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Reublucian said:
Aphy said:
Wooooodum said:
I wouldn't.


Esp if they were Japanese. When you overbid on something and try to get money back and you realize they are Japanese, Good luck to you.

I'm not sure what you are trying to say, the more kinder players I have met over my ffxi travels, are usually japanese to begin with, and I'm dead serious when I say this, I have a jp friend and we message each other everyday with good morning and good nights and have small conversations, despite his english not being to good haha

Let me restate my comment. I never said I hated JP people or dislike them. In fact I have a very good JP friend who always gives me hughugs, ('-'*) but if u overbid on an item and they are JP, then good luck getting it back. Thats what I was sayin. Most are greedy and rude and act like they dont know what your saying when in full reality they do!

Its like that Waiting movie when the foreigners don't tip well, lol.

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