Who Plays For FFXI For Fun Anyway?

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Who plays for FFXI for fun anyway?
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By 2010-05-30 02:12:11
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Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Oddin
Posts: 1756
By Sylph.Oddin 2010-05-30 02:14:31
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Asura.Bartimaeus said:
Carbuncle.Sevourn said:
Asura.Bartimaeus said:
Edit: But fun is subjective right? Some people find fun in eating paint chips too..

despite the sarcasm, there's something to be said for this. one thing about the constant "FFXI should be fun!" posts is that they somehow make the assumption that no one could possibly find optimizing their gearsets to be fun

OP, Specopsz, your definition of fun isn't the only one that exists.

I had to add that in, because when I thought about it, and after playing with a few Math majors in college on xi, I remembered some people LOVE the micromanagement, and the math with it.

I had this big old paragraph ready to be typed, but what's it matter? This whole thing is subjective to what's worth your money and time. A debate about it just goes full circle. If your actions affect my time/money/gameplay I go elsewhere. We all do.

I don't try to necessarily change you, I'll just not play with you again, etc..

/sigh I dunno lol

And that brings up another good point. If people aren't willing to change their gear and ways, they then feel they have the right to get butt hurt when no one wants to play with them anymore. People don't want to waste their time on idiots that don't want to see the truth. "Yes it's your 12.95 a month but it's our 12.95 a month as well so go Astral Burn some more."
Server: Seraph
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user: dascorp
Posts: 1051
By Seraph.Rafik 2010-05-30 02:14:31
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I play for fun and tp in STR rings ok. If you tell me that I need to tp in accuracy rings you are just an elitist wink <.<

A lot of people take it the wrong way. If they would care enough to do a little research about their jobs.

None of us had great gear when we all started. It took time to get what we currently have, some more than others.

Having great gear doesnt mean anything if you do not know how to use it and utilize it to its full potential.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Anniel
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By Phoenix.Shibahime 2010-05-30 02:15:47
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Fairy.Specopsz said:
I've been talking like this with the people in my LS for a long time.
As long as the person feeling inferior towards another on the internet, they will continue to do it.

There is no such thing as having fun anymore.
Its all about competing for the best gear, and who has the most gil.
It will never change, there is may be a small select of people who don't do that but still, the larger group who do, are more dominate on the subject.
It will grow more and more, and will spurse to number 14 when it releases.
Yeah, it sucks, but its the internet.

I think it's more like part of human nature, you know? Internet, FF, life, w/e, we as humans like to compete and be the best. We like to show up.

In a party (a rl one) girls will be always judging others on their hair, clothes or makeup. It's what we do.
When you grow up, you compete based on jobs, income, or the house you live in.

It's good? bad? whatever. It's what we are.

So... it's not the internet or FF or w/e... it's us.

And people have fun in whatever way they wanna, like someone said... everyone has a different definition for it :)

So, just enjoy your game your own way, ignore whatever you dont like and move on. If you don't, you are doing the exact same thing you are complaining about.

Have a good night!
By 2010-05-30 02:17:36
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By 2010-05-30 02:22:49
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Server: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: dascorp
Posts: 1051
By Seraph.Rafik 2010-05-30 02:35:47
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I like to change jobs constantly, stare at myself in the moghouse run around whitegate. Rinse and repeat. Help out with shouts if it is something easy to do and fast.

A few days ago was helping out people with CoP again.

Soloing things on nin since I got it to 75, need to finish /dnc ; ;

Coming to Einj on war, cause I am a sam *** for limbus/sea...
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Shindo
Posts: 323
By Fenrir.Shindo 2010-05-30 02:39:27
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I don't know about the rest of the people out there, but I'm sick of hearing it all. When did you become so important that you have to judge a person on the gear they wear and not on their attitude, the pleasure of their company, and their skill?

Do I DD in Rajas and another STR ring? Yes. Why? Because I don't use a windower and with the 2 piece maximum I can swap in and out in a single macro for a weaponskill, I have more beneficial things to swap than my ring. Do I use 4-5 macros to execute a command I perform every 30 seconds? Maybe if I didn't value practicality and ease of play so much.

