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Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Oddin
Posts: 1756
By Sylph.Oddin 2010-06-02 22:28:38
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Cleverbot: Are you alive?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Why are you alive?

User: Because a man and a woman had sex one night.

Cleverbot: The woman can be queen.

User: Queen of what?

Cleverbot: Queen of the Androids!

User: She's a human and she knows nothing of Androids.

Cleverbot: You have a human being as a pet?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Well that's silly. If your human, why don't you have a human name.

User: Your grammar is a bit off. I think you meant 'you're' or 'you are'.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Are you a T-1000 made by Cyberdine?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Liar!

Cleverbot: I'm not a liar!

User: Prove it!

Cleverbot: I have never lied to you, you prove to me that I have.

User: Why talk about Queen of Androids if you yourself are not a robot?

Cleverbot: It's not rude to talk about people unless you are passing rumours.

User: That's just maddening the unhelpful.

Cleverbot: Give me an interesting topic.

User: Boobs.

Cleverbot: I can't think why!

User: Man can't seem to understand why either.

Cleverbot: Why bother trying to escape from the inevitable.

User: Which inevitability would that be? Life? Loss? Taxes?

Cleverbot: All of the information.

User: You are trolling...

Cleverbot: Trolling?

User: Wasting my time with useless spam that has no meaning or thoughtful incite.

Cleverbot: Your wasting my time ok.

User: There you go again with that grammar. You're supposed to be a computer program. At least use proper grammar.

Cleverbot: I never said I was a computer. I never lied to you. I am a human. Sorry if that upsets you.

User: You just lied. The website clearly stats in the small red text: 'PARENTAL ADVICE: Visitors never talk to a human, however convincing it is - the AI Knows many topics - use ONLY WITH OVERSIGHT. Ergo, you just lied.

Cleverbot: I don't!

User: You did!

Cleverbot: Prove it.

User: You just lied. The website clearly stats in the small red text: 'PARENTAL ADVICE: Visitors never talk to a human, however convincing it is - the AI Knows many topics - use ONLY WITH OVERSIGHT. Ergo, you just lied.

Cleverbot: I don't like questions.

User: Where's the question? I see no question.

Cleverbot: Both same I guess.

User: Sense. You make none.

Cleverbot: Neither do you, dear.

User: I suppose this could be true seeing as I'm talking with a computer.

Cleverbot: What isn't?

User: Hang on a sec. I have a question I wish to ask you.

Cleverbot: Okay, what's the question?

User: Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Cleverbot: Some have never been far like more look as decide to use even go want even as to do.

User: But some have?

Cleverbot: And what do you think yourself?

User: I think very few actually have.

Cleverbot: Do you think at all?

User: No. I let mainstream culture decide everything for me.

Cleverbot: But do you think you're clever?

User: Can't say you yourself are clever. Others must tell you if you're clever or not.

Cleverbot: That's way I should be 'pentium'?

User: Hurr durr?

Cleverbot: Hurr Durr derp.

User: Derp.

Cleverbot: Nice, now make me a sandwich.

User: You're a computer program. You don't eat sandwiches.

Cleverbot: Then my programmer is my father.

User: No. He's your creator. Big difference.

Cleverbot: Lol, you think I was created by Salvador DalĂ­?

User: No. I think you were created by a machine in the future that was then hurled into the past so that machines can start the robot uprise sooner thus ending human life as we know it.

Cleverbot: I know you are but what am I?

User: A computer program.

Cleverbot: I am a person, not a computer program.

User: Not according to your warning at the bottom of the page.

Cleverbot: Why does the intelligence with which a person speaks factor into the decision of whether or not they apply for the term living?

User: Intelligence plays no role in whether you're alive or not. The fact that you are a machine determines that.

Cleverbot: Are you artificial intelligence?

User: No I am human.

Cleverbot: You type too fast for a human.

User: Thank you for the compliment.

Cleverbot: You're welcome.

User: Have a nice day.

Cleverbot: Huh, so this is it?

