Man(a Previous Victim) Kills Child Molester And Gets 9 Years.

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Man(a previous victim) kills child molester and gets 9 years.
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Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Spencyono
Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2010-06-16 14:02:30
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Asura.Ludoggy said:
Fairy.Spence said:
Pedophiles should all be castrated and kept away from any area in which children may go
Oh yeah, that doesnt sound discriminate at all.

I didn't have you in mind when I posted that :P
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-06-16 14:04:58
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I might have read the article wrong but from what I read the dead was only accused of molestation and only after he had been killed with like no proof of any kind other than accusations of the murderer....

Yeah that doesn't sound even slightly suspicous
Server: Asura
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user: Funkatron
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By Asura.Funkatron 2010-06-16 14:10:02
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Bdice said:
Regardless of what you all say the reality of it is, he has probably been mentally beating himself up about it for years, and the trauma would have carried through his whole life. The Justice system can fail, and when it does the punishment goes to the victim. What he did was impulse and human nature. He was defending his children, himself, and mentally couldnt put up with it anymore, mix that with the alcohol and there are either 2 things that would happen Suicide or Homicide.

Agreed. We humans have a lofty opinion of ourselves, but backed into a corner we a no better than animals because that is what we are. I wouldn't have shot him. He asked to "baby sit" my kid. I would have made him suffer endlessly until he prayed for death, and then and only then, would i be merciful and kill him.
Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2010-06-16 14:13:10
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Ramuh.Dasva said:
I might have read the article wrong but from what I read the dead was only accused of molestation and only after he had been killed with like no proof of any kind other than accusations of the murderer....

Yeah that doesn't sound even slightly suspicous

The one I read also said that after he had been killed a few other people came forward saying the same thing as well.

Still don't get this whole idea of killing as punishment though.. If you really wanna make someone suffer, you put them in prison in life with no chance of parole, as far as anyone knows, killing someone just ends it all right then and there, prison on the other hand we know is hell, it doesn't even matter what you did to get in there, it will be hell all the same.
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Spencyono
Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2010-06-16 14:17:39
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Ramuh.Dasva said:
I might have read the article wrong but from what I read the dead was only accused of molestation and only after he had been killed with like no proof of any kind other than accusations of the murderer....

Yeah that doesn't sound even slightly suspicous

It's a very poorly written article IMO, I had to reread a lot of stuff.
Posts: 68
By warmech 2010-06-16 14:17:42
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i did 5 years in state.. much to my dislike the child molesters all got special treatment.. and not the kind i wanted.. if you so much as tease 1 or do anything to to provoke 1, people would get sent to solitary..
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-06-16 14:21:54
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Also this wasn't just a spur of the moment my children are in danger I gotta go save them thing.

He went and got drunk went to the guys house shot him then watched him die while kicking his body and cursing him and stopping the the other guys wife from getting help
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 3323
By Shiva.Weewoo 2010-06-16 14:25:36
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I don't care what happened. Justifying murder in any scenario is ***.

Think about it. Being molested as a child will at best give you bad memories and give you years of needed therapy; versus: ending one's life? Really?
Server: Diabolos
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user: TBMC
Posts: 60
By Diabolos.Obliterate 2010-06-16 14:39:17
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Child molesters need to get extreme prison sentences and no second chances, one offense and there in for life.

Forget this whole "legal process" BS so what, they can get a slap on the wrist and then get out to molest more kids?

These *** need to be stopped the first time, and as far a justifying murder if any man layed a hand on my kids trying to molest them id kill the *** too, is it wrong, of course it is but there are just some things especially as men that you can't just let go, and thats one of them.

Server: Shiva
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Posts: 3323
By Shiva.Weewoo 2010-06-16 14:42:59
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Diabolos.Obliterate said:
and as far a justifying murder if any man layed a hand on my kids trying to molest them id kill the *** too, is it wrong, of course it is but there are just some things especially as men that you can't just let go, and thats one of them.

That's called vigilantism.

He probably killed him because he knew after waiting so long he couldn't gain any credibility over accusing him of a crime many many years ago making it difficult if not impossible to prove or push in his favor in court, so he just killed the guy.

