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Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Kyogi
Posts: 252
By Sylph.Kyogi 2010-05-28 16:07:46
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OK, I'm sure this has been talked about before but I don't feel like looking though the near endless archives of topics to see if has been before, anyhoo, wtf is with sneak, it seems no matter how capped you're enhancing magic is, it goes out within seconds of being casted, I mean c'mon, for example, I was in Den of Rancor doing ASA and I swear to Buffalo Wings this was happening to me as PLD/RDM Yes I understand that /RDM isnt as potent as RDM/ so turn off your flames and chill, anyways my enhancing magic is 198 on PLD which may contribute to SOME of it, but still c'mon, there has to some kind of explaination as why SE refuses to fix this seemingly fixable problem that does nothing but drive me up the friggin wall! /rant

-Huff puff-

I'm Done.

Any thoughts?
Server: Leviathan
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user: Fyyvoaa
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By Leviathan.Catnipthief 2010-05-28 16:10:53
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The duration is all random, it's not a "Problem" at all, just how the game mechanics work~
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14155
By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2010-05-28 16:12:00
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Composure does wonderful things. <.<
Server: Ramuh
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user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-05-28 16:16:28
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Haven't really done any testing on skill but elemental staffs seem to make a difference and day of the week/weather does too. And of course enhance sneak gear and composure.

But largerly there is alot of randomness in it usually (30sec to 5 min according to wiki).

I have noticed that composure along with greatly increasing duration seems to remove a bit of the range of the randomness. Like I've never gotten a 15 min sneak before I think but on the other hand never had one less than 8 min I think with composure.

Generally speaking composure + skulkers + wind staff will get me 11-13min on windday and like 8-9 on iceday.

I acutally was using it to sneak fish for awhile since I didn't have anyone there to sleep the mobs and I was using the ex bait.
By 2010-05-28 16:25:16
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Server: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
Posts: 90
By Diabolos.Torazalinto 2010-05-28 16:30:34
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There's a reason your spell version is inferior to item based versions.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14155
By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2010-05-28 16:41:21
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Diabolos.Torazalinto said:
There's a reason your spell version is inferior to item based versions.

I don't notice a difference.. I've had oils/powders wear off after 10 seconds plenty of times.
By 2010-05-28 16:47:31
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Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: krazyrs
Posts: 716
By Fenrir.Krazyrs 2010-05-28 16:51:49
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Lakshmi.Mabrook said:
Valefor.Slipispsycho said:
Diabolos.Torazalinto said:
There's a reason your spell version is inferior to item based versions.

I don't notice a difference.. I've had oils/powders wear off after 10 seconds plenty of times.
Impossible it's 10 seconds, you get 3 warnings one every 5 seconds, which totals out to 15 seconds between first warning and when it wears off and that's saying it gives you the first warning the second you apply it.

Plus the snk/invis items I believe have a minimum of 30 seconds before you get any warning from what I've noticed with them.

30+ is a lie
ive casted sneak, then in the middle of casting invis right after, get the first warning for sneak wearing
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14155
By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2010-05-28 16:54:33
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Lakshmi.Mabrook said:
Valefor.Slipispsycho said:
Diabolos.Torazalinto said:
There's a reason your spell version is inferior to item based versions.

I don't notice a difference.. I've had oils/powders wear off after 10 seconds plenty of times.
Impossible it's 10 seconds, you get 3 warnings one every 5 seconds, which totals out to 15 seconds between first warning and when it wears off and that's saying it gives you the first warning the second you apply it.

Plus the snk/invis items I believe have a minimum of 30 seconds before you get any warning from what I've noticed with them.
Okay it was sort of an exageration? My point was, that I've had oils/powders wear off just as quickly as magical sneak/invis countless times.

Oh and it may be rare, but I can guarentee that oils/powders doesn't automatically give you at least 30 seconds before warnings. The next time I use one and see the wearing warning almost immediately again, I'll post the pics if you'd like (I have timestamp, so you'll be able to see exactly when I used the item and when it started to wear)

EDIT: I'd only go so far as to say that oils/powders are more reliable.. But magical sneak/invis is hardly inferrior... It's not enough of a difference to make it inferrior, just makes item based sneak/invis more preferrable.
By 2010-05-28 16:59:42
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Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-05-28 17:02:24
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Composure + spell is the clear winner
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Kunimitsu
Posts: 453
By Gilgamesh.Kunimitsu 2010-05-28 17:27:19
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Speaking of sneak/invis, anyone know if the cancel plugin works for dnc sneak the same as it does for the spell? The way you can cancel it with the spell just as it recasts so you wont aggro even if you are in aggro range. I havent /dnc enough to ever set it up the xml to try, but yeah. Just wondering, seeing as there is no cast time on a job ability, if it works.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14155
By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2010-05-28 17:37:22
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Why would you want to use it anyways? DNC sneak/invis sucks.. The ONLY time I've ever used it (and I'm 75 DNC) is when I've accidently left sneak/invis tools in MH.. and even then, I only use it if MH is a long trip back..

