U's Journal: Bravely Second Megathread

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U's Journal: Bravely Second Megathread
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By Seha 2016-07-23 09:53:40
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I only just realized how to progress to chapter 5, I feel so stupid I was replaying the whole game -.-
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user: JeanPaul
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By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2016-07-23 20:24:44
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After beating BD a few weeks ago (maybe a month?), I started a file for just playing through solo as Ringabel (or Tiz before he joins). Normal mode for now, and I never turn encounters below the default rate. No Abilink, no Summon Friend, no Norende stuff (except level 1 specials), no Bravely Second. Bosses have so far gone like this:

Holly/Barras: Not much to it aside from Defaulting to 3 BP and attacking. Barras went down fine but Holly kept healing, so it was a matter of finding a sweet spot where she wouldn't heal, and then Braving through.
Ominas: Dude has so much HP and dangerous spells, so I Defaulted up, then double Invigorate and Strong Strikes. This was pretty much just luck based unless I wanted to level up more, I guess.
Heinkel: Not too dangerous and Thunder worked fine as a Freelancer.
Jackal: At first I wasn't worried, since he hits for nothing against a Knight, but he uses Potions way too much at certain points. Had to move on to Yulyana's to get a Mythril Sword to out-do his healing. Khint doesn't cause much trouble.
Profiteur: Can't beat him yet, but basically seems like the only feasible strategy is to go Monk and bring like 50 Hi-Potions. Got close once though.
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Server: Valefor
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user: Seha
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-07-24 08:14:29
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So mad that to unlock the remaining classes I still have to go through the previous moral choices!
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By Seha 2016-08-04 17:54:28
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Wowzer, Revenant in chapter 5 was so incredibly annoying to fight. I spent something like one hour on him -.-
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [33 days between previous and next post]
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Server: Valefor
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user: Seha
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-09-06 11:05:26
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Chapter sex!!
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Server: Valefor
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user: Seha
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By Valefor.Rawry 2016-09-07 12:15:59
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*keeps talking to self*

Really unimpressed with the kaiser class. Aside from Centurion, and maybe Cerberus it's pretty much crap.
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user: JeanPaul
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By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2016-09-07 14:24:15
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I guess I could keep talking about my solo Ringabel run in Default:

Profituer: Turns out the best job for this is Thief. Life Steal with a bow made up for all the damage Takeover does and ensured I was doing enough damage in his not-Default rounds. Scared off Khint pretty fast too.
Vestment Cave Dragon: Knight with Treat, he doesn't do enough damage to be a problem.
Orthrus: Same as the dragon.
Khamer/Khint: It's been a while now so I can't remember what I did, but it was either slow and steady as Knight and hope Stop doesn't hit me too much, or rush him down as Thief using Life Steal. Really the only issue is a long Stop and Quake spam. Really happy to get Spellfencer.
Land Turtle: This was an ordeal since he's constantly using Default and spamming a move that ignores defense. Ended up using Moonbeam (Katana special) and doing as much as possible with Blizzara spellblade when he's stunned. Really intense fight, part of it is just watching for when his Reflect is down, so he won't bother attacking that round.
Artemia: Pretty easy, Firewall and Treat let me just auto-battle this one.
Mephilia: More Firewall, but this time I needed to watch my health and I needed Confuse immunity cuz she keeps bringing back archers and crap. She uses Girtabulu every 3 turns so I never got that messed up.
Einheria: I think I just cranked my defense up with Protect and Knight. Not too hard since she wastes a lot of BP using Crescent Moon and you can prepare for Jump.
Fiore DeRosa: This guy sucks. Needed Summoner's Abate Lightning, Rebuff Locket, and Spell Fencer for the auto Shell thing. While his offenses and statuses are pretty potent, the main issue is that he gets so much BP and cures himself. Not to be out-sneaked, I just left the game running all night with myself using Treat on auto (he'd waste a turn every now and then trying to charm). In the morning, I found him just using charm and regular attacks, so I was able to beat him down.
Rusalka: Took a while to figure this out. Aqua Regia spam meant Knight wouldn't be that helpful. In the end, I used Valkyrie with Adrenaline and Life Steal. Crescent Moons to take out the adds (and with Adrenaline, getting BP back), spear special on the main dude (repeatedly, cranking crit rate up to 1000%) and using Life Steal when I needed it. Very satisfying to rip this thing apart.
Automatons: When they didn't have the attack boost, their damage wasn't that great vs my Knight. Used Free MP in a Pinch and began the fight in critical. Kept Protect going so they'd deal 1s regardless of their attack, and nuked them down with free Thundaras. Had to spam them down when they'd be low due to their free healing move.
Qada: Another tricky boss, I wasn't sure how I'd beat him since he does that move that does the amount of HP he's missing. Went Valkyrie with White Magic for Dispel to remove his Regen. Saved up some BP, put up Spirit Barrier, and High Jumped like crazy. I had to use 3 elixirs just to maintain Spirit Barrier and my HP, but it worked.
Chaugmar: Had me going back and forth between which would be an easier fight, Qada or Chaugmar. Tried what seemed like every possible strategy with the jobs I had and nothing worked. In the end, I needed Salvemaker to beat Chaugmar. Blood Thirst ignores defense, and the BP drain move is kinda devastating too. As Thief with Giant's Draft (doubles max HP), I used the bow with demon damage bonus and maintained high BP and used Life Steal when his defense was down. Crit bonus from the bow special helped, but I did have to use some Quarter Elixirs (Hi-Potion + Ether) to maintain HP and MP in clutch moments.
Kikyo: Knight with Endure and Treat on auto battle, using Firewall for damage.
Barbarossa: Ninja with Utsusemi and all those things that go with it (counter, BP, attack boost) and Drain Spellblade, which pretty much shuts down most 1vs1 battles. He usually uses multiple attacks in a row (defense down attack and then Double Damage) so it was necessary to drain him. Not too crazy though.
Kamiizumi: Ninja with all that evade counter stuff, but I needed more than that since he would just Brave several times and attack a bunch at once. His attack power was too high to deal with as Knight, I think. Also used Evade+20% trait and full evasion gear, as well as that move that boosts Evasion by 50%. Was able to dodge (and counter!) his regular attacks this way, which is good cuz that's all he used.
Praline: Nothing Ventured and Drain Spellblade, which is pretty much my strategy for most group fights at this point.
Frost Golem: Utsusemi and counter stuff. Iceflame Shield helped too.
Guardian: More Utsusemi with Drain Spellblade, as there are "cannons" dishing out extra unblockable damage regularly.
Dragon Zombie: Utsusemi.
Victor/Victoria: Victoria is *** cuz she can use Doom, which you can't block or cure. However! She won't use it if she has extra BP. The answer to this fight was to just use Reflect and High Jump. By giving her extra BP, all she wanted to do was cast Dark, and Reflect lasted long enough to not worry about her spells. Only possible concern would be if my MP ran low, especially if Victor kept trying to cure her. Victor would usually use his BP on those buff moves, but sometimes toss out a Holy which also got reflected. Overall it wasn't too bad a fight, especially since they'd waste their turns by hurting themselves.
Braev: Know Thine Enemy and Drain Spellblade, so even on his biggest assaults, I'd still maintain HP. His constant defaulting ensured I'd have time to keep Drain Spellblade going.
6 Dragons: Utsusemi. Incidentally, I didn't get Unscathed for any of these cuz Tiz was revived at the beginning of every fight to go "Ah! Dragon!" and got breath'd right away.
DeRosso: Utsusemi blocks everything he does except Graviga. Getting the Blood Blade meant I didn't need to use Spellblade anymore either. Kept Reflect going just to be safe from Graviga.
Gigas Lich: Utsusemi and Reflect. He never uses Brave so I didn't get hurt at all.
Alternis: Utsusemi and Spirit Barrier. Saved BP for the final beatdown, when he starts using Minus Strike (which ignores Utsusemi but Spirit Barrier can block).
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Server: Valefor
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user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-09-08 13:43:47
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I love their tent scenes(though they talk about food so much it makes me hungry..)

