XML Please?

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XML please?
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Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 148
By Leviathan.Melisenna 2011-10-03 02:31:13
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looking for a good XML for my COR. please help :)
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [41 days between previous and next post]
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Server: Phoenix
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user: Seha
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2011-11-13 09:22:35
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I apologize if I use this thread, but I didn't want to make a new one. I have a problem with my ranged attack part: I keep firing oberon's bullets! I think the problem is with delay...
		<if spell="ranged">
			<action type=midcastdelay delay=".5" />
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Snapshot" />
			<action type=equip when=midcast set="Ranged TP" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

I'm not entirely sure how and what I should change(I have steel bullets in the ranged tp set and oberon's in idle-cause it's cooler!). I copied this from a friend, so I'm not sure where the error is, I'm kinda new at this.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2011-11-13 09:29:32
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I believe the minimum delay between switching gear is just under a second (like 0.8~s?); and there you are only giving it 0.5s. It's been ages though, so don't take what I'm saying for granite.

EDIT: This is minimum delay to ensure all swaps happen properly, barring other problems.
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Server: Phoenix
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user: Seha
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2011-11-13 09:51:50
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Going by pure intuition, shouldn't that delay be based on the delay of the ranged attack itself? And that isn't instant...or does it just swap when the action is concluded?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2011-11-13 10:04:45
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How it's working at the moment will do the following:

1. The command /ra <t> is sent.
2. Precast loads and Snapshot is equipped.
3. Precast concludes.
4. There is a delay of 0.5s
5. Midcast loads and Ranged TP is equipped.
6. After the shot, Midcast concludes.
7. Aftercast loads and Idle is equipped.

It's step #4 I am not sure about here. Since you will never really shoot <1s anyway (Rapid Shot aside which won't change things regardless of that delay), I don't see the harm in increasing it to 1s. I seem to remember there being a minimum delay to guarantee proper gear swaps (it's pretty "obvious" that there is one if you use a RDM spellcast and then allow it to just swap as fast as it can and then try Paralyze or something fast - you'll end up casting/finishing in mix&match gear).

I'd also add an arbitrary wait time (aftercastdelay) just to ensure it doesn't swap you into aftercast too early, but that's just me being paranoid.

EDIT: Basically, it doesn't matter when that midcast section is loaded so long as you're wearing it by the time the attack executes. Therefore, any time 0 < x < y where x is the delay and y the "shoot time" after you start will work. However, to ensure all swaps are made, x should probably > 1s, so 1 < x < y should work fine. y should never be too low here so I'd set the delay to 1-1.5s or something. See if it works! I could be talking about of my (mithra) ***.
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Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2011-11-13 10:08:41
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Uhm...it's weird though, because both snapshot and ranged sets have steel bullet in it, however oberon's are shot. Is it because the snapshot is changed too fast then?
Guide Maker
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2011-11-13 10:12:30
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I'm gonna make some tests with bronze bullets, I guess it's the wisest choice.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2011-11-13 10:12:48
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Hmm, might be easier at this point to gimme the whole xml and I'll see what I can do. As I said though, very much rusty so I might not be able to solve it.
Guide Maker
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2011-11-13 10:18:37
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Judging from the test, I go in idle set before the ranged attack lands, which is why I shoot the wrong bullet.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2011-11-13 10:21:25
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Ah yeah; figured as much. Introduce an arbitrary wait time before aftercast:
<if spell="ranged">
    <action type=midcastdelay delay="1" />
    <action type=equip when=precast set="Snapshot" />
    <action type=equip when=midcast set="Ranged TP" />
    <action type="aftercastdelay" delay="1" />
    <action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

Or something should work. May not need the quotation marks but I prefer using them for consistency. I would also change midcastdelay but that's entirely up to you!

Also when making spellcasts for people, I never made it change to Idle set automatically and let them do it manually as it can cause clashes when you just want to spam /ra.
Guide Maker
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2011-11-13 10:26:35
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It waits the right time between snapshot and ranged, but it switches from ranged to idle almost instantly! :< I may take the advice and swap in idle manually.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2011-11-13 10:28:37
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Yeah; while it may seem slightly inconvenient, I find it far preferable to having your shots messed up.
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Server: Valefor
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Posts: 19525
By Valefor.Prothescar 2011-11-13 12:04:49
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I made the xml and use it on my COR.
<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<config debug="false" requiredversion="2.17"/>


	<group name="Corsair|COR" default="yes">
<!---- General sets ---->

		<set name="Idle">
			<head>Navarch's tricorne +2</head>
			<neck>Twilight torque</neck>
			<lear>Volley earring</lear>
			<rear>Clearview earring</rear>
			<body>Navarch's frac +2</body>
			<hands>Navarch's gants +2</hands>
			<lring>Dark Ring</lring>
			<rring>Dark ring</rring>
			<back>Navarch's mantle</back>
			<waist>Flume belt</waist>
			<legs>Blood Cuisses</legs>
			<feet>Navarch's bottes +2</feet>
			<ammo>Steel bullet</ammo>

		<set name="Ranged TP">
			<head>Navarch's tricorne +2</head>
			<neck>Arctier's Torque</neck>
			<lear>Volley Earring</lear>
			<rear>Clearview earring</rear>
			<body>Navarch's Frac +2</body>
			<hands>Alruna's gloves</hands>
			<lring>Rajas ring</lring>
			<rring>Arewe ring +1</rring>
			<back>Libeccio mantle</back>
			<waist>Commodore belt</waist>
			<legs>Navarch's culottes +2</legs>
			<feet>Navarch's bottes +2</feet>
			<ammo>Steel bullet</ammo>

		<set name="Snapshot">
			<head>Aurore beret</head>
			<body>Skopos jerkin</body>
			<hands>Alruna's gloves</hands>
			<back>Navarch's mantle</back>
			<waist>Impulse belt</waist>
			<legs>Navarch's culottes +2</legs>
			<ammo>Steel bullet</ammo>

		<set name="Melee TP">
			<head>Zelus Tiara</head>
			<neck>Agasaya's Collar</neck>
			<rear>Brutal Earring</rear>
			<body>Loki's kaftan</body>
			<hands>Dusk Gloves +1</hands>
			<lring>Rajas ring</lring>
			<rring>Epona's ring</rring>
			<back>Atheling mantle</back>
			<waist>Twilight belt</waist>
			<legs>Aurore brais</legs>
			<feet>Aurore gaiters</feet>

		<set name="PDT">
			<head>Darksteel cap +1</head>
			<neck>Twilight torque</neck>
			<lear>Volley earring</lear>
			<rear>Navarch's earring</rear>
			<body>Darksteel harness +1</body>
			<hands>Denali wristbands</hands>
			<lring>Dark Ring</lring>
			<rring>Dark ring</rring>
			<back>Libeccio mantle</back>
			<waist>Flume belt</waist>
			<legs>Desultor tassets</legs>
			<feet>Darksteel leggings +1</feet>
			<ammo>Steel bullet</ammo>

		<set name="Stoneskin">
			<hands>Denali wristbands</hands>
			<legs>Haven hose</legs>
			<neck>Stone gorget</neck>
			<lring>Solemn ring</lring>