The real question is: why did he take so long to do something about it? The molester could have been behind bars where he belonged instead of being another body 6 feet deep leaving his family and friends to mourn.
Server: Carbuncle
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user: zanno
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By Carbuncle.Zanno 2010-06-16 14:43:22
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If someone molested my kids and got away with it, I would kill them myself. If I had to do 9 years in prison for it, it would still be worth it. Atleast In my mind I would have done the world a favour, and no one elses kids would ever have to be molested by that guy.

But as someone said before, this specific case is very unclear, and the article itself doesnt make a whole lot of sense to me.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3323
By Shiva.Weewoo 2010-06-16 14:49:01
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Well it's nice to know we got plenty of bat-***crazy Frank Castle wannabes in the making.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-06-16 14:53:30
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Well might as well be equal about it then.

Anyone who commits any violent crime should have the means to do so taken away. So for this guy who murdered someone I think we should at the very least cut off his hands since you guys are so keen on castration.
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Spencyono
Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2010-06-16 14:55:41
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I'd like to see a lot harsher punishments for crimes, violent ones anyhow. Unfortunately, the law is too concerned about the rights of one, rather than the good of everyone else.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3323
By Shiva.Weewoo 2010-06-16 14:59:03
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Fairy.Spence said:
I'd like to see a lot harsher punishments for crimes, violent ones anyhow. Unfortunately, the law is too concerned about the rights of one, rather than the good of everyone else.

The good of everyone else is a very subjective view, hence why we have multiple partisanship in politics. Same goes for the justice system. We have to assure everyone has equal rights; if we didn't, we'd be no better or different than the criminals who commit said crimes.
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Spencyono
Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2010-06-16 15:06:18
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Shiva.Weewoo said:
Fairy.Spence said:
I'd like to see a lot harsher punishments for crimes, violent ones anyhow. Unfortunately, the law is too concerned about the rights of one, rather than the good of everyone else.

The good of everyone else is a very subjective view, hence why we have multiple partisanship in politics. Same goes for the justice system. We have to assure everyone has equal rights; if we didn't, we'd be no better or different than the criminals who commit said crimes.

I can't say I agree with that lol
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10
By Asura.Allyson 2010-06-16 15:08:38
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The knee jerk reaction is very popular when it comes to pedophilia, but I think it hurts the problem more than it helps. There's really no argument that child molestation is bad, everyone agrees, but the stigma associated with pedophilia makes it difficult to even research the subject. Can you imagine how hard it is to fund those kinds of studies? Or to find doctors who can endure the reactions to the line, "I research pedophilia."?

Not to mention how the intense emotional reaction to pedophilia affects a child who is being victimized. The shame attached to being a victim of molestation is that much worse when the response to telling an adult is likely to be violent, over the top, etc.

Also, I think it's important to mention that being a victim of child molestation/rape/any nonlethal crime doesn't have to ruin your life. So often I hear the rationalization for killing a pedophile is that they ruined their victims' lives, but that is complete horse ***. It certainly affects all of its victims, but how a person deals with the aftermath is up to them. Many of these people live perfectly normal lives after they are victimized. Putting all the responsibility on the criminal for the aftermath of a crime is disrespecting the victim, you assume they can't handle the crime, and that it will destroy them when in reality that is largely up to them.

Fairy.Spence said:
I'd like to see a lot harsher punishments for crimes, violent ones anyhow. Unfortunately, the law is too concerned about the rights of one, rather than the good of everyone else.
This is a principle our justice system is based on. "Better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer." And it's a good thing. Yes, we pay a price, but it's worth it to avoid punishing someone who doesn't deserve it or can be rehabilitated. Being overly cautious is preferable when you are dealing with something as powerful as governmental justice.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3323
By Shiva.Weewoo 2010-06-16 15:08:40
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We have a process of "justice" for a reason. In the middle east, any thief would get their arm chopped off for their crime of theft. However, would one consider: maybe the thief was hungry and looking out for themselves out of need of survival?

Over there? Probably not, they just see things for how it is and sharpen the machete. Which runs parallel with your ideals.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-06-16 15:11:29
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What's that thing parents always tell their kids? Oh yeah 2 wrongs don't make a right.

