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Yeah we just recently redid pearl just before a Dynamis-Windurst it was truely hilarious how many tells I got after lol, and yeah Blazza we started off with all points merged so there is incentive to help out (IE: build points ) at all events. ^^

Blazza wrote something that I think most leechers and some new players ( not generalizing both as one and the same! ) are not grasping and that is that when you join a shell, you join to make yourself and your shell mates stronger and the longer you are with the group, the more integral a part of something bigger you become.

It truly says something about the serious depth of this game when people join a shell and they act like a team player, helpful, respectful, and then when they get busted the fangs come out and thier true self surfaces. lol thnx guys for the helpful info I seem to be rambling along in the thread sorry!!


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