<!---- Corsair sets ---->	

		<set name="Quick Draw">
			<head>Corsair's tricorne</head>
			<neck>Artemis' medal</neck>
			<lear>Hecate's earring</lear>
			<rear>Moldavite earring</rear>
			<body>Mirke wardecors</body>
			<hands>Schutzen mittens</hands>
			<lring>Breeze ring</lring>
			<rring>Solemn ring</rring>
			<back>Forban cape</back>
			<waist>Aquiline belt</waist>
			<legs>Navarch's culottes +2</legs>
			<feet>Navarch's bottes +2</feet>
			<ammo>Oberon's bullet</ammo>

		<set name="Phantom Roll">
			<head>Commodore tricorne</head>
			<hands>Navarch's gants +2</hands>	

		<set name="Tactician's roll">
			<head>Commodore tricorne</head>
			<body>Navarch's frac +2</body>
			<hands>Navarch's gants +2</hands>	

		<set name="Caster's roll">
			<head>Commodore tricorne</head>
			<hands>Navarch's gants +2</hands>	
			<legs>Navarch's culottes +2</legs>

		<set name="Courser's roll">
			<head>Commodore tricorne</head>
			<hands>Navarch's gants +2</hands>	
			<feet>Navarch's bottes +2</feet>
		<set name="Blitzer's roll">
			<head>Navarch's tricorne +2</head>
			<body>Navarch's frac +2</body>
			<hands>Navarch's gants +2</hands>	

		<set name="Random deal">
			<body>Commodore frac</body>

<!---- Weaponskill sets ---->

		<set name="Slug Shot">
			<head>Navarch's tricorne +2</head>
			<neck>Arctier's torque</neck>
			<lear>Volley earring</lear>
			<rear>Moonshade earring</rear>
			<body>Navarch's frac +2</body>
			<hands>Navarch's gants +2</hands>
			<lring>Rajas ring</lring>
			<rring>Arewe ring +1</rring>
			<back>Terebellum mantle</back>
			<waist>Commodore belt</waist>
			<legs>Navarch's culottes +2</legs>
			<feet>Navarch's bottes +2</feet>
			<ammo>Steel bullet</ammo>

		<set name="Detonator">
			<head>Navarch's tricorne +2</head>
			<neck>Arctier's torque</neck>
			<lear>Drone earring</lear>
			<rear>Drone earring</rear>
			<body>Loki's kaftan</body>
			<hands>Alruna's gloves</hands>
			<lring>Rajas ring</lring>
			<rring>Vulcan's ring</rring>
			<back>Terebellum mantle</back>
			<waist>Commodore belt</waist>
			<legs>Ambusher's hose</legs>
			<feet>Navarch's bottes +2</feet>
			<ammo>Steel bullet</ammo>

		<set name="Leaden Salute">
			<head>Navarch's tricorne +2</head>
			<neck>Artemis' medal</neck>
			<lear>Hecate's earring</lear>
			<rear>Moldavite earring</rear>
			<body>Loki's Kaftan</body>
			<hands>Schutzen mittens</hands>
			<lring>Breeze ring</lring>
			<rring>Solemn ring</rring>
			<back>Forban cape</back>
			<waist>Aquiline belt</waist>
			<legs>Ambusher's hose</legs>
			<feet>Navarch's bottes +2</feet>
			<ammo>Bronze bullet</ammo>
		<set name="Evisceration">
			<head>Aias bonnet</head>
			<neck>Rancor collar</neck>
			<lear>Moonshade earring</lear>
			<rear>Brutal earring</rear>
			<body>Loki's kaftan</body>
			<hands>Alcide's mitts +1</hands>	
			<lring>Rajas ring</lring>
			<rring>Epona's ring</rring>
			<back>Atheling mantle</back>
			<waist>Cuchulain's belt</waist>
			<legs>Tumbler trunks</legs>
			<feet>Lithe boots</feet>


<!---- General rules ---->

		<if spell="Autoset">
			<if status="idle">
				<action type="equip" when="idle" set="Idle" />
			<if status="engaged">
				<action type="equip" when="idle" set="Melee TP" />

		<if spell="ranged">
			<action type=midcastdelay delay="1" />
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Snapshot" />
			<action type=equip when=midcast set="Ranged TP" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

		<if spell="Stoneskin">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Stoneskin" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

<!---- Corsair rules ---->

		<if spell="Fire Shot|Ice Shot|Wind Shot|Earth Shot|Thunder Shot|Water Shot|Dark Shot|Light Shot">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Quick Draw" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

		<if spell="Random Deal">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Random Deal" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

		<if spell="Corsair's Roll|Ninja Roll|Hunter's Roll|Chaos Roll|Magus's Roll|Healer's Roll|Puppet Roll|Choral Roll|Monk's Roll|Beast Roll|Samurai Roll|Evoker's Roll|Rogue's Roll|Warlock's Roll|Fighter's Roll|Drachen Roll|Gallant's Roll|Wizard's Roll|Dancer's Roll|Scholar's Roll|Bolter's Roll|Miser's Roll|Companion's Roll">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Phantom Roll" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

		<if spell="Blitzer's Roll">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Blitzer's Roll" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

		<if spell="Tactician's Roll">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Tactician's Roll" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

		<if spell="Caster's Roll">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Caster's Roll" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

		<if spell="Courser's Roll">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Courser's Roll" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

		<if spell="Allies' Roll">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Allies' Roll" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

<!---- Weaponskill rules ---->

		<if spell="Slug Shot">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Slug Shot" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

		<if spell="Detonator">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Detonator" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

		<if spell="Leaden Salute">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Leaden Salute" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

		<if spell="Evisceration">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Evisceration" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Melee TP" />



It's weird because I can't replicate the problem myself. Using the same delay gun, bullet and the same amount of snapshot, my gear swaps just as it should. I'm wagering that it's lag, but I'm not entirely sure.

Just gonna have her make a normal in-game macro for it. Odd that the xml isn't functioning properly though, apparently it's working fine for everything else.
Guide Maker
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2011-11-13 12:16:13
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I have no clue. However problem fixed using a ranged macro to swap between sets. *shrugs*
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2011-11-13 12:45:37
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Could very well be lag. Some people report difficulties using my xmls because on RDM in particular back in solo days, I would have the minimum swap times necessary to make it work. Factor in any extra lag (I have good internet and a high-end computer) and it'll suddenly not work!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 168
By Asura.Perrymason 2011-11-13 12:49:38
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Valefor.Prothescar said: »
I made the xml and use it on my COR.
<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<config debug="false" requiredversion="2.17"/>


	<group name="Corsair|COR" default="yes">
<!---- General sets ---->

		<set name="Idle">
			<head>Navarch's tricorne +2</head>
			<neck>Twilight torque</neck>
			<lear>Volley earring</lear>
			<rear>Clearview earring</rear>
			<body>Navarch's frac +2</body>
			<hands>Navarch's gants +2</hands>
			<lring>Dark Ring</lring>
			<rring>Dark ring</rring>
			<back>Navarch's mantle</back>
			<waist>Flume belt</waist>
			<legs>Blood Cuisses</legs>
			<feet>Navarch's bottes +2</feet>
			<ammo>Steel bullet</ammo>

