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Acropora said:
Keldewis said:
@ Artemicion Mailing rare/ex item? I would definitely do that, but is that a game exploit that should be reported? LOL - banned over smart grenade exploit.... I don't even know who I should ask if that is okay. Thanks on avatar comment, I used to have a coded matrix screen one iunno what happened to it though.
From Wiki: Note: Even though this item says Rare/Ex, it can currently still be sent to other players via the delivery box. However, you can't trade it, bazaar it, or sell it on the AH. Idk.. I say, if its there, and they havent fixed it, use it. since you cant sell the item, i dont really see it being an exploit

Wiki says it's RARE/EX. FFXIAH however says it's just RARE.

The key difference is FFXIAH pulls it's info from .dat files, whereas wiki relies on user input, and users see the item as RARE/EX in-game, so Wiki has it as RARE/EX.

So as far as SE is concerned, it's a RARE item and not RARE/EX.

There's no "exploit", it's just a matter of a someone forgetting to change a 0 to a 1 or a 1 to a 0.

The question is, what did SE want to make it? Is it a picture error and they just need to remove the EX from the picture, or is it a item classification error and they need to classifiy it as EX?

This can hardly be called a glitch. Just a bug.

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