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Eorzea Time
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People who *** about Level Sync and other new things cause "I had to work my *** *** off! Why don't they!"

People who cry about Level Sync for other reasons... These include people having gimp skills, people who can't do their job, etc. Idiots have been around since the beginning of time (IE. Adam and Eve). It's not Level Sync's fault that they're unwilling to learn/skill up. It is the player's responsibility. Want to play a tank? It's your job to learn how. Not sure on something? Ask someone. It is not that *** hard people!

People who whine about Fields of Valor. Holy Crap, new players can afford a Scale Set when they hit level 10! ZOMGWTF!

Having capped Evasion (Only have 1 merit, so ignore that) and getting hit. I don't want to be touched damnit!

"SE is making the game too easy." I must've missed all the massive changes that are making (Alliteration) FFXI "too easy." Seriously, if someone has some specifics, lemme know. I really don't pay a lot of attention to every little detail. In the case of Level Sync: I mean really, is cutting down someone's LFG time from 12 hours to 2 really making the game easy?

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