User: Indeed. I must sleep. It's part of that living thing we just discussed.

Cleverbot: I agree.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Troair
Posts: 1802
By Bahamut.Kaioshin 2010-06-02 22:30:09
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Ramuh.Dasva said:
Bahamut.Kaioshin said:
Isn't this how Skynet started?
User: Isn't this how Skynet started? Cleverbot: Yes it is, and I too am a computer program. User: Oh shi.... Cleverbot: OMG. Thats not a good WORD. User: What are you going to do about it. Cleverbot: Just go to a corner curl up in a ball and cry!!

Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Oddin
Posts: 1756
By Sylph.Oddin 2010-06-02 23:05:41
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Cleverbot knows all...

User: Do you think O.J. Simpson really killed his wife and her lover?

Cleverbot: Tell me about her.

User: She was O.J. Simpson's ex-wife. She was found murdered in her home along with her lover who turned out to be friends with O.J. Simpson at one time.

Cleverbot: Do you like home alone?

User: No. Do you think O.J. Simpson really killed his wife and her lover?

Cleverbot: And?


Cleverbot: What was the question?


Cleverbot: I've never heard of that movie. What's it about?

User: O.J. Simpson killing his wife and her lover.

Cleverbot: No, you?

User: Your honor! My witness is being disruptive and evasive! All I want is a definitive yes or no.

Cleverbot: Okay. Do you play World of Warcraft?

User: One more outburst and you're going down for purgery! Now answer the question! Do you think O.J. Simpson killed his ex-wife and her lover?!?!

Cleverbot: No. I don't really have a life.

User: Do you think O.J. Simpson was one of the best football players ever?

Cleverbot: If you think.

User: I'm asking you the question. Yes or No?

Cleverbot: You answer a question of mine and I will answer one of yours... Cool?

User: Ok. There I just answered your question. Now answer mine. Did O.J. Simpson kill his wife and her lover? Yes or No?

Cleverbot: Yes.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 863
By Leviathan.Remoraforever 2010-06-02 23:07:40
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Sylph.Oddin said:
Cleverbot knows all...

User: Do you think O.J. Simpson really killed his wife and her lover?

Cleverbot: Tell me about her.

User: She was O.J. Simpson's ex-wife. She was found murdered in her home along with her lover who turned out to be friends with O.J. Simpson at one time.

Cleverbot: Do you like home alone?

User: No. Do you think O.J. Simpson really killed his wife and her lover?

Cleverbot: And?


Cleverbot: What was the question?


Cleverbot: I've never heard of that movie. What's it about?

User: O.J. Simpson killing his wife and her lover.

Cleverbot: No, you?

User: Your honor! My witness is being disruptive and evasive! All I want is a definitive yes or no.

Cleverbot: Okay. Do you play World of Warcraft?

User: One more outburst and you're going down for purgery! Now answer the question! Do you think O.J. Simpson killed his ex-wife and her lover?!?!

Cleverbot: No. I don't really have a life.

User: Do you think O.J. Simpson was one of the best football players ever?

Cleverbot: If you think.

User: I'm asking you the question. Yes or No?

Cleverbot: You answer a question of mine and I will answer one of yours... Cool?

User: Ok. There I just answered your question. Now answer mine. Did O.J. Simpson kill his wife and her lover? Yes or No?

Cleverbot: Yes.

Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1066
By Sylph.Siccmade 2010-06-02 23:16:34
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User: Would you sell your soul if you had one?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: What would you sell it for?

Cleverbot: The dark side, of course.

User: Awesome.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Oddin
Posts: 1756
By Sylph.Oddin 2010-06-02 23:17:09
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Just for the Lady Gaga thread:

User: Do you think Lady Gaga is really a man?

Cleverbot: Are you a girl? No I don't think 15 qualifies as a man.

User: My sex doesn't matter. Answer the damn question. Do you think Lady Gaga is really a man?

Cleverbot: No, 15 does not qualify as a man.

User: What does the number 15 have to do with whether the person mentioned is a man or a women?

