If You Could Create A New Weaponskill

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if you could create a new weaponskill
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
By Caitsith.Linear 2010-05-19 15:18:03
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Different name though. And voice, if any. >_>

Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Enternius
Posts: 10387
By Siren.Enternius 2010-05-19 15:19:31
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Caitsith.Linear said:

Different name though. And voice, if any. >_>
Gust of Wind Dance is better!
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
By Caitsith.Linear 2010-05-19 15:28:05
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I'd have to say I agree!

I'd be fine with either one, though.
Posts: 137
By Jeville 2010-05-19 15:50:26
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I like Ramirez's sword moves, Silver Eclipse is nice. Too exaggerative for FFXI though.

Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Valkyrie
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By Lakshmi.Cesil 2010-05-19 16:09:02
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hehe sorry about the spoilers! i wish this forum had the spoiler thing like neo gaf >_<
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Schutz
Posts: 3122
By Fenrir.Schutz 2010-05-19 16:16:44
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LOL :p
Posts: 42
By LorettaFFxi 2010-05-19 16:18:18
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Fairy.Maimed said:
Give Beastmaster a B rating in Hand to Hand combat and name their mythic weaponskill "Donkeypunch"
^ [yes please]
Posts: 42
By LorettaFFxi 2010-05-19 16:23:05
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mandau mainhand and batardeau offhand wtf! someone's got some scratch XD
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Areaden
Posts: 86
By Gilgamesh.Areaden 2010-05-19 16:31:13
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Drg: Air Raider: the drg would jump up over the mob with a penta type move and hit the mob 10 times, can only be use with jump

Mnk; Haymaker: this would be a punch that would put the mob to sleep and stun for a few seconds kind of like a knock out with a %age chance of a KO, used with boost

Drk: Sythe throw: A ranged ws that throws the weapon at the mob doing 5x Dmg used with last resort

Rng: Weapon skill barrage: 3-5 Sidwinders would be nice, can only be used while barrage is active.

Whm: Soul share: Ws dmg is divided to the pt members only dmg and amount restored varies with TP

I like the idea of special ws that you can use with /ja if you didnt notice
I have to go to work but i will think of others :D

Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: stikle
Posts: 6470
By Fenrir.Stiklelf 2010-05-19 16:36:22
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I would like one for DNC.

Maybe one that is like some kinda of dance fighting move, with like a flip or something =P

I also would like if Dancers could have a JA that when used it would take your finishing moves and use them as a WS. That way you still have TP to heal, samba etc
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Reeve
Posts: 96
By Bahamut.Reeve 2010-05-19 16:40:43
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Give MNK this.

And call it "FLYING FIST OF LOL"
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Phonics
Posts: 18
By Gilgamesh.Phonics 2010-05-19 16:46:16
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Since I've always been a sam main and don't care that people think it's already OP: Penta Slash for GKT. I feel this is what Rana should have been and would make me use my neglected GKT some more. It can have low mods for balance's sake because I just want a really good multi-hit option to take advantage of buffs.

Also, nin should get one where you take a backstep, dash charge at the mob, disappear and then reappear on the backside with one hand holding a katana stabbed through the back of the opponent while the nin continues to face forward looking as badass as possible. To top it off there could be some floating Kanji character and a loud stabbing noise or smokebomb animation to amplify the cool factor tenfold. Now I feel Nin already has enough single stab animation WS's so really, like with Rana, this is what Kamu should have been.

Speaking of visual effects for flare, the meditate animation should be changed to make samurai float mid-air for a second in an Indian-style sitting position with eyes closed. It's important that they remain tranquil for a very brief period so that others can see the sams just looking very wise and noble before the fury gets unleashed. It's always bugged me how meditate's animation has nothing to do with tranquility at all.
Posts: 162
By Eurra 2010-05-19 16:56:52
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I would say a new WS for NIN, that has a provoke effect, I mean there are jobs out there that have WS's with effects like blind, paralyze (I think) silence. Why not one with a provoke effect that would better allow such a job to tank. And the TP % would affect the amount of enmity gained, (how strong was that provoke)
Posts: 95
By Brexx 2010-05-19 17:15:57
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A multi-hit Crit based GS weaponskill.... OmniSlash-ish
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Nekdal
Posts: 197
By Cerberus.Nekdal 2010-05-19 17:16:41
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Omni Slash from FF7 clouds final weapon skill
Posts: 95
By Brexx 2010-05-19 17:18:20
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Beat you to it :)
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Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 12308
By Phoenix.Kojo 2010-05-19 17:19:47
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A 4-5 minute long WS for Great Katana, call it.. Supernova.
Posts: 93
By Meowzer 2010-05-25 01:14:45
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Any of you folks remember the Mortal Kombat series? How about the finishing move called "Brutality"?