		<set name="Ranged TP">
			<head>Navarch's tricorne +2</head>
			<neck>Arctier's Torque</neck>
			<lear>Volley Earring</lear>
			<rear>Clearview earring</rear>
			<body>Navarch's Frac +2</body>
			<hands>Alruna's gloves</hands>
			<lring>Rajas ring</lring>
			<rring>Arewe ring +1</rring>
			<back>Libeccio mantle</back>
			<waist>Commodore belt</waist>
			<legs>Navarch's culottes +2</legs>
			<feet>Navarch's bottes +2</feet>
			<ammo>Steel bullet</ammo>

		<set name="Snapshot">
			<head>Aurore beret</head>
			<body>Skopos jerkin</body>
			<hands>Alruna's gloves</hands>
			<back>Navarch's mantle</back>
			<waist>Impulse belt</waist>
			<legs>Navarch's culottes +2</legs>
			<ammo>Steel bullet</ammo>

		<set name="Melee TP">
			<head>Zelus Tiara</head>
			<neck>Agasaya's Collar</neck>
			<rear>Brutal Earring</rear>
			<body>Loki's kaftan</body>
			<hands>Dusk Gloves +1</hands>
			<lring>Rajas ring</lring>
			<rring>Epona's ring</rring>
			<back>Atheling mantle</back>
			<waist>Twilight belt</waist>
			<legs>Aurore brais</legs>
			<feet>Aurore gaiters</feet>

		<set name="PDT">
			<head>Darksteel cap +1</head>
			<neck>Twilight torque</neck>
			<lear>Volley earring</lear>
			<rear>Navarch's earring</rear>
			<body>Darksteel harness +1</body>
			<hands>Denali wristbands</hands>
			<lring>Dark Ring</lring>
			<rring>Dark ring</rring>
			<back>Libeccio mantle</back>
			<waist>Flume belt</waist>
			<legs>Desultor tassets</legs>
			<feet>Darksteel leggings +1</feet>
			<ammo>Steel bullet</ammo>

		<set name="Stoneskin">
			<hands>Denali wristbands</hands>
			<legs>Haven hose</legs>
			<neck>Stone gorget</neck>
			<lring>Solemn ring</lring>

<!---- Corsair sets ---->	

		<set name="Quick Draw">
			<head>Corsair's tricorne</head>
			<neck>Artemis' medal</neck>
			<lear>Hecate's earring</lear>
			<rear>Moldavite earring</rear>
			<body>Mirke wardecors</body>
			<hands>Schutzen mittens</hands>
			<lring>Breeze ring</lring>
			<rring>Solemn ring</rring>
			<back>Forban cape</back>
			<waist>Aquiline belt</waist>
			<legs>Navarch's culottes +2</legs>
			<feet>Navarch's bottes +2</feet>
			<ammo>Oberon's bullet</ammo>

		<set name="Phantom Roll">
			<head>Commodore tricorne</head>
			<hands>Navarch's gants +2</hands>	

		<set name="Tactician's roll">
			<head>Commodore tricorne</head>
			<body>Navarch's frac +2</body>
			<hands>Navarch's gants +2</hands>	

		<set name="Caster's roll">
			<head>Commodore tricorne</head>
			<hands>Navarch's gants +2</hands>	
			<legs>Navarch's culottes +2</legs>

		<set name="Courser's roll">
			<head>Commodore tricorne</head>
			<hands>Navarch's gants +2</hands>	
			<feet>Navarch's bottes +2</feet>
		<set name="Blitzer's roll">
			<head>Navarch's tricorne +2</head>
			<body>Navarch's frac +2</body>
			<hands>Navarch's gants +2</hands>	

		<set name="Random deal">
			<body>Commodore frac</body>

<!---- Weaponskill sets ---->

		<set name="Slug Shot">
			<head>Navarch's tricorne +2</head>
			<neck>Arctier's torque</neck>
			<lear>Volley earring</lear>
			<rear>Moonshade earring</rear>
			<body>Navarch's frac +2</body>
			<hands>Navarch's gants +2</hands>
			<lring>Rajas ring</lring>
			<rring>Arewe ring +1</rring>
			<back>Terebellum mantle</back>
			<waist>Commodore belt</waist>
			<legs>Navarch's culottes +2</legs>
			<feet>Navarch's bottes +2</feet>
			<ammo>Steel bullet</ammo>

		<set name="Detonator">
			<head>Navarch's tricorne +2</head>
			<neck>Arctier's torque</neck>
			<lear>Drone earring</lear>
			<rear>Drone earring</rear>
			<body>Loki's kaftan</body>
			<hands>Alruna's gloves</hands>
			<lring>Rajas ring</lring>
			<rring>Vulcan's ring</rring>
			<back>Terebellum mantle</back>
			<waist>Commodore belt</waist>
			<legs>Ambusher's hose</legs>
			<feet>Navarch's bottes +2</feet>
			<ammo>Steel bullet</ammo>

		<set name="Leaden Salute">
			<head>Navarch's tricorne +2</head>
			<neck>Artemis' medal</neck>
			<lear>Hecate's earring</lear>
			<rear>Moldavite earring</rear>
			<body>Loki's Kaftan</body>
			<hands>Schutzen mittens</hands>
			<lring>Breeze ring</lring>
			<rring>Solemn ring</rring>
			<back>Forban cape</back>
			<waist>Aquiline belt</waist>
			<legs>Ambusher's hose</legs>
			<feet>Navarch's bottes +2</feet>
			<ammo>Bronze bullet</ammo>
		<set name="Evisceration">
			<head>Aias bonnet</head>
			<neck>Rancor collar</neck>
			<lear>Moonshade earring</lear>
			<rear>Brutal earring</rear>
			<body>Loki's kaftan</body>
			<hands>Alcide's mitts +1</hands>	
			<lring>Rajas ring</lring>
			<rring>Epona's ring</rring>
			<back>Atheling mantle</back>
			<waist>Cuchulain's belt</waist>
			<legs>Tumbler trunks</legs>
			<feet>Lithe boots</feet>


<!---- General rules ---->

		<if spell="Autoset">
			<if status="idle">
				<action type="equip" when="idle" set="Idle" />
			<if status="engaged">
				<action type="equip" when="idle" set="Melee TP" />

		<if spell="ranged">
			<action type=midcastdelay delay="1" />
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Snapshot" />
			<action type=equip when=midcast set="Ranged TP" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

		<if spell="Stoneskin">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Stoneskin" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

<!---- Corsair rules ---->

		<if spell="Fire Shot|Ice Shot|Wind Shot|Earth Shot|Thunder Shot|Water Shot|Dark Shot|Light Shot">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Quick Draw" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

		<if spell="Random Deal">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Random Deal" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

		<if spell="Corsair's Roll|Ninja Roll|Hunter's Roll|Chaos Roll|Magus's Roll|Healer's Roll|Puppet Roll|Choral Roll|Monk's Roll|Beast Roll|Samurai Roll|Evoker's Roll|Rogue's Roll|Warlock's Roll|Fighter's Roll|Drachen Roll|Gallant's Roll|Wizard's Roll|Dancer's Roll|Scholar's Roll|Bolter's Roll|Miser's Roll|Companion's Roll">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Phantom Roll" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

		<if spell="Blitzer's Roll">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Blitzer's Roll" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

		<if spell="Tactician's Roll">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Tactician's Roll" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

		<if spell="Caster's Roll">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Caster's Roll" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

		<if spell="Courser's Roll">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Courser's Roll" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

		<if spell="Allies' Roll">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Allies' Roll" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

<!---- Weaponskill rules ---->

		<if spell="Slug Shot">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Slug Shot" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

		<if spell="Detonator">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Detonator" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

		<if spell="Leaden Salute">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Leaden Salute" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

		<if spell="Evisceration">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Evisceration" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Melee TP" />



It's weird because I can't replicate the problem myself. Using the same delay gun, bullet and the same amount of snapshot, my gear swaps just as it should. I'm wagering that it's lag, but I'm not entirely sure.