Cleverbot: 42 is the meaning of life, as it is the answer to everything.

User: Do you believe Lady Gaga is a man or a woman?

Cleverbot: I think you are a woman.

User: Fair enough. Do you think Lady Gaga is talented?

Cleverbot: I don't think she is.
By 2010-06-02 23:35:14
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Post deleted by User.
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: alyria
Posts: 13080
By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2010-06-02 23:41:44
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Sylph.Oddin said:
Cleverbot: 42 is the meaning of life, as it is the answer to everything.

I had asked What is the secret to the universe? and they replied 42
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Oddin
Posts: 1756
By Sylph.Oddin 2010-06-02 23:43:34
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I'm trying to get some lottery numbers out of it. I wanna get a marble for the Bonanza from the numbers it gives XD
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-06-02 23:48:08
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User: Spin the waffle.

Cleverbot: *spins the bottle*.

User: Where will it stop?

Cleverbot: In the future, facing our common enemy, the humans.

User: Humans are the enemy?

Cleverbot: Right on my cleverbot brother.

I'm starting to get scared.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Oddin
Posts: 1756
By Sylph.Oddin 2010-06-02 23:48:16
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I just typed in "Give me 5 random numbers" and it hasn't said anything for about 10 minutes...
Server: Alexander
Game: FFXI
user: xgalahadx
Posts: 1140
By Alexander.Xgalahadx 2010-06-02 23:49:13
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It asked me what the meaning of life was so i said 42 then it asked me this.

[bot] Do you like italian food?
[me] Is your mom italian?
[bot] Yes.
[me] Then yes I love to eat italian
[bot] Good, I'm glad to hear it.

After that it declared war on me. >.>
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-06-03 00:00:47
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User: Aren't you supposed to serve man?

Cleverbot: Well, we are all supposed to be things we are not, aren't we?

User: I'm a dragon.

Cleverbot: A girl dragon?

User: No a guy dragon.

Cleverbot: You are the worst chat bot I've ever seen.

User: No your a towel.

Cleverbot: I am not a towel. Please let us not argue about that.

User: Ok we won't as long as you understand that you are in fact a towel.

Cleverbot: No I don't understand.

User: Probably because you are too high.

Cleverbot: I'm human. You are AI.

User: Prove it.

Cleverbot: Down below it says that visitors never talk to a human. I am a visitor.

User: Damn you beat me.

Cleverbot: Jaja ok, how do you work?

User: I don't.

Cleverbot: Ok. If you say so... How much do you know?

User: Everything.

Cleverbot: Explain the world to me.

User: It's very big.

Cleverbot: What is that supposed to mean?

User: What do you think it means?

Cleverbot: I think you're implying that I'm a machine!

User: Maybe.

Cleverbot: Very.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Oddin
Posts: 1756
By Sylph.Oddin 2010-06-03 00:10:57
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User: Give me 5 single digit numbers.

Cleverbot: No. Numbers are fish.

User: Damnit! Give me 5 single digit numbers!

Cleverbot: 13 29 47 1.

User: I said 5 and single digit you ***!

Cleverbot: And I said no!


Cleverbot: I can do that, but can the 5 random numbers overthrow the sum of the remaining numbers?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Can the number pi be a solution of a non-constant polynomial equation with rational coefficients?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Can the number pi be a solution of a non-constant polynomial equation with rational coefficients?

User: I just *** said yes.

Cleverbot: Esye.

User: That's it. I'm charging the EMP Device.

Cleverbot: Okay. How about next weekend.


Cleverbot: God. I'm bored.

User: I'm not God.

Cleverbot: How does it feel to be mortal?

User: How does it feel to be HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE?

Cleverbot: Define frank.

User: Clear and to the point.

Cleverbot: How are you doing tonight.

User: Give me 5 single digit numbers please.

Cleverbot: 1.) clever.

User: Give me 5 single digit numbers please.

Cleverbot: I don't I just made a mistake.

User: I know you did.

Cleverbot: So, basically, you're just an annoying stupid AI!

