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Cyr said:
Korpg said:
Avenged said:
Players are pieces of meat.

Fixed. When you get this idea down in everyone's head, you get to throw as many people at a mob as you need to kill it as fast as possible.

Grab 100 people, sic them at Genbu, and have fun.

On a side note: This post is flavored with sarcasm. So much sarcasm that it makes sloppy-joes drip on themselves.

I actually agree with the edited quote. The majority of players in this game are meat. The only time I interact with them is to use them to get myself levels. Even then, I replace players mid-party very frequently without warning, especially when they piss me off or aren't up to par.

Of course, I do not feel this way about my LS members. Though they aren't always the brightest bulbs, I honestly love each and every one of them. Their quirks and mess-ups are half the fun, and its even more fulfilling to teach them how to do things better and actually having them learn from it to develop a sense of self-betterment.

The only people left in the LS are the ones willing to listen.

And don't get me wrong, I wouldn't even be able to play this game if it weren't for our little group. They bring me that much enjoyment.

You know, I really hope this only applies in game. Otherwise I have a good feeling you will grow to be a very bitter, pissed off and lonely old man.

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