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When you can point me to a game breaking part of Windower, then you might have a leg to stand on in this argument.
Seeing when recasts are up,
how long your buffs have been on,
how much xp/hr you're getting,
the mp/tp of party members,
distance from a mob,
and counters like shadows or time til your next resting tick sure do not break any part of the game.

Never said anything about game breaking. It’s all about taking the lazy way out. As stated so many times by those who use Windower, “Everything Windower gives you you can do in-game without it”. Well then I ask the same of you, if you can use it in-game and there’s absolutely no difference then why the hell you using Windower in the first place?

Because Windower gives you an advantage, that’s why. An unfair advantage. I would love to see a RDM try and solo without Windower, they’re gonna be lost without their distance, recast, shadow counter, buff timer. They’re gonna fail.

I can safely say that there was atleast one incident where Windower had helped save themselves, or a fellow player in game. Whether you saw that your shadows are only 1, and you recast just in time to save yourself from a triple attack that would have killed you, or saw that your friends your Shellra was wearing off and you cast it again before it wore off and you end up dying, but your friend that got your Shellra managed to survive with 10 HP from a –ga spell and safely get away… These are rare instances where Windower actually made an impact on the game where as previously it would have gone south.

I can guarantee you that after all the years FFXI has been up, that these instances have happened where Windower helped save someone’s ***. So when you say that it doesn’t effect the game, that’s where you’re wrong, it has, and it will continue to.

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