Just gonna have her make a normal in-game macro for it. Odd that the xml isn't functioning properly though, apparently it's working fine for everything else.

One of your sets might be to blame, you have two Dark Rings, and spellcast tends to freak out with two item with the same name in one gear set.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2011-11-13 12:50:24
Link | Quote | Reply
You also have a Flume Belt, I just noticed... unless that exists, then ignore me!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 168
By Asura.Perrymason 2011-11-13 12:52:15
Link | Quote | Reply
Yeah, Flume Belt is one of the new items, -4%PDT and 2%D>MP.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2011-11-13 12:53:01
Link | Quote | Reply
Well that messes up my proofreading/smartass mode considerably.
Guide Master
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19525
By Valefor.Prothescar 2011-11-13 15:49:05
Link | Quote | Reply
Asura.Perrymason said: »
Valefor.Prothescar said: »
I made the xml and use it on my COR.
<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<config debug="false" requiredversion="2.17"/>


	<group name="Corsair|COR" default="yes">
<!---- General sets ---->

		<set name="Idle">
			<head>Navarch's tricorne +2</head>
			<neck>Twilight torque</neck>
			<lear>Volley earring</lear>
			<rear>Clearview earring</rear>
			<body>Navarch's frac +2</body>
			<hands>Navarch's gants +2</hands>
			<lring>Dark Ring</lring>
			<rring>Dark ring</rring>
			<back>Navarch's mantle</back>
			<waist>Flume belt</waist>
			<legs>Blood Cuisses</legs>
			<feet>Navarch's bottes +2</feet>
			<ammo>Steel bullet</ammo>

		<set name="Ranged TP">
			<head>Navarch's tricorne +2</head>
			<neck>Arctier's Torque</neck>
			<lear>Volley Earring</lear>
			<rear>Clearview earring</rear>
			<body>Navarch's Frac +2</body>
			<hands>Alruna's gloves</hands>
			<lring>Rajas ring</lring>
			<rring>Arewe ring +1</rring>
			<back>Libeccio mantle</back>
			<waist>Commodore belt</waist>
			<legs>Navarch's culottes +2</legs>
			<feet>Navarch's bottes +2</feet>
			<ammo>Steel bullet</ammo>

		<set name="Snapshot">
			<head>Aurore beret</head>
			<body>Skopos jerkin</body>
			<hands>Alruna's gloves</hands>
			<back>Navarch's mantle</back>
			<waist>Impulse belt</waist>
			<legs>Navarch's culottes +2</legs>
			<ammo>Steel bullet</ammo>

		<set name="Melee TP">
			<head>Zelus Tiara</head>
			<neck>Agasaya's Collar</neck>
			<rear>Brutal Earring</rear>
			<body>Loki's kaftan</body>
			<hands>Dusk Gloves +1</hands>
			<lring>Rajas ring</lring>
			<rring>Epona's ring</rring>
			<back>Atheling mantle</back>
			<waist>Twilight belt</waist>
			<legs>Aurore brais</legs>
			<feet>Aurore gaiters</feet>

		<set name="PDT">
			<head>Darksteel cap +1</head>
			<neck>Twilight torque</neck>
			<lear>Volley earring</lear>
			<rear>Navarch's earring</rear>
			<body>Darksteel harness +1</body>
			<hands>Denali wristbands</hands>
			<lring>Dark Ring</lring>
			<rring>Dark ring</rring>
			<back>Libeccio mantle</back>
			<waist>Flume belt</waist>
			<legs>Desultor tassets</legs>
			<feet>Darksteel leggings +1</feet>
			<ammo>Steel bullet</ammo>

		<set name="Stoneskin">
			<hands>Denali wristbands</hands>
			<legs>Haven hose</legs>
			<neck>Stone gorget</neck>
			<lring>Solemn ring</lring>

<!---- Corsair sets ---->	

		<set name="Quick Draw">
			<head>Corsair's tricorne</head>
			<neck>Artemis' medal</neck>
			<lear>Hecate's earring</lear>
			<rear>Moldavite earring</rear>
			<body>Mirke wardecors</body>
			<hands>Schutzen mittens</hands>
			<lring>Breeze ring</lring>
			<rring>Solemn ring</rring>
			<back>Forban cape</back>
			<waist>Aquiline belt</waist>
			<legs>Navarch's culottes +2</legs>
			<feet>Navarch's bottes +2</feet>
			<ammo>Oberon's bullet</ammo>

		<set name="Phantom Roll">
			<head>Commodore tricorne</head>
			<hands>Navarch's gants +2</hands>	

		<set name="Tactician's roll">
			<head>Commodore tricorne</head>
			<body>Navarch's frac +2</body>
			<hands>Navarch's gants +2</hands>	

		<set name="Caster's roll">
			<head>Commodore tricorne</head>
			<hands>Navarch's gants +2</hands>	
			<legs>Navarch's culottes +2</legs>

		<set name="Courser's roll">
			<head>Commodore tricorne</head>
			<hands>Navarch's gants +2</hands>	
			<feet>Navarch's bottes +2</feet>
		<set name="Blitzer's roll">
			<head>Navarch's tricorne +2</head>
			<body>Navarch's frac +2</body>
			<hands>Navarch's gants +2</hands>	

		<set name="Random deal">
			<body>Commodore frac</body>

<!---- Weaponskill sets ---->

		<set name="Slug Shot">
			<head>Navarch's tricorne +2</head>
			<neck>Arctier's torque</neck>
			<lear>Volley earring</lear>
			<rear>Moonshade earring</rear>
			<body>Navarch's frac +2</body>
			<hands>Navarch's gants +2</hands>
			<lring>Rajas ring</lring>
			<rring>Arewe ring +1</rring>
			<back>Terebellum mantle</back>
			<waist>Commodore belt</waist>
			<legs>Navarch's culottes +2</legs>
			<feet>Navarch's bottes +2</feet>
			<ammo>Steel bullet</ammo>

		<set name="Detonator">
			<head>Navarch's tricorne +2</head>
			<neck>Arctier's torque</neck>
			<lear>Drone earring</lear>
			<rear>Drone earring</rear>
			<body>Loki's kaftan</body>
			<hands>Alruna's gloves</hands>
			<lring>Rajas ring</lring>
			<rring>Vulcan's ring</rring>
			<back>Terebellum mantle</back>
			<waist>Commodore belt</waist>
			<legs>Ambusher's hose</legs>
			<feet>Navarch's bottes +2</feet>
			<ammo>Steel bullet</ammo>

