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Sketchkat said:
That's my biggest problem with the game: a lack of diversity. Out of the 15k or so people on each server, it's unofficially ruled by a small percentage of the "hardcore" ones. You know the type(or in some cases, you *are* the type): standing around WG all day, arguing amongst each other about microscopic differences in one pair of gloves over another while waiting for yet another SAM to show up for your merit/nyzul party, and when the occasional new player sticks with the game long to actually make it to WG, they get mocked and insulted when asking for help in a genkai or something.

^I'm happy to say I never experienced this. When I shouted for my Genkais, there were always helpful people. In fact, as soon as I shouted for G3(I think that's the one in Xarc) 2 JPs sent me /tells and assisted me with it.

However, that didn't keep people from insulting my "Noob Gear," or telling me how worthless BLM was. (I gave it up at 69 to level subs, then made THF my first 75.)

- To me, having not played for an extensive period of time, the game isn't necessarily dying. I admit I've gotten bored and questioned how much I'd like to play, but I always come back to it. You can only play something so much before the "Newness" or "Adventure" starts to turn into, "Goddamnit I don't wanna level again."

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