It lasts exactly 60 seconds, highly annoying.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: xFaiyex
Posts: 164
By Ragnarok.Faiye 2010-05-28 17:51:32
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Valefor.Slipispsycho said:
Why would you want to use it anyways? DNC sneak/invis sucks.. The ONLY time I've ever used it (and I'm 75 DNC) is when I've accidently left sneak/invis tools in MH.. and even then, I only use it if MH is a long trip back..

It lasts exactly 60 seconds, highly annoying.

Umm...he's trying to make a point that it may be possible to both cancel and overwrite it the instant the ability is reused making the duration a non-issue.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: krazyrs
Posts: 716
By Fenrir.Krazyrs 2010-05-28 18:57:33
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Gilgamesh.Kunimitsu said:
Speaking of sneak/invis, anyone know if the cancel plugin works for dnc sneak the same as it does for the spell? The way you can cancel it with the spell just as it recasts so you wont aggro even if you are in aggro range. I havent /dnc enough to ever set it up the xml to try, but yeah. Just wondering, seeing as there is no cast time on a job ability, if it works.

only have to cancel sneak
invis overwrites itself
think it would be a precast command cancel
i havnet bothered with it either, tools/items are better
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14155
By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2010-05-28 19:05:31
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Ragnarok.Faiye said:
Valefor.Slipispsycho said:
Why would you want to use it anyways? DNC sneak/invis sucks.. The ONLY time I've ever used it (and I'm 75 DNC) is when I've accidently left sneak/invis tools in MH.. and even then, I only use it if MH is a long trip back..

It lasts exactly 60 seconds, highly annoying.

Umm...he's trying to make a point that it may be possible to both cancel and overwrite it the instant the ability is reused making the duration a non-issue.

You'd still have to use every minute, 90% of the time it's DNC/NIN, so why bother with the useless jig, when you can just use tonko or monomi?
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Kunimitsu
Posts: 453
By Gilgamesh.Kunimitsu 2010-05-28 19:26:31
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Valefor.Slipispsycho said:
You'd still have to use every minute, 90% of the time it's DNC/NIN, so why bother with the useless jig, when you can just use tonko or monomi?

I dont have 75 dnc, only time I use it is as a sub for sam or mnk occasionaly. Like Faiye says, the recast wouldn't be a problem if it works like that. Just would make things like running up delkfutts for ACP alot easier if you can hit the JA in the middle of aggro and have it recast jsut as it wears to avoid detection. was asking more out of curiosity really though as I just havent tried myself yet.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Bojack316
Posts: 2076
By Bahamut.Bojack 2010-05-28 20:06:06
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DNC sneak/invis is my favorite one. I've never had it wear off before I could use the JA again, and it's pretty easy to operate. Just don't be next to sound aggro mobs when you click of sneak lol. Plus, it's free. Why pay for tools or items when you don't need to.
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 551
By Gilgamesh.Cardinalgate 2010-05-28 20:33:17
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By 2010-05-28 20:35:17
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Server: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Gilhaven
Posts: 482
By Seraph.Gilhaven 2010-05-28 21:14:03
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I find my ninja sneak/invis ninjitsu lasts way longer than stuff that's cast on me by mages.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14155
By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2010-05-28 21:35:22
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Seraph.Gilhaven said:
I find my ninja sneak/invis ninjitsu lasts way longer than stuff that's cast on me by mages.

Me too, I use both, unless I have composure on, the ninja stuff tends to last it's full length (sneak/invis has a base time it's supposed to last, I'm sure we all know that by now, I find early wearing to be far less common with Ninja verions.)
By 2010-05-28 21:36:44
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Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14155
By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2010-05-28 21:38:39
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Lakshmi.Mabrook said:
Ninjitsu is a fixed set of time and has no randomness at all.
Hmm.. well I can't say that I can remember being able to say without a doubt it is random, but it does seem like sometimes it's shorter.. I'll have to pay more attention to the status timers to see for myself.