		<set name="Leaden Salute">
			<head>Navarch's tricorne +2</head>
			<neck>Artemis' medal</neck>
			<lear>Hecate's earring</lear>
			<rear>Moldavite earring</rear>
			<body>Loki's Kaftan</body>
			<hands>Schutzen mittens</hands>
			<lring>Breeze ring</lring>
			<rring>Solemn ring</rring>
			<back>Forban cape</back>
			<waist>Aquiline belt</waist>
			<legs>Ambusher's hose</legs>
			<feet>Navarch's bottes +2</feet>
			<ammo>Bronze bullet</ammo>
		<set name="Evisceration">
			<head>Aias bonnet</head>
			<neck>Rancor collar</neck>
			<lear>Moonshade earring</lear>
			<rear>Brutal earring</rear>
			<body>Loki's kaftan</body>
			<hands>Alcide's mitts +1</hands>	
			<lring>Rajas ring</lring>
			<rring>Epona's ring</rring>
			<back>Atheling mantle</back>
			<waist>Cuchulain's belt</waist>
			<legs>Tumbler trunks</legs>
			<feet>Lithe boots</feet>


<!---- General rules ---->

		<if spell="Autoset">
			<if status="idle">
				<action type="equip" when="idle" set="Idle" />
			<if status="engaged">
				<action type="equip" when="idle" set="Melee TP" />

		<if spell="ranged">
			<action type=midcastdelay delay="1" />
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Snapshot" />
			<action type=equip when=midcast set="Ranged TP" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

		<if spell="Stoneskin">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Stoneskin" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

<!---- Corsair rules ---->

		<if spell="Fire Shot|Ice Shot|Wind Shot|Earth Shot|Thunder Shot|Water Shot|Dark Shot|Light Shot">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Quick Draw" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

		<if spell="Random Deal">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Random Deal" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

		<if spell="Corsair's Roll|Ninja Roll|Hunter's Roll|Chaos Roll|Magus's Roll|Healer's Roll|Puppet Roll|Choral Roll|Monk's Roll|Beast Roll|Samurai Roll|Evoker's Roll|Rogue's Roll|Warlock's Roll|Fighter's Roll|Drachen Roll|Gallant's Roll|Wizard's Roll|Dancer's Roll|Scholar's Roll|Bolter's Roll|Miser's Roll|Companion's Roll">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Phantom Roll" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

		<if spell="Blitzer's Roll">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Blitzer's Roll" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

		<if spell="Tactician's Roll">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Tactician's Roll" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

		<if spell="Caster's Roll">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Caster's Roll" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

		<if spell="Courser's Roll">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Courser's Roll" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

		<if spell="Allies' Roll">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Allies' Roll" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

<!---- Weaponskill rules ---->

		<if spell="Slug Shot">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Slug Shot" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

		<if spell="Detonator">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Detonator" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

		<if spell="Leaden Salute">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Leaden Salute" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />

		<if spell="Evisceration">
			<action type=equip when=precast set="Evisceration" />
			<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Melee TP" />



It's weird because I can't replicate the problem myself. Using the same delay gun, bullet and the same amount of snapshot, my gear swaps just as it should. I'm wagering that it's lag, but I'm not entirely sure.

Just gonna have her make a normal in-game macro for it. Odd that the xml isn't functioning properly though, apparently it's working fine for everything else.

One of your sets might be to blame, you have two Dark Rings, and spellcast tends to freak out with two item with the same name in one gear set.