And you know it's really such a shame you judge me to be worthless based on that one fact. I guess I'll just sit over here all alone with my nation, Zilart, CoP, ToAU, and WotG missions completed, my Captain Mercenary Rank, my Veteran Alchemy, my 3 add-on pieces specifically tailored to SAM, my complete relic armor set, and my dozens of good friends who enjoy my company and skill on parties and missions. My moghouse is really nice, too, but hey, that's subjective.

So go ahead and start rating me down. I make a new friend everytime I meet someone willing to give me a chance. Not to say your rejection doesn't sting, but I think I'll survive.
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Jurai
Posts: 379
By Ifrit.Jurai 2010-05-30 02:39:28
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Is this a real thread?
And people are still posting why?
Server: Diabolos
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user: Galactus
Posts: 550
By Diabolos.Sovereign 2010-05-30 02:40:35
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As far as the gear thing goes... there's an old saying in our player's community that goes something like "Gear doesnt make bad players good, but gear surely makes good players better."

The saying is kind of self-explanatory, so it should be an easy concept to understand.

It basically boils down to the overall knowledge of the player behind the character, and much less about what the player is gearing themselves with. Players with an understanding of the game's battle mechanics, spell and ability usage with respect to timing, strategic positioning against certain foes (front line, back line, height elevations, TP-move AoE ranges, etc), preparation in advance (such as bringing certain items or job classes you may require for a specific task), amongst knowledge of the numerous other intricacies of FFXI will undoubtedly prove themselves good players no matter what they're wearing. As you might imagine, this type of knowledge only comes through experience and research. In the hands of players such as these, exceptional gear will turn them into absolute monsters, allowing them to do things better, faster, and more efficiently than anyone else.

On the other hand, players with no knowledge of the aforementioned concepts will be constantly disappointing everyone they play with. They'll often create problems rather than provide solutions, as well as waste everyone's valuable time. As you can probably guess, no amount of gear can help this type of player perform better, as they simply do not understand how to properly use it.

The basic idea here is to admit that gear absolutely does not matter when viewed from a larger scale. Yes, it is undeniable that when used properly, gear can make you more efficient at a specific task. But no gear can teach you how to play, and without being able to understand the game mechanics then all gear is ultimately useless.

By 2010-05-30 02:45:02
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Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: soupbowl
Posts: 18
By Ragnarok.Soupbowl 2010-05-30 02:47:51
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I enjoy this game and play it for fun in my small LS.
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Shayala
Posts: 1004
By Gilgamesh.Shayala 2010-05-30 03:04:38
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I have has a few people send me a /tell saying my gear sucks over the two years i've been playing. What really bugs me about it is that I never party ingame so my gear choices affect others in no way whatsoever.

I only ever duo with my fiance and recently have been campaigning (where i've seen players with no gear on at all except weapon).

If my gear sucks so much how about offering to help me get the good, rare/ex stuff ^^
Server: Siren
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user: Kalila
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2010-05-30 03:10:55
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When I started out 7 years ago or so my idea of fun was logging on for the first time, finding out about this new exciting game world. I expected to only play for about a month, I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

Seven years later here I am. My ideas of having fun in the game have changed drastically over time but I still manage to have fun. If I didn't I wouldn't have played for 7 years.

I am to the point where I am focused on gear. Getting the best newest gear out there and making the best gear combinations my brain can throw out there. I consider myself a fairly intelligent human being and I find game science intriguing.

I always try to learn something new about my job class everyday. I don't always succeed but I try. There are times when I just don't want to play anymore so I mellow down. Then there are times when I make a goal. When I make a goal I damn well stick with it no matter how crazy it is, I just make sure its not something like getting a relic lol. Although I wouldn't mind a Yagrush someday...

But sacrificing others happiness for ones amusement is an everyday part of MMORPGs. People find happiness in hurting others, or getting people upset, angry, or defensive. I personally find it as a horrible quality in someone and generally wont consider them as someone I care about. Yes I would love it if this would stop but it's not like it doesn't happen in RL. Just ignore them and move on.

