CoP Level Cap Removed Area's *discuss*

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CoP level cap removed area's *discuss*
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Server: Ifrit
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Posts: 2328
By Ifrit.Darkanaseur 2010-05-24 09:33:59
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Yeah, I know a lot of players who are great at their jobs and such, but incapable of organising or leading anything, so they end up waiting until someone takes them by hand to do it.
Personally I think it's a good idea to reduce the amount of dependency you have on other people for old old content.
Server: Ramuh
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user: dasva
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By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-05-24 09:35:54
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Yes. It's very lead, follow, or gtfo
Server: Ramuh
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Posts: 270
By Ramuh.Rustytiger 2010-05-24 09:37:42
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I'm a little ambivalent about it, with making things a little too easy. However I'm more leaning towards this update making missions going more smoother and less cumbersome (holding on to lvl so-and-so equipment, etc). This is good in a way that it would make things easier for me to help some of my pals who haven't finished CoP yet :)

I too can vouch for many of you hear of when it was so damn hard to get help for CoP. I went through 3 static groups before finishing and went through 4 LS, two of which were endgame and they didn't bother to help save a skeleton crew of people who were ticked off at the rest of the ls because they felt they were "exhausted" from completing CoP, yet they got it done in a week and it took me almost 3 years to finish lol.
Posts: 9
By Guardianmio 2010-05-24 09:38:05
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"How many elitist jerks would it take to screw in a light bulb?" Answer: None, cause they'd all wanna out shine each other screwing in said light bulb.

I joined a CoP Static LS. That was way ahead of my spot. Been stuck with Mammets 2.5 for as long as I have been playing. Either I'd get the luck of getting a bad leader, or something else goes horribly wrong. If I got a "Get out of jail" free card I'd really use it on 2.5. Only things I ever hear in Whitegate or Jeuno is how hard it is. Cept ppl go on about how easy it is as well, so why don't those ppl help? Cause they are to busy standing round Whitegate :3. I like the idea of no-caps specially for the ppl who enjoy Cut-scenes. Besides ppl like you Kuz can whine about how ppl shouting for help with 75-90 cap soon :)
Server: Ramuh
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user: Krizz
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By Ramuh.Krizz 2010-05-24 09:40:41
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Yeah, I formed my static because I got tired of waiting on my LS to put together another static. They already had one static going, and hit airship shortly after we started. Most of them have been through CoP so many times they refuse to do it anymore. I understand and respect that. I don't see myself going through it (at least being part of a static) again either. I'll help though if a group is 5/6 and needs a WHM (or another job depending on cap).

There are way too many people on Ramuh that still need it for me to dedicate that much time to it again. Like I said, I have no problem helping with strats or whatever if they're having problems. They just have to put forth the effort to get their group going.
Server: Ramuh
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Posts: 270
By Ramuh.Rustytiger 2010-05-24 09:44:39
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Ramuh.Krizz said:
There are way too many people on Ramuh that still need it for me to dedicate that much time to it again. Like I said, I have no problem helping with strats or whatever if they're having problems. They just have to put forth the effort to get their group going.

I hear ya there bro...when the 3rd static group started we had 30 people who needed CoP completion and most of them were endgamers at the time too! I was rather surprised since I was under the impression that most people on Ramuh had CoP finished.
Server: Ifrit
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Posts: 2328
By Ifrit.Darkanaseur 2010-05-24 09:45:39
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Asura.Jetzabel said:
Ifrit.Darkanaseur said:
Yeah, I know a lot of players who are great at their jobs and such, but incapable of organising or leading anything, so they end up waiting until someone takes them by hand to do it.
Personally I think it's a good idea to reduce the amount of dependency you have on other people for old old content.

This is in part due to the bad design of the game though. The whole structure for looking for people to do the same mission of you shouldn't even have to rely on using a 3rd party website or shouting in WG for days. For a lot of people it is tiring. I don't really like shouting, but I don't mind working out strategy and leading a group.

Well I was also referring to back when completing CoP was a big deal. You either led a group, or got picked up by a friends group or eagerly awaited that shout in Jeuno for your mission. It's probably a lot of the reason a lot of older players don't help out with this as much. CoP is far more tiring than it is difficult. And if you lead a static it can be more so, my static I had to constantly keep in touch with people to remind them to flag their missions before xx day. Then someone wouldn't wake up on time or something, or someone still forgets a cs. Most people just don't want to do it again.
Posts: 9
By Guardianmio 2010-05-24 09:46:15
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If I had the patience and the money i'd travel to Ramuh just to Finish CoP. But it'd also be nice to do CoP with your friends as well I guess.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-05-24 09:50:25
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Lol well if anyone on ramuh needs help I might know of an ls still doing some missions. Not completely sure since that was mostly what they did and I don't really check in that much.

I'm usually up for helping but not right nowish with all the other ***I have planned.... like making a few mil to buy stuff lvling several subjobs etc. Unless it's something quick and easy.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Awezomeos
Posts: 238
By Bismarck.Awezomeos 2010-05-24 09:52:02
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OMG i stoped reading after page 2.
I would be totally fine if they gave me instand acces to all (CoP) areas and gear with an instand progress button. Lazy man FTW.
And while doing, just give me all the mythik gear and weapons i whant plus infinite Merit points.So i could finally do the stuff i actually njoy-
Thats no sarcasm, im totally serious
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2328
By Ifrit.Darkanaseur 2010-05-24 09:55:26
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Other expansions are far easier to help with. CoP has you running to all ends of the worlds for terribly long cutscenes.
Posts: 9
By Guardianmio 2010-05-24 09:57:25
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ToAU is annoying cause of the JST midnight waits. Its like you cant just burn your way thru.