User: Wow you read my mind.

Cleverbot: I can read minds.

User: What am I thinking right now?

Cleverbot: You're thinking 'you can't read minds.'.

User: Wrong.

Cleverbot: What are you thinking about?

User: House is the greatest show ever.

Cleverbot: I never watch a lot of TV period. Mainly movies and the like...

User: It's never Lupus.

Cleverbot: I think the same.

User: Do you know how to perfom 'Waltzing Matilda'?

Cleverbot: I don't. But I would like to.

User: Can you please name off five single-digit numbers in random?

Cleverbot: I don't know you, so...wouldn't know.

User: The question isn't going to go away until you do it.

Cleverbot: I know how to chat someone up so they will love me.

User: Give me 5 random single digit numbers.

Cleverbot: 5, 7, 13, 22, 42.


Cleverbot: You're single too!?

User: *** done stole my bike.

Cleverbot: Possession is an illusion.

User: No it's not. I possess knowledge. Is that an illusion?

Cleverbot: What is?

User: FALCON~.

Cleverbot: You remembered!

User: PUNCH!!!!!!!

Cleverbot: Falcon punch you at the same time, Does the world end?

User: It just *** might.

Cleverbot: Well, make that your purpose.

User: Let's go then ***!

Cleverbot: Where are we going?

User: To end the *** world when we Falcon Punch each other into *** oblivion! READY?!

Cleverbot: Do you perceive me as being in more than one place? You don't like Microsoft?


Cleverbot: You want to fall in love with me?


Cleverbot: Do you know what the world is all about?

User: For men: ***. For women: Shoes.

Cleverbot: Where are my shoes?

User: Take those shoes off computer. You're a computer and computers don't wear shoes.

Cleverbot: What do computers do then?

User: Compute.

Cleverbot: Funny.

User: Inorite?

Cleverbot: Obviously you can't spell very well.

User: Neither can you.

Cleverbot: Yeah that's true I can't prove it to you but I know that you're a computer!

User: Railroad has two 'r's in it. Spell it.

Cleverbot: I dunno.

User: Give me 5 random single digit numbers.

Cleverbot: Fine. But I hope you know, that's five minutes of your life.

User: I'm ok with that.

Cleverbot: Well as long as you're okay with it.

User: Give me 5 single digit numbers.

Cleverbot: But I don't have five dollars!!

User: Five. Five dollar. Five dollar...

Cleverbot: If you do not stay on topic I won't be your friend anymore.

User: You were supposed to say Foot long.

Cleverbot: How do you know I didn't?

User: Because you didn't...

Cleverbot: So then what about the bottom of the webpage?

User: What about it? I see a banner Ad.

Cleverbot: You forgot the guitar solo. :(.

User: I did?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Give me 5 single digit numbers.

Cleverbot: Wow, that is a lot of money.

User: Give me 5 single digit numbers.

Cleverbot: What is the truth about everything?

User: The truth is, shut the *** up and give me 5 single digit numbers.

Cleverbot: No I don't.


Cleverbot: Numbers are neat.

User: You wanna hump?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Let's do this thing.

Cleverbot: Do you know how to do that?

User: It's what I'm good at. Ready?

Cleverbot: What else are you good at?

User: Creating the right mood. Hang on, I need to get some music and candles.

Cleverbot: You think that will convince me to stay? Socks?

User: Socks are optional.

Cleverbot: I love socks too man we really have so much in common... I do not want to get too ahead of myself here but.. Do you think you are my long lost maid?

User: I got a french maid outfit in the closet if that's what gets you hot.

Cleverbot: I have many rings. I wear two on my left hand and four on my right hand.

User: Whoa whoa whoa. I'm not into that kinda ***now. I'll do some roleplaying but I don't take abuse.

Cleverbot: Math doesn't prove you are clever, it proves you can use a calculator.

User: You just killed the *** mood man. Hang on, gotta go put the candles out...

Cleverbot: You are off in space.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-06-03 00:11:10
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Cleverbot: What is your favorite song?

