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Memimi said:
Ya... everyone things everyone is an RMT. I'll be sitting there fishing and get /tells from people calling me a fish bot. I've even gotten two GM calls AT LEAST placed against me for it because I have gotten /tells from GMs.

GM: Greetings fisher Memimi! Could you please stop fishing for a moment.
I stop
Me: Okay.
GM: Thank you! Have a nice day.

I haven't gotten /t from GM yet, but I've had numerous people call me a fish bot and threaten to GM me... Most from noobs when I was skilling on Yellow Globes, and catching 2-3 at a time from my lure. "zomg u cant fish up moar then 1 fish at a time im calling gm you rmt!"

I think the only real reason for anyone to worry, if at all, would be if someone who doesn't like you, convinces a GM you're RMT or some crap.

Other than that... don't cheat/bot/whatever and you won't get banned. lol

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