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Princemercury said:
Gil is easy to make.

Make a Mithra / Female Hume character.

Level it up a bit... about to level 21ish.

Rank up a little, to around 3.

Find some guy who asks if you're a girl.

Say yes and play along. Cyber with them, have your sister or female friend talk to them on the phone etc.

Most "girls" in game are guys that do this and are very successful.

When you're done, hop servers, start the story over again but just tell your new sugar daddy that your ex was abusive and you were forced to hop servers to get away from him.

On the other note: of course if you can scoop out a friend that works on the XI backend who can dig out information for you under user's accounts, it's a perfect tool for owning these virtual transvestites :).

A little more on topic... it's been happening on all our servers from what I've seen in the past few months.

Oh don't forget if you go with plan A, post a pic on ffxiplayers of some airhead, works very well.

Nice, LOL. Let me point out that if you really are female and your character is a Tarutaru female, this doesn't seem to work. Nobody wants to cyber with taru :(

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