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Kodo said:
Aledacia said:
The Japanese have much harsher RL punishments for crime than they do in the United States, the UK, etc.

For example, a few years ago, an American teenager sprayed graffiti on a wall somewhere in Japan - the punishment he was going to receive was a public flogging, which is no joke when the Japanese do it. He could have been maimed/dismembered for life.

Harsher punishments teach quicker lessons, and a culture based on honor...well, you're not going to find too many problems with Japanese players, other than the occasional discriminatory remark towards American or even European/UK players.

If you don't cheat/exploit the game, then you don't get banned. If SE is letting Japanese players get away with such things...than they are being hypocrites. When running a business, you have to treat all clients equally, you can't discriminate because some clients are one race, and others are another race.

That is my opinion anyway.

Think about it, if the USA had harsher punishments, or at least focused more on morals/honor, would we have as many crime issues as we do currently? I don't think so. Maybe the USA should consider fixing their people, and not the problems the people cause - two birds with one stone. >.>

this happened to an american teenager in singapore not in japan. get your facts straight before you say something stupid.

Really? I was told it was in Japan. Oh well.

Point still stands - the Japanese people are brought up much differently than people in the USA. Half the parents in the USA don't give a damn what their children do or think, and just let them run wild. I know very, very few people in their teens-20's who were brought up with any sense of morals, honor, responsibility, or anything else that a person needs later in life.

Many people don't understand the repercussions from the things they do, because they're so used to being able to do whatever the hell they want, when they want, without getting punished for it.

And I'm a girl RL ty. >.>;

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