Let's Talk Fishing!
By Kalila 2013-08-26 19:44:26
Due to the previous success of our FFXI Fishing topic (3,333 posts, 777k views), I'm here once again to try to encourage all of you Fishers out there to join us in talking about fishing! FFXIV:ARR has many trade skills, but fishing is still a skill I've held very close to my heart throughout XI, and I'm very pleased to see that fishing in XIV is both exciting and fun to do. It's a change of pace from XI, a much faster pace at that, but it is still extremely fun to do.
I've known the FFXIAH community for many years now, and I love this community. That is why it makes me so happy to see us discussing and sharing our thoughts and experiences with each other. This topic, like the previous one, is not meant for only the most experienced Fishers out there. In fact, this topic welcomes everyone including veteran Fishers, casual Fishers, or even players who are just starting out and would like some guidance or motivation to get going.
No question is too small or too silly to ask, we are here to help and educate each other, because no one person can know everything there is to know about fishing. Each of us will have our own unique experience as we explore the world and discover new fish and fishing locations, and being able to share those experiences and that knowledge with each other is such a great opportunity.
Think of this thread as the Random Thoughts thread, but for fishing. We all here love to fish, some more than others, but we all know how frustrating it can be sometimes. Keep in mind that, like the previous thread, any discussion about bots or using them is not allowed. Your post will be removed, no exception. Please keep that in mind as you write up a post, and please be nice and helpful to all members looking for help.
I will be updating the OP with resources and useful information to benefit all our members. If you have something to share and would like it linked in the OP, just send me a PM and I'll update it.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 773
By Fenrir.Rinnsi 2013-08-26 20:16:23
Not sure if it's obvious or not, since i'm not sure how it would work, but does gathering effect fishing, or does any stat?
By Kalila 2013-08-26 20:27:57
"Your chances of successfully reeling in a fish after hooking it are directly affected by the fish type and your perception rating."
"The higher your perception rating, the better chance you have of landing larger fish."
I'm not sure why we need Gathering...
By misacat 2013-08-26 21:08:13
I thought Gathering for chances to be successful, which is handy on higher level stuff...
Perception was better chance to get HQ fish
haven't fished yet, but I take it is similar to Botanist and Mining ?
By AnnaMolly 2013-08-27 06:53:26
I thought Gathering for chances to be successful, which is handy on higher level stuff...
Perception was better chance to get HQ fish
haven't fished yet, but I take it is similar to Botanist and Mining ? No, it's better. Rather than choose your reward from a list, it's more random depending on the location, bait, and type of water you're fishing in.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 39
By Fenrir.Viskral 2013-08-27 09:14:14
Fishing in this game is relaxing. Fishing in XI can be annoying at times.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 63
By Carbuncle.Meenners 2013-08-27 09:22:01
I love ARR's fishing. Like Viskral said... it is relaxing and feels like as you move to different locations, you get higher chances of obtaining different fish.
The +preciption attribute does give your character a difference!
Long story short... I love it!
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 63
By Carbuncle.Meenners 2013-08-27 09:24:10
I thought Gathering for chances to be successful, which is handy on higher level stuff...
Perception was better chance to get HQ fish
haven't fished yet, but I take it is similar to Botanist and Mining ?
Correct! I am level 10 fishing and added perception up the *** and I am now able to get "HQ" fish items. Experience goes nuts when you do!
By Kalila 2013-08-28 15:43:18
Yea, at level 10 I did the same and the difference is so huge, buying armor for fishing is totally worth it in this game.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23
By Bismarck.Arminius 2013-08-28 21:51:00
Love the thread! So excited to be back into a FF world, and I am loving the fishing.
I have been taking a little time to find new spots and new fish, because the exp is huge on new fish (sometimes 1500exp per). It isn't so time effective, as you spend time running, but its so nice to find new areas and get massive exp at the same time.
I had my character in V1, but it wasn't very far along, so I'm starting crafting from scratch. I can't wait to see the growth of my fishing, which will be my "main" craft!
By AnnaMolly 2013-08-29 07:12:33
Carbuncle.Meenners said: »I thought Gathering for chances to be successful, which is handy on higher level stuff...
Perception was better chance to get HQ fish
haven't fished yet, but I take it is similar to Botanist and Mining ?
Correct! I am level 10 fishing and added perception up the *** and I am now able to get "HQ" fish items. Experience goes nuts when you do! Same, I need to get that new lv 12 body piece. Forgot to and logged last night. ._.
By Deroth 2013-08-29 08:46:23
I'm really interested to see what kind of gigantor fish will come from double mooching. Its going to be a fickle b*tch though. Catch a certain HQ fish, hit mooch, catch a 2nd HQ fish, hit mooch a 2nd time and real in Moby ***.
Has anyone come across food that gives a bonus to Perception?
Also if you get bored enough to watch someone fish that's typically what I am doing until a few of my friends and myself can get on the same server. http://WWW.twitch.TV/Tomptonite
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 127
By Shiva.Eboneezer 2013-08-30 12:08:07
Ok, I just started out. I got to level 5 and the quest guy says I need to change baits. I can't find anyone in the area that sells bait. How do I get new baits? Or am I missing somebody? I've gone upstairs, downstairs, down the docks. Talked to every npc in the area that I can see.
