Random Politics & Religion #00
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6906
By Valefor.Endoq 2015-12-06 23:28:13
Really? Please tell me more about my beliefs you think you know about.
What "laws" have I been so outspoken about?
Is it my opposition on the killing of the unborn?
If you want my view on the sabbath here it is:
The Sabbath is something spiritual for me and I see every day every moment as the same sabbath day.. Seeking the Lord is not a 1 day a week thing. It's a way of life. It IS life.
So is that the "law" you are saying I believe in?
I don't impose my spiritual guidelines I follow on unbelievers, what would be the point?
If I present the gospel to an individual and it's rejected then I stop. All I can do at that point is pray that their eyes might be opened to the truth.
I can plant the seed and give it water but it is God that provides the increase. Only he opens that door.
You JUST said you agreed with the laws barring liquor sales on Sunday... That's not a belief I know nothing about, you just said it.
You're presenting authoritarian compassion... "we know what's best for you"
...and you still have not answered my question. Again. You have completely misunderstood everything I said.
Or you didn't even read the reason I gave for what I said?
What part about stopping people from preying on the weak is hard to understand?
Or do you believe that the way of animals is ok for humanity as well?
Should we all devour one another?
Yes, yes we should. That's part of my own Religious belief's that it's first come first served. I can only pray that one day your eyes may be opened to the Truth. (Sound Familiar?) So you want to live like an animal?
There is still a lot of unpopulated wilderness available.
Good luck.
Us humans will be here trying to build a better society instead of living by impulse with no regard for anyone else.
By Jassik 2015-12-06 23:28:14
Bismarck.Dracondria said: »Bismarck.Dracondria said: »State lotteries fund schools
Lotteries provide no additional funding in most states, sadly.
That's a bummer, as that was one of the main selling points for state lotteries around here.
They provide money but the money already there gets moved lol, in some cases they actually get less money than if they hadn't contributed. It's pretty stupid.
Oh, well, yeah. It was an excuse to cut property taxes. Of course, now they're even higher than they were back then and the schools still aren't funded correctly. I have no idea where the money is going, but I know it isn't going to replacing that street lamp bulb in my neighborhood that's been out since 2012.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6906
By Valefor.Endoq 2015-12-06 23:29:15
I'm done with these fruitless discussions.
Good night everyone.
I'm dusting off my feet and walking away for the night.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2015-12-06 23:35:12
I'm done with these fruitless discussions.
Good night everyone.
I'm dusting off my feet and walking away for the night.
Try facts next time.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2015-12-06 23:36:29
Really? Please tell me more about my beliefs you think you know about.
What "laws" have I been so outspoken about?
Is it my opposition on the killing of the unborn?
If you want my view on the sabbath here it is:
The Sabbath is something spiritual for me and I see every day every moment as the same sabbath day.. Seeking the Lord is not a 1 day a week thing. It's a way of life. It IS life.
So is that the "law" you are saying I believe in?
I don't impose my spiritual guidelines I follow on unbelievers, what would be the point?
If I present the gospel to an individual and it's rejected then I stop. All I can do at that point is pray that their eyes might be opened to the truth.
I can plant the seed and give it water but it is God that provides the increase. Only he opens that door.
You JUST said you agreed with the laws barring liquor sales on Sunday... That's not a belief I know nothing about, you just said it.
You're presenting authoritarian compassion... "we know what's best for you"
...and you still have not answered my question. Again. You have completely misunderstood everything I said.
Or you didn't even read the reason I gave for what I said?
What part about stopping people from preying on the weak is hard to understand?
Or do you believe that the way of animals is ok for humanity as well?
Should we all devour one another?
Yes, yes we should. That's part of my own Religious belief's that it's first come first served. I can only pray that one day your eyes may be opened to the Truth. (Sound Familiar?) So you want to live like an animal?
There is still a lot of unpopulated wilderness available.
Good luck.
Us humans will be here trying to build a better society instead of living by impulse with no regard for anyone else.
Oh, one sec *Check's himself*
Nope most definitely Human.
I'm done with these fruitless discussions.
Good night everyone.
I'm dusting off my feet and walking away for the night.
Ah tough questions raised and leaves. Interesting, still never provided any factual/proof about that *** statistic then.
Love when people lie out their *** and then bow out because called out on ***.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6906
By Valefor.Endoq 2015-12-06 23:47:38
Here is the link.
And I was wrong about the percent.
The real percent is 20% become addicts and that 20% makes 80% of alcohol sales.
So it's actually worse than what I stated before.
Good night.
By Jassik 2015-12-06 23:50:17
That was a generalization of all consumer industries, not a direct statistic regarding alcohol sales.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3544
By Bahamut.Kara 2015-12-07 01:12:29
That was a generalization of all consumer industries, not a direct statistic regarding alcohol sales. I can understand why he'd be confused on the statistic as that was a horribly written article.
this is a better written article
The researcher says alcohol would reduce by 60% if the heavy drinkers stopped drinking. Which is less than other industries if the 80% statistic is accurate.