Imagine giving MNK and PUP that for a WS. :P Granted it'd exceed the 8-hit limit.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Dricent
Posts: 55
By Bismarck.Dricent 2010-05-25 04:28:17
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I want Amatsu: Tsukikage for samurai. Thats the one Tenzen uses to make Cosmic Elucidation
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 738
By Phoenix.Smileybone 2010-05-25 04:34:26
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I shat brix.
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Eike
Posts: 5779
By Ifrit.Eikechi 2010-05-25 04:56:33
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Gilgamesh.Phonics said:
Also, nin should get one where you take a backstep, dash charge at the mob, disappear and then reappear on the backside with one hand holding a katana stabbed through the back of the opponent while the nin continues to face forward looking as badass as possible. To top it off there could be some floating Kanji character and a loud stabbing noise or smokebomb animation to amplify the cool factor tenfold. Now I feel Nin already has enough single stab animation WS's so really, like with Rana, this is what Kamu should have been.

have you never seen Blade: Ku? lol
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: chaosgod
Posts: 141
By Shiva.Chaosgod 2010-05-25 05:03:06
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MNK need the weapon skill "Falcon Punch", i know some weapon skills are like this but... one where it so powerfull you die or drop very low on hp :D
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Calatilla
Posts: 2507
By Asura.Calatilla 2010-05-25 05:28:34
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Omnislash for Great Sword :D
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: kvazz
Posts: 5345
By Cerberus.Kvazz 2010-05-25 05:33:57
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Asura.Calatilla said:
Omnislash for Great Sword :D

Why the *** dont we have that allready. RELIC GS WS!??!?!?!
Oh wait they gave us "Scouge" for that -_-
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Karbuncle
Posts: 2203
By Asura.Karbuncle 2010-05-25 05:52:21
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Northern Lights: Staff Weaponskill, Light based. 5 Hits. Accuracy based TP.
Mods: STR:23% MND:23%

Would do 4 Hits like Penta, on 4 points forming a "square" around the Enemy. each hit would create a small light where the weapon struck (imagine like Blade:Metsu except with lights"), the fourth hit is a Steel Cyclone-esque round-about that lands and all fourth lights "explode" simultaneously with a much larger fifth light in the center causing a "2hour" like shockwave under the enemy (You know, the Monster 2hour animation)

Why Staff? Staff needs a damn multihit thats why!

Southern Cross: 5-hit Sword WS, Light Based, Crit Based. STR:30% DEX:20%

Slash Upward right causing a "scar" across the enemy, spin doing a downward right slash for second hit, Spin again for third hit is a side-to-side slash, spin again for forth hit is a bottom to top slash into the air (Like Blade:Ten) (all leaving a "Scar" on the enemy) ultimately forming a "Cross" on the enemy, and the fifth hit is a "Savage Blade" Like stab into the ground with a large beam light coming from the sky. (imagine if you will "Geno-beam" from Super Mario RPG)

Eizenregen:(Iron Rain) 8-hit Ranged Attack, Acc.Var/with TP. AGI:5% Mods

Archer Launches a phalanx of arrows into the sky, causing a rain of arrows onto the enemy. each hit causes a silver "Splash" on the ground where the arrow hits, arrow stays visible until final step: the final arrow causes a smaller-"Grand-Fall" like animation washing away all the arrows in the process.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rahziela
Posts: 420
By Leviathan.Jackieolivas 2010-05-25 06:40:30
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I've always thought it would be pretty cool to add customization to how we fight in game. My idea would be Dual-Wield WSs that differ based on what is in each hand and both weapons are used in it.

Let's say that for WARs like me who still have fun with Maneater/Ridill, the WS would be be different, or at least have a different add on effect, than 2 axes.

If there were different added effects, like Silence, Paralyze, etc that were particularly more potent and/or had better chance of landing than the effects from YGK, that could add more strategy to game by encouraging people to change up weapon pairings.

Or perhaps have certain WSs modified by weapons with Attack x Times. This would be pretty intriguing for those, like me again, who like to mess around with Sword-chucks (Rid/Joy).

And this one has been beat to death over the years, but who wouldn't like to see the ability to Dual-Wield a Katana and Great Katana? I'd love to see that, especially on a male elvaan DAT swapped to be Gilgamesh. He'd look like Jubei from Samurai Shodown. ^^

Also, if I could name a WS, I'd call mine Slaughter House.