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Tbest said:
lol... Luignata just gets off on talking down to people from his high horse. The fact of the matter is, you're ignorant, Luignata. It's not about working 'harder', it's about working 'smarter'. The people that can innovate and find easier way to get things done to save both time and effort are the ones that get ahead in life. Unfortunately, you're just not one of them. Life is about living in that gray area. Not everything is cut and dry, black and white.

Smarter? You aren’t working smarter, you’re just being lazy and taking the easy way out. Your ideology is fine when you’re actually obeying the laws. I’m not gonna go out and shoot my competition in the head and justify is saying “Well I’m just working smarter!” It’s ILLEGAL. Rather then taking the lazy route out, be a man and learn to live with it. I’m a better man then you because I’m an honest citizen of Vanadiel, you’re just a thug with a Windower.

And btw... Learn how to spell before you try to say you're better THAN I am, moron.

Learn to fully type out your words and maybe I’ll learn you type better.

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