Final Fantasy XIV Database -

Eorzea Time
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I need an adult! [Cactuar]
Members: 116 | Lodestone
Last Updated: 8 years
Home of dirty sex talk and inappropriate jokes. And cats. Lots of cats.
Rank Name
4 Treblah Yrahcaz
4 Kristina Viveris
4 Raseri Aryohcha
13 Mayari Sina
13 Salem Fox
2 Sudo Vim
4 Nilya Al'celares
4 Lady Saoirse
13 Eilon Grahl
5 Shion Nanjou
4 Rauffe Bell
4 Ohka Maru
4 Oberon Faeson
4 Nepharious Dragneel
13 Maya Oreyth
13 Tater Tott
2 Squid Billy
0 Purple Popple
4 Felbi Bulbi
1 Alexia Reybrant
4 Fenix Torador
4 Ironmeow Longtails
4 Seraph Luminare
4 Wynlorn Wonderkin
4 Aiolos Severwind
4 Boudicca Iceni
4 Derezz T'ron
4 Elijah Dievanyil
4 Karai Hsu
4 Lenneth Von'soak
4 Rofocale Heller
4 Sakura Blossoms
4 Shadowy Tree
4 Winia Chester
13 Latavia Kolda
4 Aelrohn Tourcenet
13 Cedrick Jaspar
13 Cheese Sandwich
13 Darkest Fire
13 Ennui Brightblade
13 Jegz Mistwolf
13 Joth'var Goth'ryth
13 Kenwa Mabuni
13 Lancerlot Drake
13 Mira Mifa
4 Nexxus Chacon
4 Nudada Aka'li
13 Pants Hunter
13 Rukkia Kuchiki
4 Sasori Tia
4 Wegeras Truestalker
13 Xv Mask
2 Ebos Retawefil
2 Elycia Song
2 Hehesa Yayasa
2 Kukuki Kuki
2 Zeraveth Amnell
13 Bhee Lee
13 Blecent Fairborn
2 Freya Von'soak
2 John Constantine
2 Lex Falcon
2 Marsay Kogausami
2 Melania Star
2 Mylife Kiss
2 Neifirst Prototype
2 Nolan Fairwood
2 Sinead O'connor
2 Skidz Rayder
2 Takashi Scarlett
3 Trudy The'grouch
2 Yuukii Asuna
2 Zypher Arcarius
3 Arianna Penumbra
3 Diana Prince
3 Gruff Mcgruff
3 Havea Deathcookie
3 Karina Valesse
3 Pyra Myst
3 Spooky Boogy
3 Spookyboogys Boytoy
13 Ishmuria Lazard
13 Pablo Rockamora
13 Sati Rockamora
2 Ezera Scarlet'gray
2 Bubbles Mcginty
13 Florune Stargaizer
2 Padreus Rockwall
3 Kagetsu Dragoneel
4 Kvothe Arcane
2 Matt Adon
4 Vanilla Marshmellow
3 Aurora Lilyalis
13 Iohannes Hull
2 Senzei Ramza
4 Nova Frost
13 Aloeverra Sureshot
4 Aloeverra Kedesta
2 Jme Sage
2 Kosaki Oiram
2 Bunny Floof
3 Kara Luxer
2 Derpy Derps
2 Ponono Pono
2 Shiroe Kazigoma
2 Beki Bolir
2 Embyr Reign
2 Thorok Warblood
2 Jorian Asteria
2 Pickle Barrel
2 Xiolee Shinjia
3 Garfield's Lasagna
2 Mask Xv
2 Prof Snape
2 Xalaulu Tutuulu
2 Amasar Borlaaq