Random Politics & Religion #00
By Jassik 2016-03-05 20:43:02
Side note, the flag code isn't criminal law, even flag burning is protected under the first amendment. Flag burning is the ONLY PROPER WAY TO DISPOSE OF A WORN OUT FLAG.
Tossing the flag in the landfill with disposable diapers is desecration.
Burning the flag in protest is different than disposing of it, and even using it as toilet paper isn't illegal.
By Altimaomega 2016-03-05 20:53:06
The important word that you glossed over is PROPER. Which was the entire point of my original post. Illegal wasn't even mentioned.. Will you please, for the love of God. Stop Straw Manning.
By Aelius 2016-03-05 20:54:35
I believe the phrase; "What goes around, comes around" applies here.
By Altimaomega 2016-03-05 21:02:22
Show me a post that I straw man. If you possibly do and it is in context, it is extremely rare. We all know who the straw man builders are here, whether they admit they do it on purpose or not.
Good job changing the topic though.
By Aelius 2016-03-05 21:04:41
The important word that you glossed over is PHRASE. Which was the entire point of my original post. Straw man wasn't even mentioned.. Will you please, for the love of God. Stop Misreading.
By Jetackuu 2016-03-05 21:05:53
Which one? *hopes it's Odin*
By Aelius 2016-03-05 21:06:38
That's universally subjective, really.
By Jetackuu 2016-03-05 21:07:12
I was just hoping for Odin.
By Altimaomega 2016-03-05 21:09:25
Actually, without context to what you are babbling on about, none of the words in your post are important.
By Aelius 2016-03-05 21:10:21
Ignorance is bliss?
Another phrase for you. :)
Server: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Pleebo 2016-03-05 21:11:52
It is apparently to much to ask that people actually raise their children with respect and belief in the country they live in.
Hell, these guys even act like they have no clue what we are even talking about its terrible. They have to associate it with something to make it perverse so they can feel morally sane or something I don't understand.
To be clear this isn't a personal attack on anyone it is actually the argument that was chosen to use. Nobody sane (I.e., anyone not perusing hannity.com) looks at a canvas flag made by kids with foreign flags stuck on it and sees desecration. It has crysals sewn into the stars for ***'s sake.
By Aelius 2016-03-05 21:17:49
I don't know why but I found this completely hilarious. Just had to point it out.
By Jetackuu 2016-03-05 21:18:11
It is apparently to much to ask that people actually raise their children with respect and belief in the country they live in.
Hell, these guys even act like they have no clue what we are even talking about its terrible. They have to associate it with something to make it perverse so they can feel morally sane or something I don't understand.
To be clear this isn't a personal attack on anyone it is actually the argument that was chosen to use. Nobody sane (I.e., anyone not perusing hannity.com) looks at a canvas flag made by kids with foreign flags stuck on it and sees desecration. It has crysals sewn into the stars for ***'s sake.
I mean we get gems like these:
I wish it were mere satire.
By Altimaomega 2016-03-05 21:22:33
By Jassik 2016-03-05 21:25:22
The important word that you glossed over is PROPER. Which was the entire point of my original post. Illegal wasn't even mentioned.. Will you please, for the love of God. Stop Straw Manning.
A government organization endorsing an establishment of religion is highly illegal, which was Rav's analogue to the stupid outrage over that flag. One is your feels and the other is Bill of Rights. What's more egregious to desecrate, the flag or the *** constitution? Do you even bother to read anything before attacking people?
By Jetackuu 2016-03-05 21:26:45
YouTube Video Placeholder
By Altimaomega 2016-03-05 21:35:03
The important word that you glossed over is PROPER. Which was the entire point of my original post. Illegal wasn't even mentioned.. Will you please, for the love of God. Stop Straw Manning.
A government organization endorsing an establishment of religion is highly illegal, which was Rav's analogue to the stupid outrage over that flag. One is your feels and the other is Bill of Rights. What's more egregious to defame, the flag or the *** constitution? Do you even bother to read anything before attacking people?
You quoted Chanti. Rav had nothing to do with it. Wanna go after what Rav said, quote it. #lrn2forum
Again, Neither Chanti or I have said one thing about the right to protest and burn the flag or wipe your *** with it. Only what is Proper.
We are speaking as to the education of the children that should be taught what the flag stands for and why it shouldn't be defamed.
