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From my experiences as corsair there's 3 ways to play it.

1) NIN sub which would may or may not involve you pulling, but the theory behind this is to melee with ranged stat enhancing and or TP gain based weapons with an accuracy/haste build, and once you gain enough TP back off a few steps (as to hit the marksmanship based "sweet spot" in distance) and blast away with with a WS. This method functions best for exp/merit parties and any other activity where meleeing is feasible. I however would not recommend this for HNM or endgame situations where support, not giving the mob tons of TP and focused damage are more vital. Not to mention it's a really busy task to focus on pulling, buffing both melee and mages, meleeing for TP, backing off to WS, and sleeping links and throwing off mob buffs with quick draw all at once.

2) RNG sub where you will be strictly in the back doing ranged attacks. This is what I would consider to be the safest, most powerful and consistent method for doing overall damage while keeping your freedom and time to support your group with minimal hassle. Assuming you got full marksmanship merits, a faith torque and a gun belt to match your rng sub, COR can get away with 278 marksmanship skill which goes beyond A+. The though of being able to shoot with the skill of an unmerited ranger makes me smile.

3) WHM sub, which focuses on situations where there would be virtually no benefit to shooting or meleeing the mob and giving healing/status removal and buffs is of most importance. This isn't exactly the most fun way to play but it's something worth looking into for situations that demand it. Also it's a significantly cheaper way to exp if you get invited into a manaburn pt.

All in all, COR is very versital, has incredible utility and is really fun to play. No matter how you play it, you're bound to have a good time. Some say the luck based buffs is a disadvantage but I find it to be exciting. What fun is getting the same given results every single time? Let the chips fall where they may, take a gamble and have fun. Otherwise you may as well play bard xD

Edit: Cyr, considering you haven't even UNLOCKED corsair, I'd appreciate it if you'd leave your negativity and elitest attitude out of the picture. If you yourself have experience playing the job in various methods, I'd love to hear it, but don't shun other players or playstyles you yourself have never even tried.

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