Final Fantasy XIV Database -

Eorzea Time
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Haseyo said:

Xxnumbertwoxx said:
I can't wait to run up to the northland past areas and explore LOL

A friend of mine that was playing when Aht Urhgan was first released, said the first day it went live it was freaking awesome, piles of dead people everywhere, people running around getting chased by Imps and ***cause no one knew they were True Sight, chigoes pwning faces, etc...

I just wanna experience the hilarity myself, as well as see How pissed off that ***up there must be ^^

Pixies will be at work today rofl.

If there will be any Pixies. I might kill'em all! Seriously who was the mastermind to having ash drop from the few mobs that help you?!?!

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