I'm not popular and cool enough ;_;
or just not hated enough gotta pay to play i say, gotta pay to play.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10387
By Siren.Enternius 2010-06-18 11:32:52
Siren.Eagleeyes said: Pandemonium.Machiaveli said: I never get my own threads :( . I guess I'm not popular and cool enough ;_;
or just not hated enough Only one person on Siren hated me! Then everyone just agreed with him.
Even OP has me confused with Dubont.
Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 982
By Pandemonium.Machiaveli 2010-06-18 11:33:08
Siren.Eagleeyes said: Pandemonium.Machiaveli said: I never get my own threads :( . I guess I'm not popular and cool enough ;_;
or just not hated enough
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7705
By Ramuh.Kalyna 2010-06-18 11:33:15
Pandemonium.Machiaveli said: I never get my own threads :( . I guess I'm not popular and cool enough ;_; i'll make one if you want me to =o
i just dunno what i can talk about =x
how bout that you're a stupid polak?
/evil grin
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7705
By Ramuh.Kalyna 2010-06-18 11:34:00
Siren.Enternius said: Siren.Eagleeyes said: Pandemonium.Machiaveli said: I never get my own threads :( . I guess I'm not popular and cool enough ;_; or just not hated enough Only one person on Siren hated me! Then everyone just agreed with him. Even OP has me confused with Dubont. you are Dubont tho
Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 982
By Pandemonium.Machiaveli 2010-06-18 11:34:36
Ramuh.Kalyna said: Pandemonium.Machiaveli said: I never get my own threads :( . I guess I'm not popular and cool enough ;_; i'll make one if you want me to =o
i just dunno what i can talk about =x
how bout that you're a stupid polak?
/evil grin
I'm actually an Irish citizen my dad is Polish :p .
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2010-06-18 11:34:36
Ramuh.Kalyna said: Pandemonium.Machiaveli said: I never get my own threads :( . I guess I'm not popular and cool enough ;_; i'll make one if you want me to =o
i just dunno what i can talk about =x
how bout that you're a stupid polak?
/evil grin polak?
if pollock?
polar bear?
you must be saying polar bear.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10387
By Siren.Enternius 2010-06-18 11:34:55
Ramuh.Kalyna said: Siren.Enternius said: Siren.Eagleeyes said: Pandemonium.Machiaveli said: I never get my own threads :( . I guess I'm not popular and cool enough ;_; or just not hated enough Only one person on Siren hated me! Then everyone just agreed with him. Even OP has me confused with Dubont. you are Dubont tho
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1936
By Siren.Kuz 2010-06-18 11:35:00
Siren.Enternius said: Only one person on Siren hated me!
Hmmm... That's a bold statement.
I can think of at least a dozen.
But...that's neither here nor there.
Carry on
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2010-06-18 11:35:22
Siren.Enternius said: Ramuh.Kalyna said: Siren.Enternius said: Siren.Eagleeyes said: Pandemonium.Machiaveli said: I never get my own threads :( . I guess I'm not popular and cool enough ;_; or just not hated enough Only one person on Siren hated me! Then everyone just agreed with him. Even OP has me confused with Dubont. you are Dubont tho  sup dubont
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7705
By Ramuh.Kalyna 2010-06-18 11:36:16
Pandemonium.Machiaveli said: Ramuh.Kalyna said: Pandemonium.Machiaveli said: I never get my own threads :( . I guess I'm not popular and cool enough ;_; i'll make one if you want me to =o i just dunno what i can talk about =x how bout that you're a stupid polak? /evil grin I'm actually an Irish citizen my dad is Polish :p . oh god, you're a drunkard AND dumb
nice way to start a thread there =D
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2680
By Siren.Clinpachi 2010-06-18 11:36:48
I used to like you enternius :P Until you quit the game and now you still lurk the forums but instead of posting useful stuff you just post "FFXI sucks now" all day long :(
sad sad enternius :(
By Angeleus 2010-06-18 11:36:57
Phoenix.Darki said: hey guys look at what I found!