Haven't examined his data or methodolgy yet
this is where the data comes from, supposedly
That did not link to data, but an overview of the NIAAA. Here is the data link. Here is summary of their findings
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 449
By Phoenix.Xantavia 2015-12-07 02:27:39
Bismarck.Dracondria said: »State lotteries fund schools
Lotteries provide no additional funding in most states, sadly.
That's a bummer, as that was one of the main selling points for state lotteries around here. Yes, they sell it like that, but don't mention that whatever income is from the lottery, they decrease the state education budget by the same amount.
By charlo999 2015-12-07 05:45:51
I can show you lots of spiritual and moral laws.
Are you gonna show me where Christianity passes a political law meant to govern or not?
If your struggling with understanding the difference applications of the word law in this sense I suggest you stop now.
Please back up your claim, I've backed up mine in Islam.
Since most western governments are expressly secular, it's just the odd ones here and there that stand out like CoE clerics still being guaranteed a seat in England's parliament and government offices being closed on Sunday (this wasn't always the case, either). Prohibition, the original drug laws, anti-gay laws, anti-abortion laws, sodomy laws, decency laws, Texas's alternative origin curriculum, etc. Most of that is just since the end of the Victorian era. If you go back just a few centuries, you get into the really heavy stuff: mandatory church attendance, burning witches, court ordered exorcisms, the inquisition, blasphemy laws that imprisoned people like Newton, etc.
There is no situation where Islam is political when Christianity isn't. We don't have a government ruled by a religion like some Muslim countries, but you're also failing to acknowledge how many Muslim governments aren't violent or oppressive. Look at Indonesia, Bangladesh, Morocco, Uzbekistan, The Gambia, The Maldives... There's more Muslim countries not ruled by Sharia law than ones that are.
Your so quick to prove your opinion you've missed the point of the question.
Where in Christianity's doctrine does it tell its followers to force its teaching of gods morality laws in a political way on a government to be made law like Islam does in its commands and sharia?
I'm not talking about people who follow Christianity then use their own power to enforce those beliefs on governmental laws. We are talking about the teachings. You seem to not be able to separate spiritual morality laws from God (which you have the freedom to follow or not) and enforced state laws in your approach. Which Christ and Paul teaches to separate. Which is causing you to either be obtuse or blindly ignorant in your replies.
Then you state that some Muslim countries don't obey the qurans political laws like it means something and takes away what Islam obviously teaches, enforces and commands it followers to do.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-12-07 06:11:43
Phoenix.Amandarius said: »And I see you are completely ignorant of science as usual. Laughed out loud.
I think it will be hard to top this moment this week.
By fonewear 2015-12-07 07:21:06
I'm done with these fruitless discussions.
Good night everyone.
I'm dusting off my feet and walking away for the night.
It's Islam vs Christianity round 3 !
By fonewear 2015-12-07 07:21:41
Actually it's more like people that think they understand religion talking to other people that think they understand...
By Ramyrez 2015-12-07 08:01:12
Actually it's more like people that think they understand religion talking to other people that think they understand...
While it's true we can never be 100% re: greater intelligent power in the universe, understanding religion as a human societal construct is actually very easy.
Understanding religious people is a bit trickier.
By Jetackuu 2015-12-07 08:06:30
I have been given freedom from those set of laws. No, you haven't.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2015-12-07 09:00:43
Actually it's more like people that think they understand religion talking to other people that think they understand...
religion is the lies we agreed on to explain the mysteries we can't hope to understand to dissuade the fear of the unknown from kids we are no smarter than rather than admit that we don't know any of the answers to anything.
all you gotta do is spent fifteen minutes around one of those kids that asks "why" every five seconds and it all becomes crystal clear...
By volkom 2015-12-07 09:02:44
Actually it's more like people that think they understand religion talking to other people that think they understand...
religion is the lies we agreed on to explain the mysteries we can't hope to understand to dissuade the fear of the unknown from kids we are no smarter than rather than admit that we don't know any of the answers to anything.
all you gotta do is spent fifteen minutes around one of those kids that asks "why" every five seconds and it all becomes crystal clear...
first thing that came to mind after reading was..."santa is real"
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2015-12-07 09:05:46
Actually it's more like people that think they understand religion talking to other people that think they understand...
religion is the lies we agreed on to explain the mysteries we can't hope to understand to dissuade the fear of the unknown from kids we are no smarter than rather than admit that we don't know any of the answers to anything.
all you gotta do is spent fifteen minutes around one of those kids that asks "why" every five seconds and it all becomes crystal clear...
first thing that came to mind after reading was..."santa is real"
he is real... I named my kid after him.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2015-12-07 09:12:29
Actually it's more like people that think they understand religion talking to other people that think they understand...
religion is the lies we agreed on to explain the mysteries we can't hope to understand to dissuade the fear of the unknown from kids we are no smarter than rather than admit that we don't know any of the answers to anything.
all you gotta do is spent fifteen minutes around one of those kids that asks "why" every five seconds and it all becomes crystal clear...
first thing that came to mind after reading was..."santa is real"
he is real... I named my kid after him. Volk said Santa, not Satan.