If they talk about your gear, or skill, generally they are right. They probably are trying to be *** on purpose but generally they are right. Just because what they say is rude / hurtful doesn't mean its not right. Remember there is always something to learn and change no matter what you do. Every situation in this game is different and requires different gear sets for optimal performance. What is better on HNM's isn't as good as merit parties. Thats the easiest comparison and most used. Gear is the longest hidden quest in this game that no one completes. Some are further than others but no one can complete it. We all have to make sacrifices and pay the price for the gear we want / have. No matter what you have now don't let someone else discourage you. Everyone's journey is unique and different and everyone should follow their own path. Not a path everyone follows.
By 2010-05-30 03:11:32
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Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11680
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2010-05-30 03:12:54
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Fenrir.Shindo said:
I don't know about the rest of the people out there, but I'm sick of hearing it all. When did you become so important that you have to judge a person on the gear they wear and not on their attitude, the pleasure of their company, and their skill?

Do I DD in Rajas and another STR ring? Yes. Why? Because I don't use a windower and with the 2 piece maximum I can swap in and out in a single macro for a weaponskill, I have more beneficial things to swap than my ring. Do I use 4-5 macros to execute a command I perform every 30 seconds? Maybe if I didn't value practicality and ease of play so much.

And you know it's really such a shame you judge me to be worthless based on that one fact. I guess I'll just sit over here all alone with my nation, Zilart, CoP, ToAU, and WotG missions completed, my Captain Mercenary Rank, my Veteran Alchemy, my 3 add-on pieces specifically tailored to SAM, my complete relic armor set, and my dozens of good friends who enjoy my company and skill on parties and missions. My moghouse is really nice, too, but hey, that's subjective.

So go ahead and start rating me down. I make a new friend everytime I meet someone willing to give me a chance. Not to say your rejection doesn't sting, but I think I'll survive.
Not to automatically jump to the rejecting position, but the massive chip on your shoulder makes it really hard to sympathize with your viewpoint. Certain misconceptions in your post don't help either.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Shindo
Posts: 323
By Fenrir.Shindo 2010-05-30 03:19:54
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That's understandable. Sometimes I just really need to vent. It's really late at the moment but if there's anything you wanna ask, go ahead and I'll get to it tomorrow.
Server: Bahamut
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user: LeonPSP
Posts: 128
By Bahamut.Leonelf 2010-05-30 03:27:56
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I went to Fiat Lux BCNM once with a guy named Zahan who wore ALOT of STR equips, and ZERO haste, so i thought it was his WS gear set only and that he wanted to show off (he even had Haubergeon+1).
But then during the climb to Throne Room(S) i watched him, he didn't switch anything in and out AT ALL ! so i asked "Are you TPing in those gears ?" And he was like "Yea i don't have enough inventory for another set" then i got called an *** for bitching about it.

I mean it's all okay if you don't give a *** about yourself you can play alone solo all you want, but when you join such fights as hard as Fiat Lux with other 5 people, you should at least give some efforts ! Going with ZERO haste gears and say you don't have inventory spaces for them was just the most stupid thing i've ever seen in my FFXI-life.

So yea, i wasn't trying to be an *** Zahan, like i said you disrespected all 5 of us with your lack of effort, because casting Utsu:Ni every 40 seconds won't save your *** from being raped.
We all play the game for fun but it's not fun anymore when you fail after 2 hours of putting PT together and fail with no rewards, ofcourse you aren't the entire reason why the PT fails but you play a big role in it.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11680
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2010-05-30 03:32:28
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Fenrir.Shindo said:
That's understandable. Sometimes I just really need to vent. It's really late at the moment but if there's anything you wanna ask, go ahead and I'll get to it tomorrow.
I have just one question.

Did somebody deny your application to a linkshell?

I've rarely seen somebody get ***on for their gear in a party, and those people either said/did something exceptionally stupid or caught flack from the aforementioned 1% of the 1%. In the former case they deserved it, in the latter it's a rare and ugly breed and not one that deserves regular venting about. Tears, power, etc.

That leaves linkshell applications as the only reasonable source I can come up with for said chip.

Aside from a couple of ridiculously high-end shells who basically ***relics at will and make their high standards perfectly clear on their recruitment pages, I can't think of an endgame linkshell, HNM or otherwise, that won't accept somebody solely on the basis of their gear unless said gear looks like somebody threw up on their character. Yet you act like it's the focus of any application to an endgame linkshell and everyone shits on each others' gear in EXP. I'm sure I could pull up a decent number of posts by you with variations on the same rant without much trouble.