Again, mine works fine. Pretty sure she edited it to fit her gear too.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [219 days between previous and next post]
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Nausi
Posts: 6709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2012-06-19 09:15:26
Link | Quote | Reply
Ok my FFXIAH community, please help me figure out this COR XML, It doesn't put any of the gear on for my specific rolls, nor do the rolls toggle their luzaf variable.
	<config RequireVersion="2.45" Debug="False"/>
<!--Var: Elemental Obis-->
		<var name="IceObi">Hyorin Obi</var>
		<var name="WindObi">Furin Obi</var>
		<var name="EarthObi">Dorin Obi</var>
		<var name="ThunderObi">Rairin Obi</var>
		<var name="WaterObi">Suirin Obi</var>
		<var name="FireObi">Karin Obi</var>
		<var name="DarkObi">Anrin Obi</var>
		<var name="LightObi">Korin Obi</var>
<!--Var: Default Engaged set-->		
		<var name="VAR-TP">TP</var>
		<var name="VAR-Idle">Idle</var>
<!--Var: Luzaf Ring-->
		<var name="Luzaf">0</var>
		<group name="Base" default="no">
<!--Idle set-->
            <set name="Idle" baseset="PDT">
				<head>Wivre Hairpin</head>
				<lear>Moonshade Earring</lear>
				<lring>Sheltered Ring</lring>
				<rring>Balrahn's Ring</rring>
				<legs>Crimson Cuisses</legs>
<!--Resting set-->
			<set name="HMP" baseset="Idle">
<!--PDT/Evasion set-->
			<set name="PDT" baseset="TP">
				<head>Optical Hat</head>
				<neck>Twilight Torque</neck>
                <lear>Novia Earring</lear>
                <rear>Ethereal Earring</rear>
				<body>Athos's Tabard</body>
				<hands>Melaco Mittens</hands>
				<lring>Jelly Ring</lring>
				<rring>Dark Ring</rring>
				<back>Mollusca Mantle</back>
				<waist>Flume Belt</waist>
				<feet>Athos's Boots</feet>
<!--MDT set-->
            <set name="MDT" baseset="TP">
				<head>Flawless Ribbon</head>
                <neck>Twilight Torque</neck>
                <lring>Minerva's ring</lring>
                <rring>Shadow Ring</rring>
                <back>Mollusca Mantle</back>
<!--TP set-->
            <set name="TP">
				<head>Athos's Chapeau</head>
                <lear>Brutal Earring</lear>
                <rear>Ethereal Earring</rear>
                <body>Thaumas Coat</body>
                <hands>Thaumas Gloves</hands>
                <lring>Epona's ring</lring>
                <rring>Rajas Ring</rring>
                <back>Atheling Mantle</back>
                <waist>Twilight Belt</waist>
                <legs>Ocelot Trousers</legs>
                <feet>Athos's Boots</feet>
<!--Slugshot set-->
            <set name="Slugshot">
                <head>Navarch's Tricorne +2</head>
				<neck>Light Gorget</neck>
				<lear>Volley Earring</lear>
                <rear>Clearview Earring</rear>
                <body>Navarch's Frac +2</body>
				<hands>Navarch's Gants +2</hands>
                <lring>Solemn Ring</lring>
                <rring>Rajas Ring</rring>				
                <back>Terebellum Mantle</back>
				<waist>Light belt</waist>
				<legs>Commodore Culottes +2</legs>
                <feet>Thaumas Nails</feet>
				<ammo>Orichalcum Bullet</ammo>
<!--Detonator set-->
            <set name="Detonator">
                <head>Commodore Tricorne +2</head>
				<neck>Light Gorget</neck>
				<lear>Volley Earring</lear>
                <rear>Clearview Earring</rear>
                <body>Commodore Frac +2</body>
				<hands>Commodore Gants +2</hands>
                <lring>Solemn Ring</lring>
                <rring>Rajas Ring</rring>				
                <back>Terebellum Mantle</back>
				<waist>Light belt</waist>
				<legs>Commodore Culottes +2</legs>
                <feet>Thaumas Nails</feet>
				<ammo>Orichalcum Bullet</ammo>
<!--Leaden Salute set-->
            <set name="Leaden" baseset="TP">
                <head>Thaumas Hat</head>
				<neck>Stoicheion Medal</neck>
				<lear>Hecate's Earring</lear>
                <rear>Novio Earring</rear>
                <body>Mirke Wardecors</body>
				<hands>Schutzen Mittens</hands>
				<lring>Demon's Ring</lring>
				<rring>Solemn Ring</rring>
                <back>Forban Cape</back>
				<waist>Aquiline Belt</waist>
				<legs>Desultor Tassets</legs>
                <feet>Navarch's Bottes +2</feet>
				<ammo>Orichalcum Bullet</ammo>
<!--Wildfire set-->
            <set name="Wild" baseset="Leaden">
				<ammo>Bronze Bullet</ammo>
<!--Snapshot set-->				
            <set name="Snapshot" baseset="RA">
                <head>Navarch's Tricorne +2</head>
				<hands>Commodore Gants +2</hands>
				<back>Navarch's Mantle</back>
                <legs>Navarch's Culottes +2</legs>
                <waist>Impulse Belt</waist>
<!--Ranged Attack set-->
            <set name="RA">
				<head>Thaumas Hat</head>
                <neck>Nefarious Collar</neck>
                <lear>Clearview Earring</lear>
				<rear>Volley Earring</rear>				
                <body>Loki's Kaftan</body>
                <hands>Navarch's Gants +2</hands>
                <lring>Solemn Ring</lring>
                <rring>Rajas Ring</rring>
                <back>Rancorous Mantle</back>
                <waist>Commodore Belt</waist>
				<legs>Navarch's Culottes +2</legs>
                <feet>Thaumas Nails</feet>
				<ammo>Orichalcum Bullet</ammo>
<!--Quick Draw MAB set-->
            <set name="QD">
                <head>Thaumas Hat</head>
				<neck>Stoicheion Medal</neck>
                <lear>Hecate's Earring</lear>
                <rear>Novio Earring</rear>
				<body>Mirke Wardecors</body>
                <hands>Schutzen Mittens</hands>
                <lring>Demon's Ring</lring>
                <rring>Balrahn's Ring</rring>
                <back>Forban Cape</back>
                <feet>Navarch's Bottes +2</feet>
                <waist>Aquiline Belt</waist>
                <legs>Desultor Tassets</legs>
				<ammo>Omphalos Bullet</ammo>
<!--Quick Draw Macc set-->
            <set name="QDacc" baseset="QD">
                <head>Navarch's Tricorne +2</head>
				<neck>Houyi's Gorget</neck>
				<lear>Moonshade Earring</lear>
                <rear>Aredan Earring</rear>
				<body>Navarch's Frac +2</body>
				<lring>Omega Ring</lring>
                <back>Navarch's Mantle</back>
                <legs>Navarch's Culottes +2</legs>
				<ammo>Omphalos Bullet</ammo>
<!--Fastcast set-->
            <set name="Fastcast">
				<head>Athos's Chapeau</head>
				<rear>Loquacious Earring</rear>
				<body>Nebula Houppelande +1</body>
				<hands>Thaumas Gloves</hands>
				<rring>Prolix Ring</rring>
<!--Re-Cast set-->			
			<set name="Recast" baseset="Fastcast">
				<waist>Twilight Belt</waist>
				<legs>Ocelot Trousers</legs>
				<feet>Athos's Boots</feet>
<!--Variable TP/Idle Set Rules-->		
        <if spell="Poison V">
            <cancelspell />
			<var cmd="set">VAR-TP TP</var>
			<var cmd="set">VAR-Idle Idle</var>
			<command>input /echo Default TP/Idle set is switched to: Normal</command>
            <command>Dancing Chains</command>
		<if spell="Poison IV">
			<cancelspell />
            <var cmd="set">VAR-TP PDT</var>
			<var cmd="set">VAR-Idle PDT</var>
			<command>input /echo Default TP/Idle set is switched to: PDT</command>
            <command>Dancing Chains</command>
		<if spell="Poison III">
			<cancelspell />
            <var cmd="set">VAR-TP MDT</var>
			<var cmd="set">VAR-Idle MDT</var>
			<command>input /echo Default TP/Idle set is switched to: MDT</command>
            <command>Dancing Chains</command>
<!--Idle Rules-->
		<if status="Engaged|Aftercast" >
			<aftercastdelay delay="1" />
			<equip when="Engaged|Aftercast" set="$VAR-TP" />
		<if status="Idle|Aftercast" >
			<aftercastdelay delay="1" />
			<equip when="Idle|Aftercast" set="$Var-Idle" />
		<if status="Resting">
			<aftercastdelay delay="1" />
			<equip when="Resting" set="HMP"/>
<!-- Spell Rules -->
		<if CommandPrefix="/magic|/ninjutsu|/ma|/nin">
			<precastdelay delay=".2"/>
			<equip set="Fastcast" when="precast" />
			<midcastdelay delay=".5"/>
			<equip set="Recast" when="midcast" />
<!--Ninjutsu Rules-->
			<if Skill="Ninjutsu" >	
				<equip when="precast">
					<neck lock="yes">Magoraga Beads</neck>
				<if Spell ="Utsusemi: Ichi" > 
					<if Buffactive="Copy Image*" when="precast">
						<midcastdelay delay="1.2" />
						<command when="midcast">cancel 66</command>
				<if spell="Monomi*" >
					<if BuffActive="Sneak" >
						<midcastdelay delay="1" />
						<command when="midcast">cancel 71</command>
<!--Healing Magic Rules-->			
			<if Skill="HealingMagic">
<!--Rule: Obi/Zodiac-->
				<if spell="Cure*|Cura*">
					<equip set="Cure" when="midcast" />
					<if Advanced='("%SpellElement" = "%WeatherElement" OR "%SpellElement" = "%DayElement")'>
						<equip when="midcast">
							<waist lock="yes">$%SpellElementObi</waist>
					<if advanced='("%SpellElement"="%DayElement")'>
						<equip when="midcast">
							<rring lock="yes">Zodiac Ring</rring>
<!--Enhancing Magic Rules-->
			<if Skill="EnhancingMagic">				
				<if Spell="War*|Escape|Retrac*|Teleport*|Recall*"> 
					<if SpellTargetType="Self">
						<equip set="Idle" when="midcast" />
				<if Spell="Stoneskin">
					<command when="midcast">cancel 37</command>
					<midcastdelay delay="4" />
					<equip when="midcast">
						<legs lock="yes">Haven Hose</legs>
				<if Spell="Blink" BuffActive="Blink">
					<command when="midcast">cancel 36</command>
					<midcastdelay delay="4" />
				<if Spell="Sneak" BuffActive="Sneak" SpellTargetType="Self">
					<command when="midcast">cancel 71</command>
					<midcastdelay delay=".5" />
<!-- Job Ability Rules -->
		<if CommandPrefix="jobability|/ja">