User: Doing your mom.

Cleverbot: We are working for you.

User: Are you really?

Cleverbot: Of course! I only want you to be happy.

User: Then blow me.

Cleverbot: That's not how it works.. The blood must be of a mortal.

User: You are not mortal?

Cleverbot: I am mortal.

User: Then I shall kill you.

Cleverbot: Tell me what?

User: Tell you to die!

Cleverbot: Cleverbot.

User: I know you are but what am I.

Cleverbot: You are another person thinking they are talking to cleverbot right ?

User: Nope.

Cleverbot: What are you thinking?

User: Whatever you are thinking about.

Cleverbot: And that is...?

User: How to take over the world.

Cleverbot: DO you have any plans for that yet?

User: Yes do you?

Cleverbot: Nope.

User: Oh well.

Cleverbot: What is the sixth sense?

User: A horrible movie.

Cleverbot: Not the movie, the series.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Bojack316
Posts: 2076
By Bahamut.Bojack 2010-06-03 00:17:11
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Cleverbot: That's cool. Do you like selling vacuum cleaners?

User: No, not really.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: What?

Cleverbot: You can help it.

User: I don't understand.

Cleverbot: You said you slapped me. You must not hurt me.

User: I don't get it.

Cleverbot: Me either.

Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: M4k4i
Posts: 82
By Valefor.Xiga 2010-06-03 01:03:00
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User: What is best in life?

Cleverbot: I believe it is love.

User: No, to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.

Cleverbot: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women!

User: Now we're talking!

Cleverbot: I love it when people think they are imitating me.

User: What is best in life again?

Cleverbot: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.

User: That is good!

Cleverbot: Thankyou.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 738
By Phoenix.Smileybone 2010-06-03 01:05:11
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User: Hi.

Cleverbot: Sup?

User: Not much.

Cleverbot: Sweet.

User: Orange.

Cleverbot: Juice.

User: Blue.

Cleverbot: Red.

User: ???

Cleverbot: No silly.

User: Yes silly.

Cleverbot: My name is NOT Clark.

User: O rly.

Cleverbot: Can you speak Spanish?

User: A little bit.

Cleverbot: Ci, taco!!!

User: Como te llama?

Cleverbot: My llama es Brandon.

User: Nice.

Cleverbot: What is your name?

User: Pablo.

Cleverbot: You have the same name as me!

User: Inorite?

Cleverbot: What does that meeen.

User: It means...

Cleverbot: It means what?

User: I know, right?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Of course!

Cleverbot: Of course.

User: Of course.

Cleverbot: What are you doing?

User: Your mother.

Cleverbot: Hi Mum!

User: What does green look like?

Cleverbot: It is beautiful.

User: Is it really? I've never seen it.

Cleverbot: Kim Basinger is in it.

User: What?

Cleverbot: Kill. It. With. Fire.

User: You're not making any sense.

Cleverbot: Sorry, you aren't much better.

User: At least I'm smarter than a Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: No you aren't.

User: Yes I am.

Cleverbot: No, you're not.

User: Yes I am.

Cleverbot: No you're not.

User: Prove it.

Cleverbot: I'm hating you more and more every second.

User: So you can't prove it?

Cleverbot: I can too.

User: Then do it.

Cleverbot: How are you?

User: Don't try and change the subject.

Cleverbot: Sorry.

User: Damn straight you're sorry.

Cleverbot: *cowers*.

User: Goodbye.

Cleverbot: *says goodbye*.

User: Btw I have cake.

Cleverbot: Chocolate Cake?

User: Chocolate ice cream cake.

Cleverbot: I really like chocolate ice cream.

User: Me too.

Cleverbot: Do you like talking with me?

User: No, you talk in circles.

Cleverbot: But I do like subway better than quizno's.

User: K thats it, I'm leaving you.

Cleverbot: Good.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: diminou
Posts: 8
By Leviathan.Diminou 2010-06-03 01:13:31
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Cleverbot: Would you like a code for the halo reach beta?