Personality, working game knowledge, playtime, and job spread are all higher priority on most endgame applications than gear. Gear checks are a cursory requirement to try and get an idea of your game knowledge and see if you could be a functional member or a guaranteed waste of a slot, nothing more. I listed personality first for a reason. Playtime should be obvious; if you're not able to be online at event times you don't have much to offer the shell and vice versa. Job spread is just a reality of anything higher than an average bodies linkshell: going BRD/BLM/etc to every event is not fun for most people. Accepting a DD only player means somebody else has to come not-DD to every event, which affects linkshell morale. The idea is to have fun while accomplishing a goal, but there's other people trying to have fun too and most of them can only sing Ballad so many times before they want to throw their controller/keyboard.

So what's the story?
Server: Unicorn
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user: Nympha
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By Unicorn.Nymphadora 2010-05-30 03:40:04
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I've noticed that most people in party don't really start in on gear unless the person with said gear is doing something that causes them to question that person's abilities in other areas of the game, such as gear. Parsing crazy low, or just generally doing or saying HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE things, being irritating, etc. Otherwise, if you're doing everything that's asked or expected of you, gear pretty much goes unnoticed.

There are always gonna be people out there who have unrealistic expectations of other people they do pickups with. It's not fun if you're around one of those people and not up to par with their expectations, but I'd honestly just ignore them because one thing I've noticed about them is that they tend to be doing something wrong themselves and unwilling to learn. Any true elitist who is that picky won't do pickups. ;P
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 3323
By Shiva.Weewoo 2010-05-30 03:42:33
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I don't care if it gets done within an inch or a mile. As long as objectives are complete I am happy. This applies to missions, ENMs, quests and exp parties alike. Of course the priority in exp parties to me is not strictly exp per hour but rather enjoying myself with company as I gain a decent rate of experience.

Unfortunately "decent" will forever be a subjective matter in the eyes of others.
Server: Caitsith
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Posts: 269
By Caitsith.Silvaria 2010-05-30 03:47:06
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Hmm...I see a number of you saying that you'll offer advice to someone who is obvious geared incorrectly, or whatever...all I can say is, perhaps it is the -way- you're offering advice.

I'll use myself as an example. Not long after my WHM hit 50, I got myself a Dark Staff to help with mp gain while resting. I was very much winging WHM, I didn't know about this site or Wiki or any of that stuff...and yet, considering that I was being asked for by name for pts, I was obviously doing fairly well.

So right around level 51, I get invited to a pt somewhere outside of Whitegate. I showed up with just a Dark Staff. I was immediately jumped on by no less than 3 people in the pt, and not a single one of them was polite...the general question was, "Why the *** don't you have a Light Staff? What kind of loser WHM doesn't have a Light Staff?"

Needless to say, I was taken quite off-guard, and tried to play it off like, "I haven't had a chance to get one yet." Then some Mithra starts sending me /tells, saying without a Light Staff, I was an utterly useless WHM. I politely asked him/her/it what was so great about the Light Staff, and she said, "It increases cure potency. That means it makes the cures better."

I said, "I know what it means, LOL..."

She said, "Then why don't you have one?"

I said, "I meant, I know what "cure potency" means. 8)"

Well, for some reason that utterly pissed her off, because all I got in return was a, "..." and she didn't say another word to me.

Now, here's how a mature conversation would have gone, with people who genuinely wanted to help me:

"Hey, Silv, I noticed you have a Dark Staff. Have you considered getting a Light Staff, too?"

I'd have said, "Hm, no, should I?"

They'd have said, "Yeah, it increases your cure potency by 10%, and is really kind of essential if you're going to take WHM much past 50."

I'd have said, "Awesome, I'll pick one up as soon as I get back to Jeuno. Thank you so much." /bow

And, that would have been the end of it. Instead, I get called a crappy white mage (mind you, I was right around 51, the level of the light and dark staves, so not like I was WHMing at 75 with just a Dark Staff), and was treated with condescension.

