Endeavoring to Awaken --A Guide to Rune Fencer
By kenshynofshiva 2013-04-23 08:28:49
I had a blast in abbysea worm party lvling it. I did Atma of Beyond VV and MC. the Lunge damage was amazing with the MAB. and also with /sam i did sekka SS >> GS >> Distortion followed by Gelus Lunge for MB 3380 dmg with no added MB gear besides the atma :) Had the biggest grin on my face!
in abyssea my bard can do 4k ws just saying >.>. Any job with the right atmas and a crit ws can destroy stuff...
Oh I know that. I was just saying that the Lunge Job Ability dmg is fun to play with. Having fun with it! just tells me MAB set is needed for even more fun!
PS: congrats on brd WS. :) (Lunge isnt a WS, just saying)
Yep and just saying any job can do that damage in abyssea heck my Blu mage hits 12k Charged whiskers on procs and norm 6 - 7 k range that's just magic just saying. In abyssea atmas and buffs make anything look awesome as a sam doing 15k double light skill chains on Sobek last night. Abyssea is never good test for DD in my book just saying... Lets not start on damage on Qutrubs next >.>
Server: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Calamity 2013-04-23 13:00:21
Bismarck.Bloodrose said: »Stats on runes are not needed. Run needs to get better at what it was designed for, not at what people want to turn it into. So better defensive stance.
Personally, i agree to some extent, and the proposed idea pitched would help do that - the problem however, lies in the development team quite clearly stating "We are waiting to see how the playerbase uses Rune Fencer and Geomancer before making any adjustments" or something to that extent, so they left it up to us to decide how to use it.
RUN would still have it's base properties intact, and some of them even enhanced further to mitigate physical damage, magic damage, they lack severely in regards to maintaining sufficient MP for flash and foil spam.
They would also need a trait that exclusively helps with Spell Interruption Rate -%, since casting aquaveil is pretty useless during an extended fight. The original idea was to create ways to keep a RUN relevant, without it being over-powered in limited terms. It still wouldn't touch other DDs, it just needs something to give it a little extra Oomph.
As I said before, it comes down to the pros and cons, and how they are weighted. If you have any other ideas to make RUN relevant, or to enhance the abilities/traits, etc. they already have, do share. The main problem with their way of thinking is, run needs adjustments before we can really choose to use it for anything. I'm not sure what they can learn from run's main purpose atm being soloing/lowmanning oldschool mage nms :/
By Chyula 2013-04-24 02:50:52
Bismarck.Bloodrose said: »Stats on runes are not needed. Run needs to get better at what it was designed for, not at what people want to turn it into. So better defensive stance.
Personally, i agree to some extent, and the proposed idea pitched would help do that - the problem however, lies in the development team quite clearly stating "We are waiting to see how the playerbase uses Rune Fencer and Geomancer before making any adjustments" or something to that extent, so they left it up to us to decide how to use it.
RUN would still have it's base properties intact, and some of them even enhanced further to mitigate physical damage, magic damage, they lack severely in regards to maintaining sufficient MP for flash and foil spam.
They would also need a trait that exclusively helps with Spell Interruption Rate -%, since casting aquaveil is pretty useless during an extended fight. The original idea was to create ways to keep a RUN relevant, without it being over-powered in limited terms. It still wouldn't touch other DDs, it just needs something to give it a little extra Oomph.
As I said before, it comes down to the pros and cons, and how they are weighted. If you have any other ideas to make RUN relevant, or to enhance the abilities/traits, etc. they already have, do share. The main problem with their way of thinking is, run needs adjustments before we can really choose to use it for anything. I'm not sure what they can learn from run's main purpose atm being soloing/lowmanning oldschool mage nms :/
Maybe the batch of super HNM will be an army of Megamaw Mikey2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 and thus making RUN the desirable job for tank. This of course making sure these worms will have no draw in move.
Server: Odin
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Posts: 35
By Odin.Screamingbabies 2013-04-25 20:03:31
I did a quick skim of the past few pages of this thread and didn't find the answer to this, but forgive me if i missed it.
What is the best great sword for rune at the moment? what about the best magian great sword?
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By Asura.Ccl 2013-04-25 20:05:20
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Bloodrose 2013-04-25 20:15:25
The best Magian Greatsword is the STR/Attack path Tenebreuse, while the best Gsword available is the Crobaci, augmented or not. Aside from that, there are some decent alternatives such as Hoarfrost/Borealis, Hatzoaar/+1, and even the Coalition Sword.
Personally i made a VIT/PDT Tenebreuse, and should really work on the MAB one as well.
Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2013-04-26 04:24:35
Mab gs seems completely pointless, why bother with a weapon that works only once every 3 minutes?
By volkom 2013-04-26 04:47:37
mab doesn't affect en-spell effects right?
Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2013-04-26 04:48:49
Only lunge.
By volkom 2013-04-26 04:49:04
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By Bismarck.Bloodrose 2013-04-26 05:18:43
Well, the reason for doing the MAB Gsword is because of lunge, and maximizing VE as well as lunge damage. Even if it only works once every 3 minutes, It would go quite a long way in 1-shotting those Umbrils.
Anyways, it's an easy to make magian sword, and extremely cheap in comparison, and obviously highly situational at best.
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By Phoenix.Kojo 2013-04-26 10:48:15
I went with PDT- in hopes I'll be tanking on RUN one day and need it. I should do an Evasion GS, too.
Server: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Saevel 2013-04-27 08:58:22
Mab gs seems completely pointless, why bother with a weapon that works only once every 3 minutes?