By AnnaMolly 2013-08-30 13:15:16
It seems the fastest leveling is..
Limsa: 1-10
Bronze Lake: 10-15
Costa Del Sol: 15-19
Where after that? Any advice for once I hit 19?
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5
By Siren.Riznobi 2013-08-30 13:18:45
The npc should give you some new bait. It might already be in your inventory, click the "bait" icon on your ability bar. That should let you change. If there isn't any bait in your inventory, and i'm guessing you are from limsa since it sounds like you were talking to a fishing npc.
Then in lominsa talk to Syneyhil located in West Hawkers' Alley position(6-12) she sells Moth Pupa, Lugworm, Crayfish Ball, and Pill Bugs. Later on some quests will give you blood worms, and better gear. If you aren't from limsa, I think Auction house is only place to get bait.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5
By Phoenix.Layy 2013-08-30 14:31:01
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 62
By Leviathan.Allyha 2013-08-30 16:33:14
Anyone found any levequests for fishing past lvl 15? Highest i've found is at Aleport and I'm not catching the fish for those quests anymore cause I'm nearly level 30. Checked the lvl 25 and lvl 30 levemate's but they never seem to have any quests for gathering.
By AnnaMolly 2013-08-31 11:17:01
Woke up, logged on, failed HARD at Titan, time to fish! I found a nice spot to fish in Coerthas Central Highlands, 20,31. Right at the Y in the stream, the Goobbue there won't bother you, make sure to take a minion to keep you company! :D
EDIT: Oh! I'm currently 19 with Bloodworms for bait.
By Deroth 2013-09-01 04:33:18
At everyone outpost/crystal there is an NPC called Merchant & Mender that sells bait for the the area your are fishing in.
So far selling the fish on the AH isn't horrible income but its nothing to live on.
By AnnaMolly 2013-09-01 10:10:32
Anyone found any legendary fishing spots? I had assumed they'd be marked on the compass like Mature Trees on my BTN, but apparently they aren't. =/ (Or I'm just missing them.)
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 583
By Fenrir.Yuriki 2013-09-03 20:43:31
So, is fishing a good money maker yet? I can only assume that we either sell the fish on the AH for cooks or sell to the NPC, but selling to the NPC doesn't seem to be worth it.
By Kalila 2013-09-03 20:47:16
Well, I don't know what people consider good money right now.
I think it's pretty cool to see my fish sell for 700-2k each, and for right now that's good gil.
I guess it depends on what you're expecting.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 583
By Fenrir.Yuriki 2013-09-03 21:39:10
Per fish, that's not bad. A "good money maker" as in more than 1-15 each. 700-2k seems worthwhile.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 307
By Valefor.Artemys 2013-09-06 09:06:14
So I haven't touched Fishing in ARR yet. I got to 50 back in 1.0 and knew my way around but now I'm lost lol. If I wanted to catch Money fish, where would I go/Look for?
By Kalila 2013-09-06 14:28:10
For money fish, a quick search of the market would answer that question for you.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19930
By Asura.Chuuuuu 2013-09-07 14:00:36
I've been at fool falls in upper la noscea since 20 and now I'm 26 :O the fish here give tons of exp still, anyone know where to go next?
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24
By Bismarck.Tsuchinoko 2013-09-07 15:19:56
costa del sol
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19930
By Asura.Chuuuuu 2013-09-07 15:52:02
Bismarck.Tsuchinoko said: »costa del sol ive been there but I dont get what im missing, what bait do you use?and where? I just get like level 3, level 7 and 19 fish. also like blowfish, I am missing something
By AnnaMolly 2013-09-07 16:45:47
Well, you could also try Sil'Dih ruins in Central Thanalan, using Bass Balls for Aegis Shrimp*, or Rat Tails at Crescent Cove for Razor Clams.
*Thanks, Kali! :D
Due to the previous success of our FFXI Fishing topic (3,333 posts, 777k views), I'm here once again to try to encourage all of you Fishers out there to join us in talking about fishing! FFXIV:ARR has many trade skills, but fishing is still a skill I've held very close to my heart throughout XI, and I'm very pleased to see that fishing in XIV is both exciting and fun to do. It's a change of pace from XI, a much faster pace at that, but it is still extremely fun to do.
I've known the FFXIAH community for many years now, and I love this community. That is why it makes me so happy to see us discussing and sharing our thoughts and experiences with each other. This topic, like the previous one, is not meant for only the most experienced Fishers out there. In fact, this topic welcomes everyone including veteran Fishers, casual Fishers, or even players who are just starting out and would like some guidance or motivation to get going.
No question is too small or too silly to ask, we are here to help and educate each other, because no one person can know everything there is to know about fishing. Each of us will have our own unique experience as we explore the world and discover new fish and fishing locations, and being able to share those experiences and that knowledge with each other is such a great opportunity.
Think of this thread as the Random Thoughts thread, but for fishing. We all here love to fish, some more than others, but we all know how frustrating it can be sometimes. Keep in mind that, like the previous thread, any discussion about bots or using them is not allowed. Your post will be removed, no exception. Please keep that in mind as you write up a post, and please be nice and helpful to all members looking for help.
I will be updating the OP with resources and useful information to benefit all our members. If you have something to share and would like it linked in the OP, just send me a PM and I'll update it.