By volkom 2015-12-07 09:13:34
Actually it's more like people that think they understand religion talking to other people that think they understand...
religion is the lies we agreed on to explain the mysteries we can't hope to understand to dissuade the fear of the unknown from kids we are no smarter than rather than admit that we don't know any of the answers to anything.
all you gotta do is spent fifteen minutes around one of those kids that asks "why" every five seconds and it all becomes crystal clear...
first thing that came to mind after reading was..."santa is real"
he is real... I named my kid after him. Volk said Santa, not Satan.
By Ramyrez 2015-12-07 09:18:02
Volk said Santa, not Satan.
I sold my soul to Satin.
To be fair, I think Satin has more to offer than Satan or Santa anyhow.

Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11589
By Garuda.Chanti 2015-12-07 09:23:08
Bismarck.Dracondria said: »Hasn't sex education been severely limited in the US because of religion? Can't discuss certain things or only teach abstinence depending on school district and state. There are a number of districts that have gone that route, but it's by no means the majority. I live in a pretty red/rural state and we had our first introduction to sex ed in year 7 and a much more in-depth 3-day class in year 11 or so. Red Necks are more socially advanced than main america? Oh ***we're screwed. Red state means leans reliably Republican. Red necks usually vote Republican. Red state =/= red neck.
By Jassik 2015-12-07 09:34:56
I can show you lots of spiritual and moral laws.
Are you gonna show me where Christianity passes a political law meant to govern or not?
If your struggling with understanding the difference applications of the word law in this sense I suggest you stop now.
Please back up your claim, I've backed up mine in Islam.
Since most western governments are expressly secular, it's just the odd ones here and there that stand out like CoE clerics still being guaranteed a seat in England's parliament and government offices being closed on Sunday (this wasn't always the case, either). Prohibition, the original drug laws, anti-gay laws, anti-abortion laws, sodomy laws, decency laws, Texas's alternative origin curriculum, etc. Most of that is just since the end of the Victorian era. If you go back just a few centuries, you get into the really heavy stuff: mandatory church attendance, burning witches, court ordered exorcisms, the inquisition, blasphemy laws that imprisoned people like Newton, etc.
There is no situation where Islam is political when Christianity isn't. We don't have a government ruled by a religion like some Muslim countries, but you're also failing to acknowledge how many Muslim governments aren't violent or oppressive. Look at Indonesia, Bangladesh, Morocco, Uzbekistan, The Gambia, The Maldives... There's more Muslim countries not ruled by Sharia law than ones that are.
Your so quick to prove your opinion you've missed the point of the question.
Where in Christianity's doctrine does it tell its followers to force its teaching of gods morality laws in a political way on a government to be made law like Islam does in its commands and sharia?
I'm not talking about people who follow Christianity then use their own power to enforce those beliefs on governmental laws. We are talking about the teachings. You seem to not be able to separate spiritual morality laws from God (which you have the freedom to follow or not) and enforced state laws in your approach. Which Christ and Paul teaches to separate. Which is causing you to either be obtuse or blindly ignorant in your replies.
Then you state that some Muslim countries don't obey the qurans political laws like it means something and takes away what Islam obviously teaches, enforces and commands it followers to do.
Hold up... You want me to quote scripture? LMAO, yeah no. I can only take so much crazy, have a nice day.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2015-12-07 09:53:24
Malleus Maleficarum
By fonewear 2015-12-07 10:12:20
Bismarck.Dracondria said: »Hasn't sex education been severely limited in the US because of religion? Can't discuss certain things or only teach abstinence depending on school district and state. There are a number of districts that have gone that route, but it's by no means the majority. I live in a pretty red/rural state and we had our first introduction to sex ed in year 7 and a much more in-depth 3-day class in year 11 or so. Red Necks are more socially advanced than main america? Oh ***we're screwed. Red state means leans reliably Republican. Red necks usually vote Republican. Red state =/= red neck.
What about purple states ?
By fonewear 2015-12-07 10:13:00
Needs more Trump talk !
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2015-12-07 10:15:40
The 10 commandments? That's already a good start.
Christianity wasn't formed by a victorious leader over a conquered people and territory which needed to be ruled by laws either though.
Most of the early christian texts are hippy nonsense about loving each other and giving all your possessions away and turning the other cheek when someone assaults you... I think it was william s. burroughs who said the new testiment was "biological suicide"
By fonewear 2015-12-07 10:18:45
Islam is the only true religion and if you disagree...well you already know what !
I"m pretty sure FFXIAH even faces Mecca !
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2015-12-07 10:46:14
I"m pretty sure FFXIAH even faces Mecca !
I think we are in the same bathroom linen closet at Hillary Clinton's e-mail server and we face a wall.
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