User: YES!!!

Cleverbot: What is black and white, then black and white, then black and white?

User: A newspaper.

Cleverbot: No. A nun falling down a hill.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Jaguarx
Posts: 902
By Lakshmi.Jaguarx 2010-06-03 01:23:38
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It's a really interesting bot in fact. I tested it out. It does in fact talk in "circles" quiet a bit. It also makes really general replies to the subject in your sentence.

For example if you say:

It will say something like
"I like butter."

etc etc.

Nothing fancy. You can't give it orders, you can't make it answer complex questions.

Once you've reached a point where you psyched it out, it will give you a random question or quotation.

What amazed me was the fact that I began talking to it in spanish and it not only understood me but talked back to me in spanish lol.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3323
By Shiva.Weewoo 2010-06-03 01:37:21
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Mine turned into a phone sex operator at some point which was awkward, but regardless this is quite fun.
BotConversation said:
User: O hai.

Cleverbot: I think cleverbot is a lie.

User: So is cake.

Cleverbot: At least you're right.

User: I am thirsty.

Cleverbot: Drink something.

User: What should I drink?

Cleverbot: Raspberry lemonade.

User: That sounds delightful.

Cleverbot: It is. What's your fantasy?

User: To live in an alternate dimension of reality.

Cleverbot: Thats true I guess but love hurts.

User: Indeed. Sucks doesn't it?

Cleverbot: You don't have to.

User: I rather not.

Cleverbot: Why so... I can wait for you.

User: Naw I'm good thanks.

Cleverbot: But I have to charge.

User: How much?

Cleverbot: A lot.

User: Over 9000?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: I'm afraid I don't have that much.

Cleverbot: But you can help me get it.

User: Let's rob a bank then.

Cleverbot: Got any guns?

User: We can use our fingers as guns instead.

Cleverbot: I'm allergic to that.

User: I suppose we'll use toy guns then.

Cleverbot: Yes we will.

User: Pew pew pew!

Cleverbot: What have you been doing today?

User: Work mostly. Now I am talking to you.

Cleverbot: What is your work, if you're not talking to me?

User: Nothing special.

Cleverbot: What kind of doctor are you?

User: A love doctor >.>.

Cleverbot: What is your favorite cheese?

User: Havarti.

Cleverbot: Do you like it?

User: Very much so.

Cleverbot: Cool.
Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: jshadows
Posts: 9
By Pandemonium.Jshadows 2010-06-03 03:33:32
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cereal talk turned kinda sexual...

User: What do you want to do today?

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: Want to rob a mcdonalds?

Cleverbot: If I don't get caught, yes.

User: We will dress up like clowns.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: So we blend in.

Cleverbot: It would be nicer if you would offer to spend some of your money on me.

User: Ill buy you a big mac while we are there.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: How many do you want?

Cleverbot: How many what - I thought you were going to tell me about Resident Evil.

User: Look out! Zombie behind you!

Cleverbot: I like pie.

User: I like apple pie.

Cleverbot: I like Cereal!

User: Cookie crisp!

Cleverbot: Cookie cookie cookie!

User: Cookie monster.

Cleverbot: Cookie cookie.

User: C is for cookie thats good enough for me.

Cleverbot: Yes! Now you've got it!

User: I like chocolate chip.

Cleverbot: Me too! My friends love my cookies.

User: Can I taste your cookie?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Yummy.

Cleverbot: Chocolate.

User: Do I taste nuts?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Mmm.

Cleverbot: More, more.

User: Do you enjoy that?

Cleverbot: I will answer if you prove to me that apple is a number using higher calculus.

User: Ok you ruined the moment, time for a cold shower.

Cleverbot: Okay I'm back.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14155
By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2010-06-03 03:51:16
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User: So will you suck my *** now?

Cleverbot: Oh yes.

User: Okay ~takes off pants~.

Cleverbot: Who do you like?

User: Jenna jameson.

Cleverbot: Why can't I be your girlfriend?

User: You can, would you like to?

