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Dubont said:
Jaerik said:
Windower is illegal under the Terms of Service. is illegal under the Terms of Service. So is Allakhazam, so is Killing Ifrit, so is using any site, tool, or program not written by SquareEnix that decompiles, references, or in any way republishes any of SquareEnix's intellectual copyright, including any and all item, character, or mission data. Even posting screenshots is against the Terms of Service, unless taken via the in-game screenshot feature which watermarks SE's copyright over the top. Writing any fan fiction, derivative works, roleplaying, etc, is all against the Terms of Service. Letting any other player log into your account, ever, for any reason, is a violation of the Terms of Service.

I could go on. The point is, every single one of you, everyone, is or has violated the ToS at some point. Not a single one of you, especially none of you posting on this site, has any right whatsoever to accuse any other user of "breaking the rules." Period.

The only thing that matters is money. SquareEnix reserves the right to ban you for a ToS violation, but they are not required to, and they won't waste their time (or money) enforcing it unless it makes business sense to do so. In other words, the only thing that matters is if a particular 3rd party utility is causing more people to quit the game than continue playing it. It is the duty of 3rd party developers, and users of 3rd party tools alike, to not make SE lose money. doesn't make SE lose money. Allakhazam doesn't make SE lose money. And neither did Windower, until enough of you started bitching enough to force SE to do something about it. So your desperate Appeal to Authority on this matter is inherently circular.

That's it. That's your entire pretentious, vaunted claim to morality in an online game. "Is the continued use of this utility making SquareEnix lose money?" If it isn't, and you continue to play the game anyway, then whatever tortured logic you use to personally determine what is "cheating" and what is not is completely and utterly nullified. Nobody cares, and neither does SE. Go whine somewhere else.

^ this right here ends it all

It wont, there are many still who will never understand.
You are NOT Supposed to use a windower other than the SE one
You CAN use it
You CAN get banned
You CAN get a warning
Nobody will care what you do in your game life , unless you abuse of these things windower has...
/end thread please

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