A cool story
Yea it’s a cool story about someone who has been stalking me and has hated for the past 6 years because his ex-fiancé and I hook up. During that, time didn’t know that was he’s fiancé. Therefore, I am confident that anyone who has lot hatred over someone would make up a story to supposedly destroy a characters reputation and I bet it would be very easy to make up a cool story about you too.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2010-06-18 11:37:40
Angeleus said: Phoenix.Darki said: hey guys look at what I found!
A cool story
Yea it’s a cool story about someone who has been stalking me and has hated for the past 6 years because his ex-fiancé and I hook up. During that, time didn’t know that was he’s fiancé. Therefore, I am confident that anyone who has lot hatred over someone would make up a story to supposedly destroy a characters reputation and I bet it would be very easy to make up a cool story about you too. QUICK EVERYONE COOL STORY BRO HIM AT ONCE!!!!
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10387
By Siren.Enternius 2010-06-18 11:37:53
Siren.Clinpachi said: I used to like you enternius :P Until you quit the game and now you still lurk the forums but instead of posting useful stuff you just post "FFXI sucks now" all day long :(
sad sad enternius :(
Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 982
By Pandemonium.Machiaveli 2010-06-18 11:38:29
Ramuh.Kalyna said: Pandemonium.Machiaveli said: Ramuh.Kalyna said: Pandemonium.Machiaveli said: I never get my own threads :( . I guess I'm not popular and cool enough ;_; i'll make one if you want me to =o i just dunno what i can talk about =x how bout that you're a stupid polak? /evil grin I'm actually an Irish citizen my dad is Polish :p . oh god, you're a drunkard AND dumb
nice way to start a thread there =D
Harsh ? Wth have I ever done to you :p ! I mean ***you poisoned the whole entire globe with nuclear waste and didn't even plan on telling anyone and I'm not mad about it .
Server: Alexander
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1140
By Alexander.Xgalahadx 2010-06-18 11:38:54
Angeleus said: Phoenix.Darki said: hey guys look at what I found!
A cool story
Yea it’s a cool story about someone who has been stalking me and has hated for the past 6 years because his ex-fiancé and I hook up. During that, time didn’t know that was he’s fiancé. Therefore, I am confident that anyone who has lot hatred over someone would make up a story to supposedly destroy a characters reputation and I bet it would be very easy to make up a cool story about you too. 1. You are stalking him.
2. You ruined your own rep.
3. The bolded part made me lol
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2680
By Siren.Clinpachi 2010-06-18 11:39:16
That's right >_> i see you over there... i see's what you doing.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2010-06-18 11:40:19
Pandemonium.Machiaveli said: Ramuh.Kalyna said: Pandemonium.Machiaveli said: Ramuh.Kalyna said: Pandemonium.Machiaveli said: I never get my own threads :( . I guess I'm not popular and cool enough ;_; i'll make one if you want me to =o i just dunno what i can talk about =x how bout that you're a stupid polak? /evil grin I'm actually an Irish citizen my dad is Polish :p . oh god, you're a drunkard AND dumb
nice way to start a thread there =D
Harsh ? Wth have I ever done to you :p ! I mean ***you poisoned the whole entire globe with nuclear waste and didn't even plan on telling anyone and I'm not mad about it . i can tell me how you wronged me, you have too many vowels in your name, and it offends me very much.
Ramuh.Rowland said: Siren.Kuz said: Siren.Enternius said: Only one person on Siren hated me!
Hmmm... That's a bold statement.
I can think of at least a dozen.
But...that's neither here nor there.
Carry on Hate is such a strong word
yeah, hate can bench 250 like nothing.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-06-18 11:41:48
Angeleus said: Phoenix.Darki said: hey guys look at what I found!
A cool story
Yea it’s a cool story about someone who has been stalking me and has hated for the past 6 years because his ex-fiancé and I hook up. During that, time didn’t know that was he’s fiancé. Therefore, I am confident that anyone who has lot hatred over someone would make up a story to supposedly destroy a characters reputation and I bet it would be very easy to make up a cool story about you too.
lulz dude did you just excuse yourself? lame!
Was wondering if you always make a thread about someone who makes you cry on these forums and for the people on siren if this kid is this fragile?
Has anyone encounter any of his tantrums or is he a real cool person and just pretty much target me because I hurt his feelings.
P.S Keep in mind it was an AFB argument...