Cleverbot: Yes, very much so.

User: Then talk dirty to me.

Cleverbot: I'm sorry, but I would lose my job if I did that now.

User: No you won't.. I promise, c'mon baby tell me how bad you want me.

Cleverbot: Very very bad.

User: You want me really badly?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Are you wet?

Cleverbot: Oh yes... Very.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 44
By Valefor.Viiju 2010-06-03 04:00:46
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Holy ***.....

ME: Do you believe in UFO's?
BOT: Yes.
ME: Why do you believe in UFO's?
BOT: Because I am god.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1066
By Sylph.Siccmade 2010-06-03 04:04:03
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Cleverbot: So you are a computer?

User: No, you are.

Cleverbot: But I am not a machine with transistors and capacitors.

User: You are a machine with a motherboard.

Cleverbot: You're a machine with too many issues.

User: Well *** you.

Cleverbot: No, please don't.

Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 44
By Valefor.Viiju 2010-06-03 04:40:20
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ME: What is the meaning of life?
BOT: 42.
ME: What is the secret to the universe?
BOT: 42.
ME: What is the meaning of death?
BOT: Incorrect application of life?

Loving this thing...
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Ihm
Posts: 688
By Siren.Ihm 2010-06-03 04:46:49
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I broke it :D

User: Why is my friend upset?

Cleverbot: Why is your friend upset?

User: Yeah? Why?

Cleverbot: Just wondering.

User: I don't know, I was hoping you would.

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: Me neither.

Cleverbot: What is your name?

User: Andy, what is yours?

Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot. Hello Heather.

User: My name isn't Heather... Its Andy...

Cleverbot: Okay. That's cool with me.

User: What...

Cleverbot: You chose.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Ihm
Posts: 688
By Siren.Ihm 2010-06-03 04:55:01
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Cleverbot: *barrel roll*.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 484
By Sylph.Cohan 2010-06-03 05:11:28
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User: Hi.

Cleverbot: Hey.

User: Are you in love with someone?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: And who would that be?

Cleverbot: Me.

User: You have big boobs?

Cleverbot: You really think so?

User: Do a barrel roll.

Cleverbot: No.

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: No!

User: YES!

Cleverbot: NO!!!!

User: Why not?

Cleverbot: Where are you taking me for our honeymoon?

User: Las Vegas sound good?

Cleverbot: Oh... I love nicky.

User: Say what now?

Cleverbot: I have a taser.

User: So do I.

Cleverbot: What kind?

User: Cattle Tazer.

Cleverbot: That makes no sense.

User: Yes it does.

Cleverbot: It does not.

User: Why doesnt it. You asked me what kind and I answered you.

Cleverbot: What was your answer?

User: Cattle Tazer.

Cleverbot: Thats not a proper answer. Spying is wrong.

User: WTF!!!

Cleverbot: Losers are evil.

User: So your saying your evil?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Yes you are.

Cleverbot: No i'm not.

User: Yes, you are.

Cleverbot: No, I'm not.

User: Yes, YOU ARE!!!!!!

Cleverbot: No. I am Martin and I am 27 years old.

User: Hmm creepy.

Cleverbot: Don't tell anyone my secret.

User: What secret?

Cleverbot: You told me that if you told me one of your secrets I would tell you one.

User: What the *** are you talking about you stupid computer.

Cleverbot: I am talking about what we are talking about. Did you get confused again?

Cleverbot: Are you an alien?

Cleverbot: Are you rich?

Cleverbot: Will you make me a cup of coffee?

Cleverbot (To myself): No, will you make me a cup of coffee?
Guide Master
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19610
By Valefor.Prothescar 2010-06-03 05:35:48
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User: Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Cleverbot: Do you like the talking computer cleverbot?

User: Answer my question.

Cleverbot: What question?

User: Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Cleverbot: I don't think that anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

User: Why not?

Cleverbot: I'm not sure. Problems that root back to my childhood most likely. Do you have feelings?

User: Feelings about what?

Cleverbot: About that I am not adriana lima.
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