Sylph.Jeanpaul said: »
Only thing I didn't complete in that game was defeating the adventurer. Was too strong and I was too anxious to finish the game to bother finding out what to do.
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By Anna Ruthven 2016-09-08 13:45:56
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Valefor.Sehachan said: »
Only thing I didn't complete in that game was defeating the adventurer. Was too strong and I was too anxious to finish the game to bother finding out what to do.
I don't think I ever went back and got the good ending. I got the bad one for kicks IIRC. I don't think I fought the Adventurer either.
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Server: Valefor
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user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-09-09 11:38:59
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Stupid nin battery had to die while I was in Vampire Castle, right in the middle of some plot reveals! D: *dies*
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By Seha 2016-09-10 08:03:09
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So disappointed with the epilogue from the sidequest in Vampire Castle ._.
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user: JeanPaul
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By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2016-09-15 23:04:10
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Default spoilers:
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Server: Valefor
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user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-09-21 05:37:03
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Satan and Belzeebub down, 5 more yokai demons to go!
Pretty fun fights so far I gotta say.
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Server: Valefor
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user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-09-22 12:23:52
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Valefor.Sehachan said: »
Satan and Belzeebub down, 5 more yokai demons to go!
Pretty fun fights so far I gotta say.
Gonna take that back...
I'll put strats in spoiler if anyone ever reads this topic and cares...
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Server: Valefor
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user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-10-02 07:03:56
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Aaaand I'm on last boss of the game(which has some bs mechanics really). Now wanna farm a bit to complete bestiary/inventory/classes before finishing the game. I'm well over 100 hours in, great game!!
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Server: Sylph
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user: JeanPaul
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By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2016-10-18 10:44:50
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Solo Ringabel Challenge nearing the end. Got through the Chapter 8 gauntlet and I'm ready for the final showdown.

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user: Lillica
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By Grumpy Cat 2016-10-18 10:51:18
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Fought my first ba'al last night... and turned my system off.

It was level 18, I was level 19. I let some ships de-level him to 17.

Engaged. Attacked one round. 0 Damage.

Panic mode. Summon all the friends!

Summon a Tiz with ~30k damage rating, it does 30k damage. Realize I misread the HP remaining and it is 100,000+ not 10,000.

Panic mode continues, summon friend #2!

Summon a cowboy Edea with a damage rating of 370,000! Victory will be mine! 0 Damage......

Friend #3! Tiz with a whopping 750,000+ damage! THIS WILL DO IT FOR SURE.

Heals for 750,000 damage. Ba'al is back at full health. *Power off*
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By Asura.Crevox 2016-10-18 11:21:58
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Ba'als are super strong, even for their level, especially if you're playing on hard mode... and early on you may have difficulty dealing with their mechanics due to a lack of jobs and abilities. I wouldn't worry about not being able to kill them.

It's better to get in the habit of not using the summons though.