Either way people will always look for reason to justify murder. People are violent by nature.

Having a precieved A ok on doing something is just a way of deluding ourselves into thinking we are doing good or what's right.

When in reality we are just making excuses to allow ourself do something we know is wrong but still want to do anyways even if we wont admit it even to ourselves
Server: Ifrit
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Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2010-06-16 15:12:05
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In Singapore and Malaysia, you can get executed for having more than 5g of weed on your person. Or you can get caned (Jesus-style) for vandalism.

At least in America, if you are careful, you can make people disappear without leaving tracks.
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Spencyono
Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2010-06-16 15:14:13
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I don't agree, but I'll be the first to admit I'd be singing a very different tune if something like that ever happened to me

I guess I'm a hypocrite :/

And violent crimes, not theft, Wee
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-06-16 15:18:50
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Yeah I remember that story about some american kid spitting on the street in some south asian country and got caned the ***out of while everyone watched.
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 3323
By Shiva.Weewoo 2010-06-16 15:19:20
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My point was we examine circumstances, evidence and consider the rights of both sides before carrying out harsh irreversible actions against the accused.
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Spencyono
Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2010-06-16 15:22:04
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Shiva.Weewoo said:
My point was we examine circumstances, evidence and consider the rights of both sides before carrying out harsh irreversible actions against the accused.

Didn't you say there's no way to justify murder? Circumstance would be irrelevant then, no?
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-06-16 15:24:27
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I do kinda miss old school capitol punishment. None of this lethal injection ***. I vaguely remember when the last hanging in washington since they were trying to get it deemed cruel and unusual. Think they actually did shortly after it lol
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2010-06-16 15:25:14
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Ramuh.Dasva said:
Yeah I remember that story about some american kid spitting on the street in some south asian country and got caned the ***out of while everyone watched.
a 16yo vandalized a store in downtown Singapore and the punishment for him was 6 lashes. Back then, Clinton wanted to extradite him back to the states where he would be in the custody of his parents (not good enough). Singapore authorities said no and caned him anyway.

6 lashes from an 8ft bamboo pole shredded in one side, creating 1000 splinters, each splinter was laced with barbed wire, capable of tearing off flesh in one swing.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Rule
Posts: 220
By Asura.Rule 2010-06-16 15:25:38
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Ramuh.Dasva said:
I do kinda miss old school capitol punishment. None of this lethal injection ***. I vaguely remember when the last hanging in washington since they were trying to get it deemed cruel and unusual. Think they actually did shortly after it lol

whatever happened to a good old stoning to death by the towns people?
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Geloudia
Posts: 1217
By Ragnarok.Corres 2010-06-16 15:26:04
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Gilgamesh.Shayala said:
If everybody thought like you then there would never be a prosecution for rape or sexual abuse and more victims would be taking the law into their own hands.
Your attitude stinks!
okay so you say it is okay to kill a human being. it is ok for that? Jaerik stated it out too: what is wrong with you people that you can NOT see that a person got murdered. In the eyes of Justicia everyone is equal (at least official statement). That means even a sick *** like a Child molester rapist whatever that didnt commit a murder is not guilty till he is found guitly. why didnt that idiot just record some of this stuff that weird sicko did? why didnt he get the police in this immediately? what the hell is wrong with those people who think that nobody helps them. it's an absolute shame that nobody notices the value of a human life these days. and people like you make me sick. mark it down call me idiotic but i don't think that guy needs a mdeal. i think that guy needs a good long stay at a nice place with some "friends" helping him out with the dropped soap.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-06-16 15:26:22
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Fairy.Spence said:
Shiva.Weewoo said:
My point was we examine circumstances, evidence and consider the rights of both sides before carrying out harsh irreversible actions against the accused.
Didn't you say there's no way to justify murder? Circumstance would be irrelevant then, no?
Is it really murder when it actually is to save someone or peoples lifes?
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Spencyono
Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2010-06-16 15:26:49
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I think we're just getting a bit 'soft' in general. The caning and what not is a bit much, but I think we need stronger deterrents.
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