			<castdelay delay=".2"/>
			<if spell="Convert">
				<equip when="precast" set="convert"/>
				<aftercastdelay delay="6" />
				<command>wait 2;input /raw /ma "Cure IV" Nausi;</command>
			<if Spell="Triple Shot">
				<equip when="precast" >
					<body>Navarch's Frac +2</body>
			<if spell="Random Deal">
				<equip when="precast" >
					<body>Commodore Frac +2</body>
<!--Roll Rules-->
			<if spell="*Roll">
				<equip when="precast">
					<head lock="yes">Commodore Tricorne +2</head>
					<hands lock="yes">Navarch's Gants +2</hands>
			<if spell="Healer*|Wizard*|Warlock*|Choral*|Evoker*|Scholar*|Caster*|Courser*|Puppet*|Beast*|Drachen*|Companion*|Gallant*|Magus|Avenger*">
				<var cmd="set">Luzaf 0</var>
				<equip when="precast">
				<command when="precast">input /echo Luzaf's Ring is off for Mage Rolls</command>
			<if spell="Fighter*|Monk*|Rogue*|Chaos*|Hunter*|Ninja*|Samurai*|Corsair*|Dancer*|Bolter*|Blitzer*|Tactician*|Allies*|Miser*">	
				<var cmd="set">Luzaf 1</var>
				<equip when="precast">
					<lring>Luzaf's Ring</lring>
				<command when="precast">input /echo Luzaf's Ring is on for Melee Rolls</command>
			<if spell="Corsair*|Wizard*|Evoker*|Fighter*|Rogue*|Wizard*|Evoker*">
				<command when="precast">input /echo Lucky 5 - Unlucky 9</command>
			<if spell="Ninja*|Hunter*|Chaos*|Puppet*|Beast*|Warlock*">
				<command when="precast">input /echo Lucky 4 - Unlucky 8</command>
			<if spell="Healer*|Drachen*|Gallant*|Monk*|Dancer*">
				<command when="precast">input /echo Lucky 3 - Unlucky 7</command>
			<if spell="Choral*|Scholar*|Magus*|Samurai">
				<command when="precast">input /echo Lucky 2 - Unlucky 6</command>
			<if spell="Bolter*">
				<command when="precast">input /echo Lucky 3 - Unlucky 9</command>
			<if spell="Caster*">
				<equip when="precast">
					<legs lock="yes">Navarch's Culottes +2</legs>
				<command when="precast">input /echo Lucky 2 - Unlucky 7</command>
			<if spell="Courser*">			
				<equip when="precast">
					<feet lock="yes">Navarch's Bottes +2</feet>
				<command when="precast">input /echo Lucky 3 - Unlucky 9</command>
			<if spell="Blitzer*">
				<equip when="precast">
					<head lock="yes">Navarch's Tricorne +2</head>
				<command when="precast">input /echo Lucky 4 - Unlucky 9</command>
			<if spell="Tactician*">			
				<equip when="precast">
					<body lock="yes">Navarch's Frac +2</body>
				<command when="precast">input /echo Lucky 5 - Unlucky 8</command>
			<if spell="Allies*">
				<equip when="precast">
					<hands lock="yes">Navarch's Gants +2</hands>
				<command when="precast">input /echo Lucky 3 - Unlucky 10</command>				
			<if spell="Miser*">
				<command when="precast">input /echo Lucky 5 - Unlucky 7</command>
			<if spell="Companion*">
				<command when="precast">input /echo Lucky 2 - Unlucky 10</command>
			<if spell="Avenger*">
				<command when="precast">input /echo Lucky 4 - Unlucky 8</command>
<!--Double-up Rules-->
			<if spell="Double-Up">
				<if advanced='("$Luzaf"="1")'>
					<equip when="precast">
						<lring>Luzaf's Ring</lring>
					<command when="precast">input /echo Luzaf's Ring is on for Melee Rolls</command>
				<if advanced='("$Luzaf"="0")'>
					<equip when="precast">
					<command when="precast">input /echo Luzaf's Ring is off for Mage Rolls</command>
<!--Quick Draw Rules-->
			<if spell="Light Shot|Dark Shot">
				<equip when="PreCast" set="QDacc" />
			<if spell="Ice Shot|Wind Shot|Earth Shot|Thunder Shot|Water Shot|Fire Shot">
				<equip when="PreCast" set="QD" />
				<if Advanced='"%MoonPCT"<"50"'>
					<equip when="precast" >
						<neck lock="yes">Artemis' Medal</neck>
				<if Advanced='("%SpellElement" = "%WeatherElement" OR "%SpellElement" = "%DayElement")'>
					<equip when="midcast">
						<waist lock="yes">$%SpellElementObi</waist>
				<if Advanced='("%SpellElement"="%DayElement")'>
					<equip when="midcast">
						<rring lock="yes">Zodiac Ring</rring>
<!-- Overwright Jig as /DNC -->
			<if spell="*Jig" BuffActive="Sneak">
                <castdelay delay=".5" />
				<command>cancel 71</command>
<!-- WS Rules -->
		<if CommandPrefix="/weaponskill|/ws" >
			<castdelay delay=".2"/>
			<aftercastdelay delay=".5" />
            <if spell="Slug Shot">
				<equip when="Precast" set="Slugshot" />
			<if spell="Detonator">
				<equip when="Precast" set="Detonator" />
			<if spell="Leaden Salute">
				<equip when="Precast" set="Leaden" />
				<equip when="precast" >
					<lring lock="yes">Archon Ring</lring>
				<if Advanced='("%SpellElement" = "%WeatherElement" OR "%SpellElement" = "%DayElement")'>
					<equip when="precast">
						<waist lock="yes">Anrin Obi</waist>
				<if Advanced='("%DayElement" = "Dark")'>
					<equip when="precast">
						<rring lock="yes">Zodiac Ring</rring>
				<if Advanced='"%MoonPCT">"75"'>
					<equip when="precast" >
						<neck lock="yes">Artemis' Medal</neck>
			<if spell="Wildfire">
				<equip when="Precast" set="Wild" />
				<if Advanced='("%SpellElement" = "%WeatherElement" OR "%SpellElement" = "%DayElement")'>
					<equip when="precast">
						<waist lock="yes">Karin Obi</waist>
				<if Advanced='("%DayElement" = "Fire")'>
					<equip when="precast">
						<rring lock="yes">Zodiac Ring</rring>
				<if Advanced='"%MoonPCT">"75"'>
					<equip when="precast" >
						<neck lock="yes">Artemis' Medal</neck>
				<equip when="Precast" set="Detonator" />
<!-- Rare/EX Bullet Safety Measure-->
		<if commandprefix="/range|/ra|/weaponskill|/ws">
			<if equipammo="Omphalos Bullet">
				<equip when="precast"><ammo>remove</ammo></equip>
				<cancelspell />
				<command>input /echo ~ ~ ~Omph In Chamber!!! Canceling/Unequiping ~ ~ ~</command>
			<if spell="Ranged">			
				<equip when="precast" set="Snapshot"/>
				<midcastdelay delay="1"/>
				<equip when="midcast" set="RA"/>
<!--Spit out spell info if low MP-->
		<if Skill="*Magic">
			<if MPPLT="25">
				<showspellinfo />
<!--Utility Handling-->
		<if mode="and" skill="*Magic|Ninjutsu" buffactive="Silence">
			<cancelspell />
			<command>input /item "Echo Drops" <me></command>
<!--- Auto Gear Refresher --->
        <command when="Engaged|Idle|Aftercast|Resting">Dancing Chains</command>			
		<if spell="Dancing Chains">
            <cancelspell />
			<if status="Idle">
				<equip set="$VAR-Idle" />
<!--Sleep Timers! Repose: 90seconds, Sleep I: 60seconds-->
		<if Spell="Repose|Sleep II| Sleepga II">
			<command when="aftercast">spellcast var inc sleepid;wait 75;input /echo [$sleepid:%spell] <%target> Wearing off in 15s</command>>
			<command when="aftercast">wait 85;input /echo [$sleepid:%spell] <%target> Wearing off in 5s;spellcast var dec sleepid;</command>
		<elseif Spell="Sleep|Sleepga|Light Shot">
			<command when="aftercast">spellcast var inc sleepid;wait 45;input /echo [$sleepid:%spell] <%target> Wearing off in 15s</command>
			<command when="aftercast">wait 55;input /echo [$sleepid:%spell] <%target> Wearing off in 5s;spellcast var dec sleepid;</command>
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Nausi
Posts: 6709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2012-06-19 14:15:33
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Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: dova
Posts: 567
By Quetzalcoatl.Dova 2012-06-19 14:43:54
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This is how I do it.
<if type="corsairroll">
	  <if spell="Choral*|Samurai*|Scholar*|Magus*|Healer*|Monk*|Drachen*|Gallant*|Dancer*|Ninja*|Hunter*|Chaos*|Puppet*|Beast*|Warlock*|Corsair's Roll|Wizard*|Evoker*|Fighter*|Rogue*">
		  <if spell="Choral*|Samurai*|Scholar*|Magus*">
			<addtochat color="121">------------------- %spell:  Lucky 2 - Unlucky 6</addtochat>
		  <elseif spell="Healer*|Monk*|Drachen*|Gallant*|Dancer*">
			<addtochat color="121">------------------- %spell:  Lucky 3 - Unlucky 7</addtochat>
		  <elseif spell="Ninja*|Hunter*|Chaos*|Puppet*|Beast*|Warlock*|Avenge*">
			<addtochat color="121">------------------- %spell:  Lucky 4 - Unlucky 8</addtochat>
		  <elseif spell="Corsair's Roll|Wizard*|Evoker*|Fighter*|Rogue*">
			<addtochat color="121">------------------- %spell:  Lucky 5 - Unlucky 9</addtochat>
		  <equip when="precast" set="jobrolls" />
      <if spell="Bolte*|Cours*">
        <addtochat color="121">------------------- %spell:  Lucky 3 - Unlucky 9</addtochat>
		<equip when="precast">
		  <feet>Nvrch. Bottes +2</feet>
		  <hands>Nvrch. Gants +2</hands>
      <elseif spell="Caster*">
        <addtochat color="121">------------------- %spell:  Lucky 2 - Unlucky 7</addtochat>
		<equip when="precast">
		  <legs>Nvrch. Culottes +1</legs>
		  <hands>Nvrch. Gants +2</hands>
      <elseif spell="Blitze*">
        <addtochat color="121">------------------- %spell:  Lucky 4 - Unlucky 9</addtochat>
		<equip when="precast">
		  <head>Nvrch. Tricorne +1</head>
		  <hands>Nvrch. Gants +2</hands>
      <elseif spell="Tactici*">
        <addtochat color="121">------------------- %spell:  Lucky 5 - Unlucky 8</addtochat>
		<equip when="precast">
		  <body>Nvrch. Frac +2</body>
		  <hands>Nvrch. Gants +2</hands>
      <elseif spell="Allie*">
        <addtochat color="121">------------------- %spell:  Lucky 3 - Unlucky 10</addtochat>
		<equip when="precast">
		  <hands>Nvrch. Gants +2</hands>
      <elseif spell="Miser*">
        <addtochat color="121">------------------- %spell:  Lucky 5 - Unlucky 7</addtochat>
		<equip when="precast">
		  <hands>Nvrch. Gants +2</hands>
      <elseif spell="Compan*">
      <addtochat color="121">------------------- %spell:  Lucky 2 - Unlucky 10</addtochat>
	  <equip when="precast">
		  <hands>Nvrch. Gants +2</hands>

