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Eorzea Time
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Dasva said:
Tbest said:
Luignata said:
Ludoggy said:
I just wish women wouldn't go *** crazy over little ***.

Seriously. Not 5 minutes ago I kicked our cat because she was meowing too much. She like freaks out on me. So what do I do?

While we were arguing, the cat wanders back over to me... I kick her again.

End result: I've lost food privileges, no dinner for me. :( Crazy *** acts like it's the end of the world cause I kicked the cat... twice.

You're an idiot.

seriously your not a child (or are you) get your own damn food.

Are you crazy? You obviously no nothing about women. You don't go into the kitchen after she says you're not getting any dinner, you might as well cut off your own balls, it’ll save both of you time and court cases. (Cause we all know they win in the end)

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