They defamed the flag because the teacher was either unaware of what the hell he/she was doing, which is unprofessional. Or the teacher knew exactly what he/she was doing and was teaching the children that it is perfectly fine to defame the flag, which is also unprofessional.
Regardless the flag was taken down and all mention of it erased. So somebody at that school knows better at least.
You ask if I even bother reading, I ask you the same.
By Jassik 2016-03-05 21:37:00
Reread the last few pages. Once you understand the series of events, you can comment further.
Server: Hyperion
Posts: 701
By Drama Torama 2016-03-05 21:42:07
Cruz has made up ground lately. What are the odds his Florida plan actually works (and doesn't bite him in the *** by handing Trump enough votes to win outright)?
By Jassik 2016-03-05 21:43:43
Cruz has made up ground lately. What are the odds his Florida plan actually works (and doesn't bite him in the *** by handing Trump enough votes to win outright)?
By Altimaomega 2016-03-05 21:46:18
Cruz has made up ground lately. What are the odds his Florida plan actually works
Not looking good. He is doing better than I thought he would though. Rubio is cooked however.
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2016-03-05 21:49:56
Cruz has made up ground lately. What are the odds his Florida plan actually works (and doesn't bite him in the *** by handing Trump enough votes to win outright)?
Pretty long, considering he lost two more southern states today.
Server: Hyperion
Posts: 701
By Drama Torama 2016-03-05 21:52:04
Nah. All he has to do is hang on until the convention, and hope a combination of Cruz/Trump trading punches and him continuing to siphon occasional votes, is enough to prevent anyone from clinching.
He's banking on a brokered convention, and given how things have gone, that's not the worst tactic. The establishment hates Trump and Cruz both, so anything that comes down to brokering is going to end with Rubio getting the nomination (followed by volcanic outrage from the base, and getting a mudhole stomped in them in November).
But from his perspective? He's fine, he just needs Cruz and Trump to stay more or less even with each other.
By Altimaomega 2016-03-05 21:56:38
Reread the last few pages. Once you understand the series of events, you can comment further.
You flat out refuse to even try and understand. You couldn't pay me to go back and reread that straw man fest.
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By Anna Ruthven 2016-03-05 21:56:52
I would kinda like Rubio to be president just so I can have 4-8 years to make up and play a drinking game...with water.
"I like pumpkins, Cotton."
By Altimaomega 2016-03-05 22:01:01
Nah. All he has to do is hang on until the convention, and hope a combination of Cruz/Trump trading punches and him continuing to siphon occasional votes, is enough to prevent anyone from clinching.
He's banking on a brokered convention, and given how things have gone, that's not the worst tactic. The establishment hates Trump and Cruz both, so anything that comes down to brokering is going to end with Rubio getting the nomination (followed by volcanic outrage from the base, and getting a mudhole stomped in them in November).
But from his perspective? He's fine, he just needs Cruz and Trump to stay more or less even with each other.
Well yeah, if the GOP establishment wants Clinton to win that bad. I wouldn't put it past them.
If/When that happens and Trump and Cruz are smoking Rubio and he gets the nomination. The Fireworks and an Independent Trump/Cruz ticket flailing against both Establishment parties would be.. Dare I say.. Epic.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2016-03-05 22:02:10
Nah. All he has to do is hang on until the convention, and hope a combination of Cruz/Trump trading punches and him continuing to siphon occasional votes, is enough to prevent anyone from clinching.
He's banking on a brokered convention, and given how things have gone, that's not the worst tactic. The establishment hates Trump and Cruz both, so anything that comes down to brokering is going to end with Rubio getting the nomination (followed by volcanic outrage from the base, and getting a mudhole stomped in them in November).
But from his perspective? He's fine, he just needs Cruz and Trump to stay more or less even with each other.
I don't think so tbh, Rubio is just not performing well anywhere and more importantly, he really is behind by 20 points in his own state of Florida. I think he is done. I also think Cruz is done. If the establishment is going to land on their guy, its going to be Kasich.
By Altimaomega 2016-03-05 22:04:17
Kasich has a better chance then Rubio. People in Ohio (his state) actually like him. They are taking votes from each other, one needs to drop if either has a chance.
Which is why Cruz is doing a little better. Carsons votes are going to him.
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