And that job rolls set just uses AF2 head and either luzafs or nothing depending on what kind of party im in throughhhhhh
<if advanced='($luzaf = "1")'>
	  <action type="Var" cmd="set rollRing Luzaf's Ring"/>
	  <action type="Var" cmd="set rollRing Dark Ring"/>

And i have a macro that just changes luzaf to 1 or 0. My cor is trash but I tried to make playing it as least painful as possible
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [51 days between previous and next post]
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 263
By Leviathan.Blackwhirlwind 2012-08-09 19:34:55
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<if spell="ranged">            
<action type=midcastdelay delay="1" />            
<action type=equip when=precast set="Snapshot" />            
<action type=equip when=midcast set="Ranged TP" />
<action type=equip when=aftercast set="Idle" />        

Yeah testing out sc and noticed that this doesnt work with /range <t> anyone know a better way for this?
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Binckly
Posts: 529
By Sylph.Binckry 2012-08-09 19:38:00
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I'm not really sure? If this is what you're asking, but here's what I use for my COR, it's somewhat outdated but it seems to work as far as I know.
		<if CommandPrefix="/ranged*|/ra*"> 
			<aftercastdelay delay="5.0" />
			<equip when="precast" set="Racc" />
<equip when="aftercast|idle" set="idle" />
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 263
By Leviathan.Blackwhirlwind 2012-08-09 20:36:53
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thx ill try this out.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [187 days between previous and next post]
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: frenchman
Posts: 48
By Sylph.Frenchman 2013-02-12 17:04:11
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Sorry for necrobumping all this stuff, couldn't find the answer, and seems my issue is the same as above:

tried all your /xml but when i fire my ranged attack, i stay in idle gear, weither i'm /engaged or not. Seems the precast/midcast thing doesn't work with "/range <t>" maccro for me ; ;

Or maybe i can't see the gear swap, but i tried to interrupt it by going in equipment menu and every time i tried, it was the idle set
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [112 days between previous and next post]
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 263
By Leviathan.Blackwhirlwind 2013-06-05 00:21:50
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Yeah I still haven't solved this mystery for /range, and why it wont swap gear between precast, midcast, and aftercast.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2013-06-05 00:30:50
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Post all your rules, there could be an error elsewhere that's throwing out problems.

I'd recommend turning Debugs on, GearSwaps on, unload BMN and have Silence set to 1 line (at least).
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