Yes MAB GS seems very weak in comparison to the other three choices (STR/EVD/PDT). I really wish RUN had better sword options as those would work perfectly with it.
Server: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Kincard 2013-04-27 09:03:48
Has anyone tried doing Lunges on some harder NMs yet? Wondering if it has any issues with resists if you're doing nothing but stacking MAB.
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Ninurta 2013-04-27 09:24:18
Leviathan.Kincard said: »Has anyone tried doing Lunges on some harder NMs yet? Wondering if it has any issues with resists if you're doing nothing but stacking MAB.
On Qilin I was averaging 1300, bursts of 1.7-2.6k. On PW it was a lot more inconsistent, 3x Sulpor was hitting on lows of 800 to highs of 1.4k and bursts being around the same (used melee atmacites on all) I plan on trying a Naakul Monday with RUN to see comparisons on something with some meat.
ItemSet 297110
By Otomis 2013-04-28 23:09:26
Anyone looking in to a Reso +5 hit.
would this work?
ItemSet 298897
If using this TP set.
ItemSet 298898
Also is epona's worth using in WS set, I was thinking the hit would cap as it is?
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Ramyrez 2013-04-29 11:26:04
Edit: nevermind. Just refer to the first page.
Assuming you have access to Skadi+1 hands, I will also assume you can make the rest with some work, so just aim for what's there.
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Zuidar 2013-05-08 16:31:00
So anyone have ideas for other types of gear for other categories? like hybrid or evasion or MDT/PDT
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Gdisob 2013-05-09 07:00:30
Dear SE,
Please give RUN Reflect.
That is all.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Kohanu 2013-05-09 07:11:02
Dear SE,
Please give RUN Runic.
That is all.
Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2013-05-09 07:13:08
So anyone have ideas for other types of gear for other categories? like hybrid or evasion or MDT/PDT Attaining a capped haste/dt- hybrid is not possible. As for haste/evasion, without accounting path C augment on Manibozho, can do something like this
Manibozho beret/Ej necklace/Ethereal/Evergreen
There are higher evasion options, but I tried to go with things that have better utility overall.
Server: Shiva
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By Shiva.Paulu 2013-05-09 07:49:20
Dear SE,
Please give RUN Runic.
That is all. http://wiki.bluegartr.com/bg/Liement
I do agree as well but I think this is what their FFXI interpretation was.
Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Sapphire 2013-05-09 07:53:37
I went with PDT- in hopes I'll be tanking on RUN one day and need it. I should do an Evasion GS, too. If you end up supertank holding NMs for plasm runs, the -PDT GS is good, however its alot cheaper+better to equip a terra staff for -7% more pdt in that case.
If you plan on actually hitting and doing damage/tanking/eating aoe physical moves, -PDT GS is really the best and only magian worth your time to make.
By kenshynofshiva 2013-05-09 08:42:25
10 seconds at times I really hate the devs......
By kenshynofshiva 2013-05-09 08:44:10
I went with PDT- in hopes I'll be tanking on RUN one day and need it. I should do an Evasion GS, too. If you end up supertank holding NMs for plasm runs, the -PDT GS is good, however its alot cheaper+better to equip a terra staff for -7% more pdt in that case.
If you plan on actually hitting and doing damage/tanking/eating aoe physical moves, -PDT GS is really the best and only magian worth your time to make.
Run takes physical damage like a sponge I rather take a AH pld to do that myself...
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Pergatory 2013-05-09 13:34:25
ItemSet 294538
So this is what I am currently working with for Reso. Besides Toci's Harness is there anything really better?
4 Double Attack on Cap.
3 STR, 5 Attack on Feet. Manibozho Brais instead of Thaumas Kecks. Also depending on accuracy, Thurandaut Chapeau could beat the Cap in some of the newer content.
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Cyprias 2013-05-13 16:35:58
ItemSet 294538
So this is what I am currently working with for Reso. Besides Toci's Harness is there anything really better?
4 Double Attack on Cap.
3 STR, 5 Attack on Feet. Manibozho Brais instead of Thaumas Kecks. Also depending on accuracy, Thurandaut Chapeau could beat the Cap in some of the newer content. I think you quoted a post before Delve was introduced..
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Agerknux 2013-05-15 14:33:02
I'd like to add a build that needs a little work on.
This set focuses on the elemental resist rather than mdt gear.
A killer for Run is that they are pigeonholed into resisting one element at a time. Of course there are other elemental gear pieces(earrings, sachets, rings etc etc). But inventory space really limits what I can bring.
What other pieces give a large resist to multiple elements? Searching through, there aren't too many options but I may have missed equipment that have elemental resist/evasion as augments.
"Testing" on dragua, I find myself taking 0 damage with all 3 runes and appropriate barspell as well as reliably resisting slow all the time. While I know this is a poor environment to test, it makes it interesting that Run can build enough resist to completely ignore certain enfeebles.
ItemSet 296804
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2013-05-15 14:34:47
Only one I'd carry of those are w legs for fast cast. No space for all that.
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Zuidar 2013-05-29 03:30:11
Hmm I just bought Engulfer Cape a couple days ago for magic absorbs, I also have all the Elemental Sachets from Abyssea to hold onto in Mog Satchel.
anyways what's next on the list is Enmity Gear. I just bought the whole NQ Dux Scale set and added them to spellcast for Foil,Flash, Rune Enchantment,Gambit and others except Lunge.
I honestly don't know whether about making a Elemental-resistance gear build at the cost of space. But flat MDT I bought Merman's Earrings for it. I have 2 -6% MDT Dark rings but I use 1 of them along with Shadow Ring.