LOL infinite merits wouldn't that be nice :P.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Krizz
Posts: 23561
By Ramuh.Krizz 2010-05-24 09:57:33
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Ramuh.Dasva said:
Lol well if anyone on ramuh needs help I might know of an ls still doing some missions. Not completely sure since that was mostly what they did and I don't really check in that much.

I'm usually up for helping but not right nowish with all the other ***I have planned.... like making a few mil to buy stuff lvling several subjobs etc. Unless it's something quick and easy.
If it's the LS I'm thinking of, I'm not sure where they stand on CoP anymore either. I can't even think of the name of it right now, lol. I got a pearl a while back, but rarely put it on due to schedule conflicts with their events.

Ramuh.Rowland said:
Citag transferred also to finish CoP.
I thought he transferred just for general reasons. I know CoP was one of the things he wanted to get done (and did with my group).

Ifrit.Darkanaseur said:
And if you lead a static it can be more so, my static I had to constantly keep in touch with people to remind them to flag their missions before xx day. Then someone wouldn't wake up on time or something, or someone still forgets a cs.
"Ok, does everyone have their cutscenes?"
/click on gate
"OMG why isn't anything happening?!"
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2010-05-24 09:58:00
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Well whining in this thread was a good idea, as I just had a PM and I've gotten into a 12 man CoP static!

woo! Thank you to Shinneh for letting me know, and the leader for accepting me ^^
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Krizz
Posts: 23561
By Ramuh.Krizz 2010-05-24 09:58:27
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Guardianmio said:
ToAU is annoying cause of the JST midnight waits. Its like you cant just burn your way thru.

LOL infinite merits wouldn't that be nice :P.
Ugh, those JP midnight waits drive me up the *** wall. That's probably the sole reason I haven't pushed harder to get them done.

I still have a quest and more CSs to get before the next fight... /sigh
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-05-24 09:58:49
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Ifrit.Darkanaseur said:
Other expansions are far easier to help with. CoP has you running to all ends of the worlds for terribly long cutscenes.
Well yeah but only first timers gotta do most those. And CoP became alot easier to get help once they did the whole equipment scaling thing. I think that was one of the biggest turn offs to helping. Buying good lvl capped gear for whatever job they happen to need.
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2328
By Ifrit.Darkanaseur 2010-05-24 09:58:51
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Most annoying thing ever ^ especially if you're all the way to somewhere like Monarch Linn.
Posts: 9
By Guardianmio 2010-05-24 10:05:12
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Hey Jetz, if your LS ever does. 2.5 or something could you like hit me up? I have like a ton of jobs leveled for it. Even leveled BST and SMN for it cause ppl said BSTs and SMNs burn CoP
Posts: 9
By Guardianmio 2010-05-24 10:06:11
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sorry for the Double Post desperate enough to stay up to 3 in the morning here in Canada just to get thru.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Krizz
Posts: 23561
By Ramuh.Krizz 2010-05-24 10:06:31
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Guardianmio said:
Hey Jetz, if your LS ever does. 2.5 or something could you like hit me up? I have like a ton of jobs leveled for it. Even leveled BST and SMN for it cause ppl said BSTs and SMNs burn CoP
SMNs apparently can burn most of CoP, if not all.

Personally, I'm not a fan of burns so I put forth my best effort with other strats first. Ouryu was the only one where I said *** it and BLM burned it anyway.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: RobKuz
Posts: 1936
By Siren.Kuz 2010-05-24 10:09:00
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Shiva.Flionheart said:
Well whining in this thread was a good idea, as I just had a PM and I've gotten into a 12 man CoP static!

woo! Thank you to Shinneh for letting me know, and the leader for accepting me ^^

Grats dude. Gett'er done!!!

Asura.Jetzabel said:
I PMed you!!!! =p

No ya didn't :P
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-05-24 10:09:21
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Blms can burn pretty much the whole of CoP. Hell my first statics main strat was keep the pld alive. Have the pld grab as much hate as possible. Ie all jas/spells at the start in some fights (and she was 75 and meritted). And then for me to nuke ***hard and fast. Having merits in mp -emnity elemental skill and being a taru helped. Hell I'd go blm/rdm with no protection buffs and drink venom pots to activate sorc ring lol. Good times good times
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2328
By Ifrit.Darkanaseur 2010-05-24 10:10:11
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Ramuh.Krizz said:
Ouryu was the only one where I said *** it and BLM burned it anyway.

Guilty /
Spent forever on that fight.
Posts: 9
By Guardianmio 2010-05-24 10:10:24
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^^ Lol Kuz actually waited for the PM XD
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: RobKuz
Posts: 1936
By Siren.Kuz 2010-05-24 10:11:00
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Guardianmio said:
^^ Lol Kuz actually waited for the PM XD

Hell Ya.
I stick to my guns
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-05-24 10:14:43
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Asura.Jetzabel said:
It was a long one too!
Sorry but... that's what she said
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