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1) I dont need it. I played FFXI for 2 years before i got it 2) I can operate very nicely without it =)

Simply because you refuse to uninstall and operate without Windower, I call you a liar. You are the same as a drug addict, you claim you can quit any point in time you want and drugs don’t effect you at all, but that is what’s called “denial.” Until you actually provide proof, then you’re a liar.

Gear doesn't make the player no, but if you can solo as much as you say you can then clearly you should have a better setup.

Ever since when does soloing get you good gear? Can I solo Limbus? Can I solo Salvage? Can I solo PW? No. Soloing gets you gil, and only access to a few good pieces on the AH. Most of the good gear is RARE/EX.

Also, you have 1 75 job. This makes you very unattractive to good endgame shells. More jobs = more flexability which intern = more skill.

I play this game for fun, I will not level a job to 75 unless I truly enough it. RDM is currently the only job I like, so it’s the only job I leveled to 75. If an LS wants me to level another job, then I will either leave the LS, or withdraw my application to it. This is a very small issue for me, as besides Dynamis, I do not end game.

Before I leveled cor, pulling was a problem. Before I leveled DRK, hate control was a problem. Before I leveled blm, soloing was a problem. The more jobs you level, the more you learn about the game and the more you understand, the more skilled you become. So all in all, no you are not better than me =D

Ok because RDM doesn’t do all of that and more. I’ve pulled an entire zone in Dynamis as a RDM along with assisting (And covering when they have to AFK) our pullers in merit parties, hate control is an obvious issue for RDM’s that heal and nuke, and soloing is a wonderful skill I’ve managed to accomplish. I’ve done all that and more simply as RDM. You claim that you need multiple 75 jobs to learn the game, I’m telling (Not saying) you you’re wrong, as I’ve done all you’ve ever done and more as a RDM. Combine that with the fact that I’ve nearly leveled all job to 37, I’m pretty sure I have a wonderful grasp on the major components of the game. Try again.

checked your gear and merits, that's why u cant solo in sky, not cos others use windower

I haven’t updated my merits in months. And again, gear doesn’t make the player. (And before you argue that, here’s a quote from your little friend Dubont)

Gear doesn't make the player no

i have 50mill ish in rdm gear, all gotten without any kind of rmt or bad things like that, just pure *** hard work. (been doing endgame 4hrs+ a day with 99% attendance for a long time now)

Yay for people with little to no life outside FFXI.

your not better than me and anyone who rly knows me on asura could back that up lol

If you use Windower, I’m better then you. If you don’t, then it can be argued.

i don't like saying im better than people but seriously if u cant even solo genbu u fail

I’m sure you used that as an example, simply because I’ve made no reference to Genbu.

windower does not make a player better, when it comes to solo there is only 2 real advantages of it.

1: can see distance

2: don't have to press 5 buttons to cast a spell

More confessions that Windower helps solo. Thanks for helping me.

now for 1: distance is easy to get used to after u solod a few times in past, dont need a little text number to know when to run

2: the g15 keyboard can do this and SE supports it, yet u bash windower for doing it to?
u fail

You already admitted that Windower helps, quit trying to justify it.

first off if u wanna solo properly, go get pimp gravity and bind sets, good slow and para sets and some dmg reduction

Gear doesn’t make the player, 2.) You do not know my gear, as I haven’t put all my gear up onto FFXIAH. You don’t see the fact that I have nearly all the HQ staves already, or all the elemental grips for +2 Magic Accuracy. Don’t judge based on FFXIAH gear. (Which, again, gear doesn’t make the player)

good sets can even be just AH gear, u just gotta farm over and over til u spent decent gil on it.

Lalala… gear doesn’t make the player:

Gear doesn't make the player no

Avesta although most of his videos were before the 2006 resistance patch, he did all solos on ps2, not pc.
this proves it can be done without.

Which is why I have no trouble soloing. You’ve become too reliant on Windower that you would fail if you tried to solo without it. You act as if you can ride a bike despite having training wheels on. Take off the training wheels and let’s see you do it then.

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