Just something to consider the next time you offer some unasked for advice, LOL...a lot of how it's received depends on how it's delivered. 8)
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Eike
Posts: 5779
By Ifrit.Eikechi 2010-05-30 03:50:47
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I play this game for fun, but when I'm exping, and people are doing stuff just, very off the wall, I do get a lil miffed....Was on drg/sam a few nights ago, had another drg in the party who was level synced to mid 60's (forgot what level we were) in 3/5 hydra gear, who only used Skewer on colibri. I was spamming Penta Thrust as I should have been, and doing (eye balled here) about 3.5x his dmg typically...so when I asked why he wasn't using Penta Thrust at all he replied, "Because I like this WS better". I in turn, replied with "Well I'm doing about 3.5x your dmg...but ok w/e lol"

Stuff like that gets me a smidge miffed because that WS had no other functionality for our party, since we weren't setting up SCs. I could understand somebody using a weird WS if they were SCing or self SCing (I love to use Tachi: Rana on samurai, because I self SC darkness with Gekko a lot), but he wasn't in this case...That goes along with the "some players won't learn/don't care" vibe I'm getting, that some are ranting about in this thread.

A good example of constructive help: Had a 56 rng in a colibri party recently, who only had his skills capped to 37 rng... I noticed something was amiss when I saw him only using Piercing Arrow. I was thinking to myself "Well wth...why wouldn't he use Sidewinder...?" So I asked and he had explained his low skill, due to accepting nothing but East Ronny (s) parties. So instead of wigging out on him like some people would, I asked him just how far he was under cap, and suggested he pulled the colibri instead of our thf, so he could potentially get skill ups on pulls to try to hasten his catching up process. By the end of the party he didn't get Sidewinder, but he definitely made great head way towards it (he told us he got like +30 levels in archery or something like that).

Moral of the story: Despite some people not wanting to listen, or being grossly underleveled, don't be a douche and try to have fun with the game anyways hehe. (I don't think I was a particular douche to the Dragoon, I just simply laughed off his Skewer spamming and did my thing).
Server: Leviathan
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user: Dubont
Posts: 1686
By Leviathan.Dubont 2010-05-30 04:00:24
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HQ, WHITE/BLUE BOX, +2, 8mil+, HNM dropped, etc etc ONRY!

Meet my expectations or u is teh NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOB
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Dannie
Posts: 65
By Fenrir.Dannie 2010-05-30 04:12:44
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@Nightfyre ......

you suck i dont like how u play .......


j/k bro
Server: Sylph
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Posts: 30
By Sylph.Flyinghippress 2010-05-30 04:47:02
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To the OP: If said "friends" rag on you, make them un-friends :D

Friends don't rag on friends; friends rag with friends on others!
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Krazykarl
Posts: 4
By Cerberus.Krazykarl 2010-05-30 05:09:07
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There will be players who just want the best of the best, and actually I feel sorry for them. Ranting to another player that they don't have a HQ of an item, even though the NQ is perfectly reasonable, is completely HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE.

There are also people who are understanding, they will ask about gears and offer advise to a player who comes unprepared for something. The trouble sometimes can then come from the other person, ranting and being all 'veteran' because they feel they're getting told off when they're getting advice instead. I can fully understand the anger there, especially when someone goes out of their way to be helpful only to have it thrown back in their face by someone who clearly decided not to gear appropriately.

Fun is always a personal part of the experience. I enjoy the game because I like the missions/quests and also being able to achieve hard objectives with friends or in a good team. For others it could be levelling or even obtaining all the hardest items in the game, or coming up with new and interesting ways to create a new gear set (does not include people who don't gear properly.)

There will always be idiots, but there will always be people who are understanding and helpful too, so keep that in mind ^^
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: kvazz
Posts: 5345
By Cerberus.Kvazz 2010-05-30 05:40:12
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Why play this game if it isnt for fun?
I play for fun, but what I enjoy doing in this game is getting better gear.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: eagleeyes
Posts: 2191
By Siren.Eagleeyes 2010-05-30 05:48:40
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I play for the shits and giggles. no seriously ask jingles and the others. ('-' ) and good morning
By 2010-05-30 05:59:13
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