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Xxnumbertwoxx said:
Lilbusta said:
lol I give free Retraces when I'm trolling WG. I'm a firm believer that MP is free so should the spell casting.

Good for you! ^^

From what I've been hearing, getting tele's and ***has been getting hard lately, peeps been waiting forever shouting for ***, even with big gil bribes...

Glad I got all the tele scrolls and don't have to deal with that ***...

Lol...only excuse people have is that you're paying for the time to get the spell. >.> wtf eva! Now that there's an instant scrolls that's nice, but there will still be people that are lazy and want the trace or tele asap.

As for my server, there's a bit of a prob getting a tele/retrace. Gotta wait a few, but you still get one w/o raising donation/reward.

OP's work wonders too, but Bastok on Valefor sucks so I can't get my OP's back after doing all the nation missions.

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